Does anyone else have as much trouble with SODA?!

My husband and I have made resolutions like crazy to not drink any more sodas (or "cokes" since we live in the south :P), and they will work fine for a while...then we always come back to them. I think we went for six months one time drinking water, milk and sugar free Koolaid, and then we got back in the habit. Then we said ok, we can drink them every once in a while but just dont buy them for the house. They found their way back into the fridge! The sneaky little buggers.

I dont have a problem drinking water and milk when thats all thats in the house. But if there is something else there, I will always go for it. Ugh.


  • chelzbellz347
    chelzbellz347 Posts: 4 Member
    When I'm craving soda, I drink seltzer! It's bubbly with a lot of taste, so it satisfies my craving, plus its zero calories.
  • colinmcp
    colinmcp Posts: 88 Member
    Unfortunately my crutch is diet pop (as we say in the north lol)...its unfortunately cheap and stacked high at the store...I know its incredibly bad for the other commentor soda might be a good alternative...if only they stacked that and had it on sale...but I guess it isn't addictive enough for the Coke and Pepsi companies to make as a loss leader once a awhile. Good question and I'll do better.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    if you're in the south, I know you've likely got a fondness for dr pepper. so go with diet dr pepper in the interim, while you try to cut back.
  • hisgirl86
    hisgirl86 Posts: 142 Member
    lol I do have a fondness for Dr. Pepper.... Ill have to try the seltzer/club soda as I have never tried it before. I always heard that it tasted salty....def gonna give it a try though

    thanks guys :)
  • I don't even buy it. Then it's not in my house and making me crave. Then... I actually have to get into my car and go to the store to get it and my laziness ALWAYS wins that battle. Always.
  • sparkly86
    sparkly86 Posts: 520 Member
    I'm still working on it, but iced tea has helped
  • Absolutly drink low sodium club soda (does not taste salty at all, just make sure you don't get tonic water by mistake - yuck) with lemon or lime juice or 1 teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar from the health food store (not the stuff from the grocery store as it is not the same product and really gross). I used to drink half a case of soda pop a day, but I realized I just liked having something that was not just plain water. O calories! Wal-Mart has the best price that I have found.
  • I love Cokes sooooo much but I found away to fix it :D Im always in such a habit to go to sonic drive in for a cherry coke... Now I go and order a Rt 44 Lemon water... It's not breaking the habit of going and ordering :D just a different drink much healthier too! kinda like when people quit smoking they tell em to hold a pencil? same thing! good luck!
  • mdwr
    mdwr Posts: 2
    Pepsi Co., facing a lawsuit from a man who claims to have found a mouse in his Mountain Dew can, has an especially creative, if disgusting, defense: their soda would have dissolved a dead mouse before the man could have found it. An Illinois man sued Pepsi in 2009 after he claims he "spat out the soda to reveal a dead mouse," the Madison County Record reports. He claims he sent the mouse to Pepsi, which then "destroyed" the remains after he allowed them to test it, according to his complaint. Most shudder-worthy, however, is that Pepsi's lawyers also found experts to testify, based on the state of the remains sent to them that, "the mouse would have dissolved in the soda had it been in the can from the time of its bottling until the day the plaintiff drank it," according to the Record. (It would have become a "jelly-like substance," according to Pepsi, adds LegalNewsline.) This seems like a winning-the-battle-while-surrendering-the-war kind of strategy that hinges on winning the argument that "our product is essentially a can of battery acid." The lawyers still appear to be lawyering behind the scenes but we cannot wait for this to come to trial (though we think a trial is about as likely as the chances of us "Doing the Dew" again).
  • 1- I don't keep them in the house anymore. I buy seltzer and juice/tea and I drink those- often times mixed together.
    2- I do NOT drink DIET soda. I am a diabetic and I will NOT drink diet soda. Regular soda, in moderation. Seriously. I refuse to use artificial sweeteners because I was given so many MAJOR health issues as a direct result of using that junk. I lose 155lbs when I stopped drinking diet and started using real sugar.
    3- Good luck!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Syfo lemon-lime is good.
  • nmullan2
    nmullan2 Posts: 3 Member
    Me and coke are in a long term relationship. I'm trying to break up with it. To me, there is nothing better than a sweet coke with a salty lunch (also not helping with weight loss ;-) ). I find that if I really crave something other than water, unsweetened iced tea is a good way to go. It give just a hint of flavor without all the calories and/or chemicals.
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    LOL, I'm serious tho...

    Only on the weekend, I buy the cheapy, non-favs, diet "Cokes" (from the South, too) and insist on 4 bottles of water for every one Coke. Works

    I read somewhere on here about someone who simply dropped the cokes and in 6 months, with little to no exercise, dropped 20+ pounds! amazing

    you can do this...plan thoroughly!
  • neddoh
    neddoh Posts: 116 Member
    Sparkling water! That's what helped me stop drinking soda :)
    I also just got an iSi carbonating system for Christmas. It'll let me carbonate my tea for a healthy and tasty treat!
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Pepsi Co., facing a lawsuit from a man who claims to have found a mouse in his Mountain Dew can, has an especially creative, if disgusting, defense: their soda would have dissolved a dead mouse before the man could have found it. An Illinois man sued Pepsi in 2009 after he claims he "spat out the soda to reveal a dead mouse," the Madison County Record reports. He claims he sent the mouse to Pepsi, which then "destroyed" the remains after he allowed them to test it, according to his complaint. Most shudder-worthy, however, is that Pepsi's lawyers also found experts to testify, based on the state of the remains sent to them that, "the mouse would have dissolved in the soda had it been in the can from the time of its bottling until the day the plaintiff drank it," according to the Record. (It would have become a "jelly-like substance," according to Pepsi, adds LegalNewsline.) This seems like a winning-the-battle-while-surrendering-the-war kind of strategy that hinges on winning the argument that "our product is essentially a can of battery acid." The lawyers still appear to be lawyering behind the scenes but we cannot wait for this to come to trial (though we think a trial is about as likely as the chances of us "Doing the Dew" again).

    Ah yes! Lol so my husband works for Coke, me for Pepsi, we about died when we heard this. To this uneducated man he really should have looked into the possibility of it even happening. Grr. . It's not the first thing to be said. There was a claim of rat feces in soda also. Although more possible, still not likely as the soda would destroy the evidence, so to speak . . . Yuck! Literally within days. So unless he is an employee at a botteling plant is just not phesable. . .

    Back to here... Is it the soda you crave or the bubbles? Its hard here with both of us working for the companies. That was one of our new years resolutions too. Try the flavored, carbonated water? It might help. . . You know what sounds good? Sunkist and vanilla ice cream . . . Oh yum. Focus focus, carrots and celery!
  • .
  • I like your suggestion. I think I'm going to try that.
  • EnergeticErma46
    EnergeticErma46 Posts: 17 Member
    I used to but I don't anymore. It was hard but I had to get off of them. Once I got off of them I dropped a lot of pounds. Now I drink water, tea (sweet & unsweet), and Sugar Free Singles to go! So get those buggars out your house!!!!
  • ChickenTuna
    ChickenTuna Posts: 24 Member
    For many years I was a Coke addict. I had one in the morning, drank them throughout the day, and had one on the night stand at night. When I finally decided to give them up, I went cold turkey and could not deal with the withdrawls (headaches, grouchiness). Then someone suggested to drink a cup at a time and dillute it with water. That worked to get me off of them. Now I rarely touch one. Sometime I get the desire for that carbonated feel and I found drinking a product "Sparkling Ice" that satisfies that craving. You can do!!!
  • derposaurus
    derposaurus Posts: 53 Member
    Unfortunately my crutch is diet pop (as we say in the north lol)...its unfortunately cheap and stacked high at the store...I know its incredibly bad for the other commentor soda might be a good alternative...if only they stacked that and had it on sale...but I guess it isn't addictive enough for the Coke and Pepsi companies to make as a loss leader once a awhile. Good question and I'll do better.

    i'm obsessed with diet pop! always have been. even when im gaining weight and NOT caring about calories, i love diet pop because i love the taste of it more than regular pop which has high fructose corn syrup. too sweet and sugary.

    i've been cutting down on it alot the past year because its so bad for your teeth and not helpful for weight loss. the past few weeks though omg been drinking SO MUCH DIET COKE. i need to cut down again and drink more green tea. ugh but pop is so good ;_;