Busy young mothers

I am a 21 year old mother and i am TIRED OF BEING FAT :explode: . I have 60lbs to loose and i never thought that i would let myself get this far. I was the athlete that wanted to work out until i couldn't walk! And then i had my daughter and ohhhh how your body changes after birth! I all of the sudden became lazy (no energy) and no desire to eat right because i feel "trapped" in this "mommy" body. But, i am tired of looking like a mommy i want to be a HOT mamma!
I am in nursing school, work part time, and i have a family. I am trying to balance the time between all of those priorities and also make working out and eating right a major priorities.
I am so glad that i have found MFP i keep my phone in my hand making sure that i am tracking my food and exercise right and keeping track of my progress. I know that there are others out there that are in my situation and i would love to hear your stories. Also any healthy recipes or snack food ideas that you have is greatly appreciated.
Thank you all!


  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Well, I am a busy old mother of 4, but feel free to add me if you would like support. ( I USED to be young) :)
  • Hi!
    I totally relate to you. If only I could go back to being 16 when I thought I was fat...lol. I gained a ton of weight with both my pregnancies and it has been tough getting it off. Some days I wake up super motivated doing everything right, then others I wake up feeling fat and gross, which makes it hard to want to do anything (it's not like you workout for a week and see immediate results!)
    My sister is getting married in July and for some reason I agreed to be a bridesmaid. I don't want to be the fat brides maid. It makes me want to cry just thinking about it. The other BM's are all super lean (which i know I never will be) and I would just love to lose SOME weight. Get HEALTHY, and be HAPPY!
    Please feel free to add me --- We could all use all the support we can get on this difficult life changing journey!
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    I hear ya girl! I dont think you need to lose that much weight from your pic though. I'm trying to lose about 10-15 lbs and just joined this site, seems helpful. Some snack ideas: String cheese, pickles, grapes, apples, pretzels, hard boiled egg, Blue Bunny choc fudge frozen bars, only 35 cal! Hope this helps a little.
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi, I am a 19 year old mother and I am in school full time, majoring in pharmacy. I have lost about 15 pounds so far, but still have about 80-90 I want to lose. I can relate to a lot of things you said. I gained 80 pounds while I was pregnant, and the pounds decided to stick around. I love this site, because it makes it so easy to stay on track.
    You can add me if you like! Btw, there are a lot of great recipies on skinnytaste.com that taste great and low in calories. =)
  • aya619
    aya619 Posts: 27 Member
    I don't consider myself a young mom, I'm 29, but I was at my heaviest when I got pregnant, after I had a baby almost 3 years ago I had enough. Since about 2 years slowly, I've lost almost 70lbs total. but more importantly--I've never been this healthy, or strong in my entire life.PLus I have learned a lot about nutrition. And I'm not done.
    There's no reason YOU can't do it. Take one day at a time and you can get to -60lbs. You got THIS! :)

    Hmm snacks-- I eat greek yogurt,apples, light popcorn, granola.
  • Count me in! I'm 27 with 2 young kids, stay at home mom. I am sooo tired of being fat and I think this place will really get me going! Add me if you like :D

    I want to lose at least 80 pounds. It is sad when some of the ladies on Biggest Loser weigh LESS than what I do (260) :(
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    i am a mommy of 2 (a 2 year old and a 8 month old) i am 23 and totally understand the "stuck in the mommy body" bit!! i have about 70 lbs i would like to lose!! add me too if youd like. having the support and "push" would be great!!
    i stay at home but we are starting a business so i do help with that. im trying to get in the swing of staying at home and cooking since i used to work evenings and nights before i stopped working!
  • I guess i could have left the "young" part out lol because no matter the age if you are a mother you are busy! Thank you for all of the responses. I'm not sure how to add people so everyone feel free to add me!
    I am trying to go organic and healthy. I actually bought some almond milk today (60 calories) to go in my Special K red berries cereal. I also bought a spaghetti squash, bananas, celery, and cucumbers. I would love to start eating fresh fish from the fresh market but good lord that stuff is so high! I did make another healthy choice the other day and bought a multivitamin and Stevia!
    Who else has been shopping today?
  • Im a 20 yrd mother and I gained about 40 lbs during my pregnancy. I would like to losse about 80-90 lbs. I just joined this site and would like as much support as possible. After Having my daughter all i crave is food even when im not hungrey. Iv turned to food for everything after having her and cant wait to start to change! I know I need to get healthy not only for me but for her also. and im sure you all feel the same as well. Id love the support and to give it to anyone willing. This is all so new to me. -Kayla.
  • Count me in! I'm 27 with 2 young kids, stay at home mom. I am sooo tired of being fat and I think this place will really get me going! Add me if you like :D

    I want to lose at least 80 pounds. It is sad when some of the ladies on Biggest Loser weigh LESS than what I do (260) :(

    I always have thats same feeling about the Biggest Loser Im (220) but im only 5'1 so i should be 130 to at a normal healthy weight. :(
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    Hi! You basically described me! Lol! I'm a 21 y/o mother to one (11 months), and step mother to one as well (12 years - yeah, my DH is older than me. lol) I'm in school (online, but VERY tough) full time - I finished my Associates in July but for some odd reason said, "Hey, why don't I go back and get my Bachelors?" I'm a SAHM with a small sewing-based business. And I also decided now was a good time to get healthier! I have a ton on my plate right now, but this isn't as hard as I thought it would be - I'm already addicted to the community here, so sticking to my food diary is fun instead of a hassle! I'm also trying to go organic and healthy. I LOVE almond milk, though I didn't care for it in my cereal - the consistency reminded me of when I was a kid and had to eat my cereal with water because we couldn't afford milk! Yuck! A couple days ago, I made an AWESOME spaghetti squash dinner! Even my DH loved it! Here is the recipe: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2010/07/spaghetti-squash-pesto-with-tomatoes.html I didn't have fresh tomatoes, and I am trying to stay away from canned because of the BPA so I just didn't add them. Oh, and fresh fruits/veges are good, but they can be $$ - I find frozen to be easier than I thought to prepare/eat! ("too much prep" used to be why I never bought frozen veges in the past)
  • cassiejo84
    cassiejo84 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm youngish..I will be 28 on January 6th and I have 4 kids including 9 month old twins...busy doesn't even begin to describe me. LOL.
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    I am 5'1" too, Kayla! I had gained 31 pounds with my daughter, but it was mostly waters and baby (10lbs 11oz!!) so I dropped it plus 7 additional pounds about 2 weeks after birth...however, I gained about 7 pounds in December...so I started at 224 (right after I ate dinner, at night) on the 1st, and I'm already down to 215 (weighed right after I empty my bladder in the morning, before I eat! MUUUUCH better time to weigh! lol) I'd love to add you as a friend so we can lose together!
  • I'm 30 now but I am still young :wink: Go ahead and add me! I need more MFP friends.
  • Erika_Ecka
    Erika_Ecka Posts: 50 Member
    I feel all you ladies here.
    Being a busy mom is tough. Im 27, a single mother to a 5 year old and I work full time and go to school. I am at my heaviest and i am not feeling good about how i let myself go. Ive been trying to lose weight for over 10 years now! ahh! At one point, i only had to lose 30 lbs to reach my goal weight of 130lb and now i want to lose at least 70, but ultimately 100lbs. Yikes, Ive made big work for myself. I have weeks where i stick to eating healthy and work out then i stop. i start back up, then stop. I need consistency and more motivation! i'm hoping this site will help me with that. Feel free to any to add me and lets kick this unwanted weight to the curb. :)

  • I'm not young. I'm a 38 year old mother of an almost 5 month old baby boy. I'm not working because he has Down Syndrome and requires lots of therapy and appointments. To top it off, we just did a long distance move and I have boxes everywhere! I'm busy so I know how you feel :(. We went to spend Christmas at my husband's family and I got to hear all weekend how fat I am. So no matter how busy I am, I'm determined to stick to counting calories.

    I am a big fan of Edamame. I just bought my Special K tonight to start tomorrow. I've lost weight on that before. I ate it for breakfast and lunch. I can't wait to lose this weight. And believe me, it is best you lose it all before you turn 35. I'm finding it gets harder and harder every year.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hi! You basically described me! Lol! I'm a 21 y/o mother to one (11 months), and step mother to one as well (12 years - yeah, my DH is older than me. lol) I'm in school (online, but VERY tough) full time - I finished my Associates in July but for some odd reason said, "Hey, why don't I go back and get my Bachelors?" I'm a SAHM with a small sewing-based business. And I also decided now was a good time to get healthier! I have a ton on my plate right now, but this isn't as hard as I thought it would be - I'm already addicted to the community here, so sticking to my food diary is fun instead of a hassle! I'm also trying to go organic and healthy. I LOVE almond milk, though I didn't care for it in my cereal - the consistency reminded me of when I was a kid and had to eat my cereal with water because we couldn't afford milk! Yuck! A couple days ago, I made an AWESOME spaghetti squash dinner! Even my DH loved it! Here is the recipe: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2010/07/spaghetti-squash-pesto-with-tomatoes.html I didn't have fresh tomatoes, and I am trying to stay away from canned because of the BPA so I just didn't add them. Oh, and fresh fruits/veges are good, but they can be $$ - I find frozen to be easier than I thought to prepare/eat! ("too much prep" used to be why I never bought frozen veges in the past)

    Wow we do have alot in common.i Have a 13 month old. I feel you on the online classes i have done a few of those myself. I had my first glass of the almond milk this evening and it was the vanilla....wasn't that crazy about it so we will see how it is in my cereal in the morning lol. I am still going to drink it though because it is alot better than regular milk.Thank you for the recipe. I didnt realize the BPA thing in canned goods. We grow our own garden and can alot of things like green beans and things. I need some things that i can cook the night before and it still taste as good the next day lol while it sits in my lunch box.
  • AmyG17
    AmyG17 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey ladies!! I am not so young either. I am a 31 yr old mother of two. I was active all my life and then I had my daughter and gained 45 lbs( I craved pepperoni pizza) my dr even told me to slow down. After I had her I lost most of the weight. Then I stopped nursing....Oh wow!! Here came back 20 lbs that I could never lose because it was so hard to find the time with the baby. Three years later I had my son and I knew the same thing would happen again if I didn't make a change. So I made time for myself. I told my Husband that he IS going to watch the babies so I could walk.\run. Its been five yrs now since I had my son and I am smaller now then before I had my kiddos. My walk\run tuned from trying to make it a block running to one mile and from one mile to two. Then I decided to run a half marathon. I was doing all this running I might as well train for something? That was three yrs ago that I ran my first half and I've ran one ever since. With 10ks thrown in there too.

    Really make yourself a priority. It's so hard because we're mommy's and we put ourselves last . I had a lot of guilt at first but then I realized how much happier I was to have that little time to myself and to feel good about myself again. My Husband saw it too and was so supportive and still is.

    WOW!! I really just got on a soap box here ;)

    Good luck to all you BEAUTIFUL Mommy's!!

    Feel free to add me if you want!! I would love to go on this ride with you and we can cheer each other on :)