any teachers????



  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Excited to see some music teachers on here! I teach band and choir to 6th thru 12th graders. I fell off the wagon when school ended last spring. 10 pounds later, I'm back to lose that plus the 8 more. I was told in Oct. that I was going to be non-renewed for next year, and "it isn't anything you did." Evals have all been good, students love to hate me (depending on the day), and quite a few parents were in support of my staying, but the BOE decided to non-renew anyway. So THAT did not help my attempt to get back on the wagon any! Now that THAT has calmed down some, I am starting to focus on myself again.
  • Vcknnwtt
    We are similar. I teach 7th grade Language Arts and have a 2.5 and an 8 (almost 9) month old at home. My husband is also a teacher so what we do is we are just eating "Super Foods." All natural, or frozen veggies or fruits. no processed stuff (a little is okay). So we make breakfast shakes in the morning yogurt and frozen or fresh fruit. Do this the night before when kiddos are in bed. And then we also make lunch veggies, salad, all remeasured and ready to go. We have been doing this for only 3 days now, so . . . we shall see.
  • dlei456
    dlei456 Posts: 201 Member
    Dang, girl! You are busy! I was a teacher and plan to go back in the fall, but I am taking some time off because we moved and I needed some time to get settled here. I also have two kiddos (4 and 2). I do really like not having to work this year, though!

    It is the hardest thing to work, take care of kids, grade papers, plan lessons, contact parents, write letters, have some personal time, and oh yeah, exercise. Argh! I think the only thing that would get me through is planning my meals and snacks like crazy, that and eating that super dark chocolate that doesn't have so many calories.

    Good Luck!!!!
  • emonteith
    English/Speech teacher here! I get what you mean. That age is tough, let alone teaching. I don't have two kids, but I have two dogs. My hubby works nights meaning, I'm on right when I get home as well. I found that wearing a pedometer really helps me. I consciously take the stairs a few extra times to get my goal steps in. Due to being on the move all of the time, I didn't snack as much. At school, I make a lap up and down each set of stairs everyday during my prep time. Not only did this help me from the break room, but I also picked up tons of teaching ideas and was able to incorporate other subjects into my classroom. It may not seem like much, but its a step (ha ha ha) in the right direction :)
  • kelliemackey
    Hi, I am a literacy teacher and also a mother of 3 children, aged 12, 8 and 4. I work until 12:30 this year coming but haven't started yet, still have a couple of weeks to go. I still have to attend meetings twice a week. The kids are screwing up their noses at the healthier choices I have been serving them lately. I am hoping they will get used to it. I find motivation tough but try to go for a daily walk, although it is hard sometimes as I need to have someone with the kids so I can do this. My husband is also overweight. I was eating lots of pies and giant cookies last term, stress equated with eating and also when I had down time and read a book, I eat chocolate or chips, pork crackle and the likes. You are not alone.
  • pricer15
    pricer15 Posts: 34 Member
    I teach my kids at home, 7th grader and 9th grader. The 9th grader is also on a local Basketball team and a competitive softball team right now. You'd think it would be easier to control my food since I am am home most of the day. I just started logging my food this week and it has taken everything I have to stay organized. I plan my next day's food using the MFP food log the night before to try to keep on top of things. This has been very helpful. When I feel myself getting hungry, I look at my printed copy of that day's planned food and I know just what to eat. When I'm going to be away from the house during a meal and/or snack time, I have been packing the snacks to take with me so I am not tempted to stop at a store for chocolate. At the end of the day I modify my day's plan to reflect what I really ate. For example, today I had pretzels on the list but my son ate them before I had lunch. So, I changed my plan to another option that was around the same values. When planning, if I really want something, like chocolate, I put that on my food diary first. Then I build my other meals and snacks around those calories. It is still a challenge every day but it is paying off and the scale is showing positive results already!
  • candeebandland
    Special needs public preschool teacher here
  • kjayne20022002
    Hi everyone. It's nice to see other teachers here. I'm new to the site and would love the support also. I just finished adding my third day of food. What an eye opener this has been. I can understand the stress of little ones after a day of teaching. My girls are 9 and soon to be 11, but I remember the days of managing 7 year old conflicts all day to come home to 3 and 5 year old ones. Your stress eating resonates with me. One chocolate fix I enjoy are Emerald brand dark Cocoa dusted Almonds. I like the rich deep flavor as well as the chocolate taste. I've found they are a way to satisfy my chocolate fix and my eating plan. Hang in there!
  • ruthiepiercey
    I'm not a teacher so I can't relate to the work issues. What I can relate with is wanting to sit down and snack and eat the entire kitchen (cupboards and What I have been doing lately (that has seemed to be working quite well) is make myself a mug of tea when I get a craving for something sweet. It is relaxing and by the time I am done I usually feel more calm and my craving has hit the curb. You can get teas everywhere but my favorite is David's Tea. The store is filled with so many different flavors (including chocolate flavors) and is well worth the price you pay. My fav right now is toasted walnut. I don't have any sugar with mine (mainly because if I have sugar I guarenteed want something else sweet) so I brew it strong. But like I say, very relaxing, helps with water intake, and very beneficial this time of year to warm the bones :smile: Hopefully this helps...:drinker:
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
  • Mkin
    Mkin Posts: 43
    Not a teacher but studying to be one! I can understand though how hard it will be with the added stress of the changes!!
    Feel free to add me even though I am not quite a teacher hehe
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    Oh and before anyone asks, not PE. I have a Ph.D. In finance and lecture in the economics department.:wink:
  • mdearing11
    I'm a college professor - you can add me.
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Have to admit, not one of my best days.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Quick vent:

    I am a music teacher and my school is hosting our league music festival in 3 weeks. There are 10 schools in our league. I received the entries from all the schools last Monday and began working on the schedule. I got the schedule finished and emailed it to the directors on Friday. I received an email from one school (only a 30 minute drive from our school) that was worried about how spread out their large group performances were. (They are the 2nd closest school, so I scheduled them 2nd from the beginning and 2nd from the end so that other schools who are an hour or more away could get home at a decent time.) After I reread that email, I realized he had suggested that I switch his choir and his ensembles so that the ensembles went last and he could send the rest of the choir students home earlier. Ok. Fair enough. I made the change. I printed out all the schedules and mailed them on Monday. Today I get an email from his PRINCIPAL complaining because that is just too long for kids to be sitting around who are in band and choir but in any solos or ensembles. He went on to state that I was giving the large groups too much time with the judges, and league rules state that they can only have 8 minutes and I was giving them 15 (for the choirs). He gave me a nice tongue lashing via email. THEN he called MY principal and griped at her! She told me I didn't have to change anything if I didn't want to. Apparently she told him to get over it. I'm glad she had my back, but I went ahead and made a couple small changes that will HOPEFULLY appease the whiners. Now I have to go and re-print all of the schedules I had already printed, fix the times on about a dozen judges' sheets, and resend the new schedule out to all the schools. GGGGRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, so that wasn't so short. I apologize, but I feel better now!
    Thanks for listening!