
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    I LOVE BEER. I am training for a full right now and have cut out ALL beer. The Sam Adams will taste sooo good the night of my race.
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I love this! There are so many here who preach that alcohol is "Wasted" calories. Sometimes I feel they are trying to make me feel guilty. But guilty or not, I'm not giving up my beer! LOL.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Science has proven over and over again that drinking 1-2 beers per night is good for you and is associated with longer life! So there's no reason to cut out your nightly alcohol unless you are having trouble staying within your calorie goals. But it is sort of high calorie.

    When I'm trying to lose weight and count calories, I'll use beer as motivation. I know that if I over eat early on, then I won't have the spare 300 calories left for two good beers at night.
  • I am a beer lover!! I enjoy a brew once a week. We usually go to the local brewery and have lunch. We go out for lunch because we can sit at the bar, enjoy an IPA (son is a school). This also covers my fish, they have the best blacken salmon salad!! I look forward to this treat once a week!!
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    I usually have a beer every night sometimes 2. My husband has a couple every night and he drinks Budweiser so that's always in the house. I track it as my dessert and save the calories for a least one. I have long stressful days working from home and taking care of 2 toddlers while doing so. It's a well deserved beer!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Science has proven over and over again that drinking 1-2 beers per night is good for you and is associated with longer life!

    Wahoo! Im gonna live forever!!!LOL
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    I absolutely love Beer. I love woman who love beer even more LOL. I am addicted to Craft Beers. There are def more calories in them but they just taste soooo damn good. I like either Sam Adams, or Dundee. They have many varieties to keep my taste buds excited.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Budweiser......and I think I drink more calories that I eat sometimes!!! LOL

    I am soo horrible at doing this too!!! Damn Beer!. I remember a time i HATED it, not I just love it so much! haha
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    LOVE Beer, and anything is okay in moderation, the fancier beers generally have more healthier things in them, especially non-filtered beers
  • fliss86
    fliss86 Posts: 13 Member
    I couldn't understand why I was losing any weight previous attempts at losing weight (before Christmas being the most recent) until I calculated the amount of calories I was comsuming in pints a week then averaged them out over 7 days - I was putting myself waaay over my daily calorie limit!

    So sadly, with the exception of one or two bottles a week beer is off the cards for a while!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I love beer more than food. I used to be a huge beer snob, but I realized there is a time and place for a Bud (parties/eating wings) and then the better beers.

    I live 15 minutes away from the Abita brewery and I do have to say I love almost EVERYTHING they put out! I hate IPAs, but I'm really trying to change that.

    I need to lose as much weight as I can before Mardi Gras. I tend to drink more over that holiday than in the December month!
  • swatts7622
    swatts7622 Posts: 85 Member
    Living in germany goes hand in hand with drinking beer imo lol.. Beer is most of the time the cheapest drink on the menu so I feel justified ordering a beer jhaha
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I've cut waaaaay back (really waaaaaaaay back) on my drinking over the past 6 months or so but I do still enjoy a beer when I can fit one in. My go to is usually a Shiner product (it's relatively local - 50 miles or so) and my wife likes Blue Moon. When I really want a BEER though I go to a place on the way home that has lots of specialty and craft brews and get something from there. My thanksgiving dessert was a Squatter's Outer Darkness - no idea on the calories. A couple of weeks ago I had The Czar from Avery Brewery - I think it was about 350 calories for 12 oz (it was a 22 oz bottle) but it was probably the finest beer I've ever had. I have a bottle of Avery Mephistopheles in my cabinet. It's about two years old and I'm going to give it another year before I drink it. I had one a couple months ago and it was incredible - 16% ABV and about 400 calories for 12 oz. Those types of beers are usually reserved for an evening where I've planned my food and exercise for the day around it.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I love beer too!! My favorite out is Blue Moon but I also love a good IPA. Unfortunately I've found that drinking leads to me gaining weight and when I stop the weight starts to fall off. Even when I keep it within my calorie limits. Right now I'm taking a brief break and I've been seeing a drop in the scale every morning. I know this needs to be a permanent lifestye change though and I'm not willing to spend the rest of my life without a beer or glass of wine so at some point I'll add it back in. We did switch to Sam Adams light for drinking at home when I was still having a beer here and there and in my opinion it's the best of the lights. I think the way I'll probably try to balance it and add it back in is to only have one small beer when we go out to lunch and wine for date night dinners, special family dinners, etc. But, right now I'm hoping this dry spell gets me down closer to my goal weight and then I'll start adding things back slowly.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I had to cut way, way back on craft brews to lose. I love imperials, porters, and spiced ales (pumpkins, winter-types). None of these are friendly on calories. The only beers I really enjoy that are moderate calorie are summertime fruit beers and shandies. Considering it's the middle of winter, well...not getting many of those.

    I haven't had many beers this winter, so I've tried to make the ones that I did have a REALLY good experience:

    Bell's cherry porter
    Saranac vanilla porter
    Dogfish Head black & red
    Weyerbacher Idiot's Drool. Cask-aged for several years and probably the worst thing I've ever tasted.

    My opinion is if a beer advertises that it's low-calorie or low-carb, it's simply terrible and not worth your time. And yes, I've tried all the options out there. Frankly, they all suck.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I love beer. I make my own and I buy plenty! For a standard, everyday beer, I like Labatts Blue. I like many micro and craft beers, and loves me some Guiness stout or Smithwicks.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I love it and I refuse to completely give it up. I've been drinking Yuengling Light lately and its only 99 calories. However, a Captain and Diet is only 60 calories.
  • lorification
    lorification Posts: 29 Member
    I LOVE Breckenridge Vanilla Porter. I've tried a few other Breckenridge beers, and they're good, but the vanilla porter is best.
  • bean6344
    bean6344 Posts: 26 Member
    I too am a craft beer fan (mainly IPAs). I have been trying to cut back to only 1 every two or three days (as long as I worked it off in Cardio). We'll see how that works out.
  • lorification
    lorification Posts: 29 Member
    Hmm, I meant to reply directly to someone else with this message, clearly I'm still new here.

    Anyway, to answer the OP - I, too, love beer. And I like unfiltered wheat beers, good heavy (but not hoppy) ales, or ciders. They can all have 200+ calories. But, as the others have mentioned, it's ridiculous to completely cut out something you enjoy so much. So, for now, I'm cutting out all alcoholic beverages until I'm set into a better dieting/exercise routine. I plan to stick to a glass of wine here and there on the weekends for now. When my routine is established, it will be easier to factor a beer in to my daily limits.