Cheer me up...please



  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    It depends on how much you have to lose. My husband has lost 53 lbs and everybody notices the difference in him. He has less than 20 to lose now.

    I, on the other hand, have lost 44 lbs and the only people that say something are the ones that know I am trying to lose weight. I still have a long way to go before I am close to happy with my weight.

    It could be that people aren't comfortable commenting on a woman's weight, but I think it will show when I am closer to my goal
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    As someone else mentioned, isn't this for you? It shouldn't really matter if someone else makes a big about it. This is your thing.
  • Jrgal
    Jrgal Posts: 46
    I was at 289 when I started and it was not really noticeable until I hit around 25 -30 lbs. It was really discouraging at first but then another 10-15 lbs and I was having to buy new clothes! Everyone was telling me how great I was looking and I actually feel better. Don't give up. Its not going to happen over night but it will be worth it if you can stay with the journey. I have gone from a tight size 28 down to 22-24. I still have a long time to go but when I get discourged, I put those size 28 pants back on and its a reminder of how far I have come.
  • Jrgal
    Jrgal Posts: 46
    i'm getting a little annoyed with my boyfriend giving "that look" when he sees me mesuring my salad dressing or whatever.

    Poke him in the eye with a fork.
    Those looks will discontinue. :bigsmile:

    OMG! That was too funny!!!:laugh:
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    I had a couple people say things to me early on, but they knew I was trying to lose weight. When my clothes started getting too big more people noticed. My mom saw me after I had lost 28lbs and she didn't want to say anything because she was afraid I wouldn't take it well (she has always been a nagger about my weight). It was just the end of last week that someone I work with that didn't know I was trying came up to me and said I looked fabulous.

    It really depends on the people and how you lose it. I found that I shrunk slowly all over at first so it wasn't as noticeable. 5lbs lost all over a 5'5" frame isn't that noticeable unless you are looking for it. I am lucky in that I have a coworker that doesn't shy away from saying what she thinks and she told me right off the bat that I was looking thinner and that I wasn't allowed to wear my 2 sizes too big pants anymore :laugh:

    You are doing great! so keep it up and people will notice, it just takes time for them to figure it out :)
  • ladyk09
    ladyk09 Posts: 17
    Thank you all for helping me thru this. I really appreciate everyone. In my mind I was thinking.....all this hard work is going un-noticed.....someone please say something!!!!!

    But I do understand the points made. I just need to keep in my mind that I am doing this for me and my daughter (because I don't want her to ever go thru this..she is 6years old) so mommy and move around and play more with her.

    Speaking of going down in clothes sizes. I have a ton of very nice clothes, is there a clothes swap/exchange forum around here?
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    How long did it take people to start noticing a change in your weight?

    I have only lost around 10 pounds (8 for sure....go back to the doctor next week to weight in) and I notice in my clothes and face and really in my stomach area. No one has said anything to me. It's kind of sad. My sister notice, I guess, but she also know I am trying to take the pounds off, so I think she is just being nice. I don't really want to ask people. I want them to notice on their own. Maybe the next 10 pounds people will say
    People notice but they hardly will say because a lot of times it reminds them on what they should be be sure to just keep plugging along and do this for yourself and as long as YOU notice thats all that matters.:flowerforyou:
  • ccoker
    ccoker Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all for helping me thru this. I really appreciate everyone. In my mind I was thinking.....all this hard work is going un-noticed.....someone please say something!!!!!

    But I do understand the points made. I just need to keep in my mind that I am doing this for me and my daughter (because I don't want her to ever go thru this..she is 6years old) so mommy and move around and play more with her.

    Speaking of going down in clothes sizes. I have a ton of very nice clothes, is there a clothes swap/exchange forum around here?

    A clothes swap is a great idea!
  • AllenMom4
    AllenMom4 Posts: 294 Member
    No one really noticed mine till I lost near 30 pounds. It was making me mad.
  • chopsticks
    chopsticks Posts: 106 Member
    i'm getting a little annoyed with my boyfriend giving "that look" when he sees me mesuring my salad dressing or whatever.

    Poke him in the eye with a fork.
    Those looks will discontinue. :bigsmile:

    Thanks, but just to be on the safe side maybe i'll warn him about your suggestion before i do so.:laugh:
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