The Over 300 Club



  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    Cindy, I have been getting some really good healthy recipes from this show called "Cook Yourself Thin" It's on the lifetime channel, but one I would like to try is Tuna/Portabello Melts. It consist of Tuna, Celery, Parsley, Olive Oil (instead of mayo), salt/pepper, lemon juice. They oven roasted the portabello mushroom tops for 10 min. after they removed them, stuffed with the Tuna mixture and topped with Swiss cheese and back in the oven for a few more minutes. It looked really good and easy to make!:tongue:
  • aur23a
    aur23a Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Wow there has been so much action. I haven’t checked in since Friday and it took me a while to catch up on the Thread. This team is Rockin!! :drinker: Congrats to every ones’ loses this week. That’s so awesome!! Happy Birthday Catlin and 4 lbs… That’s the best present ever!!

    I did my weigh in yesterday and I maintained:grumble: … At first I wanted to run out and grab the biggest burger but came to my senses and had a nice salad. To be honest I probably would have had a burger but I had lunch with my hubby & in-laws and they all know about my weight loss program. I know what happened, last week I strayed from my eating plan. And thank goodness I maintained because it could have been worse! The beauty of this, like Kristi said earlier is that we can choose to beat ourselves up or get over it….I know what I did wrong and I’m owning it. This week- I choose to make better choices. My plan of action is to stick to my menu plan (Dr. suggested 1,500 calories) and exercise, exercise & exercise.
    Here’s a quote I like-
    “People with Goals SUCCEED because they know where they are going”~ Earl Nightingale.

    I hope every one has a great Tuesday.
    Aurora :flowerforyou:
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member

    Bonkers - I am so intrigued by your horseback riding. How big IS too big to ride a horse? I would really like to go riding sometime, but have been afraid I would get turned way at the ranch....Is there a particular breed that is more sturdy than others?

    Hey Paddlemom. That's a good question! I know around here the ranches and rent a horse places have a 250 lb cutoff. However, the rule of thumb is that a horse can carry 1/3 of his own weight as long as he is healthy and sound. So a 900 to 1000 lb horse can carry between 300 and 400 lbs. My horse, Sully, is close to 1500 lbs, because he's a 16.2 hand draft cross. He's half Paint and half Belgian Draft.

    If you're heavy, a taller horse isn't always better. But I'm taller, so I like for my feet to not drag the ground! :D

    I had a dear friend who weighed about 280 and she owned and rode a 20 year old:heart: 15.1 hand Anglo-Arab; he was very fine boned, but carried her effortlessly (even ran off with her once or twice!)

    BTW, a hand equals 4 inches.

    Hope this helps,
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Bonkers, thanks for the info! I have been wanting to ask that question for awhile - I even googled for an answer and wasn't able to find one that wasn't impractically biased. IMO, I have seen horses used to carry all kinds of heavy packs, (and I remember "Hoss" on Bonanza did seem to have any trouble -though they didn't worry much about animal welfare in that TV era....) but I figured there should have been a reasonable answer out there somewhere :happy:

    I get the POV of the ranch for having those limits, and I'm not likely to go soon, but at least if the opportunity comes up, I'm armed with some info to give me an idea of whether or not even to consider it.
  • aur23a
    aur23a Posts: 84 Member
    Wow Kristi,
    I saw your post on Exercise, food and the brain... It totally makes sense! Made me stop and think, I really had a tough week last week and it showed. Thanks for all that you do!! You are truly a blessing!! :smile:
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    Hey guys!

    Thanks so much for the Happy Birthday wishes. You guys are the best :D

    I didn't get much exercise in today, did quite a bit of walking and cleaning at work.

    I over ate a little today, but now that mine and the hubby's birthdays are over, it's back to watching a little closer what I eat and walking a little more.

    Definitely would have walked today, but my little boy was a massive fuss bucket, and just wanted to snuggle and go to sleep.

    Here is a picture of my little boy from last week.

    (you might have to copy the link, I'm not sure.)

  • Jennyryan21
    Jennyryan21 Posts: 69 Member

    He is soooo sweet! What a little cutie pie! And happy birthday to you! :flowerforyou:
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi everyone just checking in.
    caite have a very happy birthday and your son is sooo cute.
    suthern bell thanks for the tip I checked out the cooking show and it looks so good.
    Welcome back aur23a andpaddlemom. This team has been rocking and everyone has been so helpful .
    I get to weigh in wed.I hope I have some loss but well see.
    everyone have a wonderful night :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team. I hope everyone is doing well. I did 4 miles today. I'm waiting for dh to get home so I can go to the darn grocery store. I purchased new shoes 2 months ago. I have just about walked the tread off of said shoes. I decided today during my walk enough is enough . I ordered a pair of New Balance cross trainers . I hope I like them. They cost more than I'm used to paying for shoes but I walk 29-34 miles a week . I decided I deserved them. :smile: The toddler I watch had a runny nose all day. :frown: I hope we all don't end up sick. Bell, thanks for the tip. I have that show set to record every day on my dvr. I honestly haven't seen them make anything that made me say wow. I'm waiting it out though. I do want that cookbook though. Ok guys -have a super great night !!!! Cindy :heart:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hey, gang - sorry I was awol yesterday I have been swamped at work and it is sort of interfering with the rest of my life! I am keeping the eating well under control. Hard to exercise with the very long hours. BUt, I still feel good about things.

    Everyone, you sound great! Aurora, thanks for the compliment, very kind of you!

    Good weight loss to you losers - good re commitment to those that need it, happy BD to Caite! I will check in tomorrow when I can keep my eyes open.

    I mean later today.
    :yawn: Kristi
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Hi everyone! Yay me! I did a 3k walk yesterday at lunch AND I got myself out to swimming last night!!! It was really good to be back in the pool, but I did feel the effects of being away from it for over a week. It felt an awful lot like work for the first half, but then it was great.

    The crazy thing is that even though it was tough, I was finished my laps in record time! I think that means that the reason it doesn't seem to be getting a whole lot easier is that I keep swimming harder. I can really feel myself moving through the water now. I typically do 10 laps (20 lengths?? I can never decide how to define a 'lap') and for 3 of them I do 10 pull ups on the starter block in the deep end. I still can't go up and back without a short rest in between, but clearly my recovery time is getting shorter too, so I'm hoping to get that turn around in soon.

    The best part is that I am loving it enough that when I visualize going swimming, I feel the sensation of pulling through the water, the flexibility and the glide - NOT the exercise, can't breath, OMG this is work part!

    I ended up going WAY under my calories yesterday - it's the first time I have EVER seen the starvation mode warning on our check in page...and today am I ever STARVING!!! So today I will treat myself to something a little more decadent for lunch - not too evil, though :happy:

    It's supposed to be 27 degrees here today, (Thats roughly 80 degrees for you non-metrics :smile: ) Chilly by Cindy's standards, but for us it's summer at last!!!! I am hoping to get out for another walk, but today I will remember my water!!! Have a good day everyone - sunny side up!:drinker:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Paddlemom I would love 80 LOL we are about 100 degrees here right now but supposed to cool off a bit this week to high 80's low 90's and we might actually get some wet stuff here in the desert wow!

    Happy belated birthday caite!:flowerforyou: :drinker: Sorry I wasn't on yesterday I had a paper due for class nad had class last night so no time for much. Hope you had a great one and 4 pounds what a b-day present!:drinker:

    You are all melting away!:drinker: Woohoo!:flowerforyou: I am off today to go get my teaching license renewed so I am going by the gym for a bit. Have a great Wednesday everyone!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Team-- How is everyone? Great i hope ! I'm A- ok ! I did my 3 mile walk this morning and I'll do my 2 mile walk tonight for a total of 5 miles today. Paddlemom- lol 80 is chilly to me now. :smile: When we lived in Ohio 80 was pleasant. It's amazing what 2 years in Texas will do to a person. I'm hooked though. I love the heat. Great job on the exercise ! I love swimming laps . :heart: I never made it to the grocery store last night. I am trying to get there today. What does everyone have planned for the day? ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Hey all! I think this is my first post on this thread. Hope you dont mind if I join in! I've been on MFP since Feb. Just found this thread a couple of weeks ago but didnt join in till now. i have to tell you that I so appreciate all the comments, support and fun you all have here! I'm 1 lb away from being under 300 (finally) but do I still qualify? I have alot more to go and would like to have the support of those that know the deal.

    Cindy...I just wanted to tell didnt know it but your dedication to exercise is inspiring me! I'm a single mom with not alot of time to work it in, but I'm back to walking on my lunch hour and trying to do my videos and stability ball at home whenever I can scootch it in, partially because of reading your posts!

  • JessicaMorris
    well mfp buds weigh in was today and even with cheating 1 day I lost 7 pounds...i was suprised because I have been major stressed due to this being finals week...anyways i felt good about myself when i weighed in 7 pounds lighter
  • aur23a
    aur23a Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Welcome to the team khadj, we're glad you're joining us.….. And Jessica, Great Job!! And Paddlemom...You go Girl!!
    Looks like Everyone is having a great week... Cindy I aspire to be like you one day. I think about 1,000 miles and I just don't know if I can do it. And you are going strong. You have inspired me to add a ticker like yours. I don't know about 1,000 miles walking, maybe riding my bike is more up my alley right now.

    Have a Great Wednesday!!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team- You guys have me blushing. No realy, If I can inspire others I think that's wonderful. I just know we can all do this ! We can and will overcome !!!! I have some great news. In 20 days I've lost 1/2" off my neck- 1.5" off my waist- 2.5" off my hips -1" off my chest and 7 " off my thighs. WOW- that's 12.5 inches gone in 20 days! :smile: I just love ,love ,love this way of life !!!! I did 5 miles today . I hope everyone had a fantastic day! I wake up every day exited now and I hope you all do too. :flowerforyou: Life is a beautiful thing ! Let's all get out there and LIVE !!!! I :heart: you all and hope you all have a wonderful night. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi all, just thought I'd report in on my weighin. I lost 5.4 lbs over 2 weeks, and almost a combined 3 inches. I feel like I could have done better, but I know that's awesome! I just learned about the exercise cals and NOT eating all of them this past week, so hopefully I'll see more results next time. I just have such a long way to go! I know my goal on my profile says I'm trying to lose 20 lbs, but that's a mini goal. I need to lose over 150. But that number is just too daunting for me to look at every day.

    Welcome to the newbies, and ya'll have a great day!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Hi all, just thought I'd report in on my weighin. I lost 5.4 lbs over 2 weeks, and almost a combined 3 inches. I feel like I could have done better, but I know that's awesome! I just learned about the exercise cals and NOT eating all of them this past week, so hopefully I'll see more results next time. I just have such a long way to go! I know my goal on my profile says I'm trying to lose 20 lbs, but that's a mini goal. I need to lose over 150. But that number is just too daunting for me to look at every day.

    Welcome to the newbies, and ya'll have a great day!

    I had 150 to lose as well. It is an overwhelming number but when you whittle it away it is manageable. I like to look at my weight loss in fractions. When I lost 15 lbs that was 1/10th of it gone, 30 lbs - 2/5ths. My next big milestone...4 lbs away is 1/3 of it gone and I can't wait for that!!!

    I like looking at the big number lost. That is what keeps me going
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team- Bonkers- way to go on the weight loss !!!!! How is everyone doing today? I just came in from my 2 mile walk. A happy thing happened to me on my walk. A woman that lives on the route I walk ran out of her house to tell me she watches me walk every day and my weight loss is realy showing. :smile: I just love the comments people are making. I am going to do 2 more miles today and get in about 30 minutes of strength training. We are going to the pool today too so I'll get some swimming in. What are everyones plans for today? I hope you all have a wonderful day ! Cindy :heart: