too little calories ?? i dont get it



  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    i dont eat any where near 3300 cals a day i eat alot of veggies mostly raw fruit and lots of water i dont ever skip meals and i do light exercise i feel sick when i try to eat more because my body feels full so what should i do eat more and then get sick and puke ??? i get extra cals for excersing but never eat them back i just feel like im not hungry ...should i be worried or should i just force myself to eat more and i enter everything in MFP as soon as im done eating to so i never leave anything out ....thank for all ur help

    I think the previous poster was trying to tell you this:

    It's better to eat 5-6 small meals a day versus three 300 meals/day. Try having oatmeal w/ a tablespoon of peanut butter, or making yourself a protein shake after a work out.
  • lisa4131
    lisa4131 Posts: 22 Member
    ok its open to view now i made my food diary public
  • stplatt
    stplatt Posts: 44 Member
    Absolutely, YES, you should be worried about too few calories, in fact I have found that MFP tends to assign too few calories to begin with. Gonna try to be concise with my answer...but there is a lot to cover.

    Each person has a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This is the number of calories your body would need for bodily functions even if you were in a coma. Conventional wisdom says not to go below 20% ABOVE this number.

    So what happens when you get too few calories??? If you consistently eat too few calories, your body figures out it needs to conserve energy so that it can exist on the few calories that it is getting. Since muscle burns a lot of calories, the most efficient way to do this is to get rid of some muscle so that it can exist on fewer calories. This slows your metablolism, which means that you won't lose weight as quickly.

    Lets carry this on out. Let's suppose that you decide to lose weight this way and are successful. You have two options. Stay at the limited calories that you have lived on, or eat more. If you stay on at the same calorie intake, you will continue to lose weight and will fall below a healthy level. But if you increase your calories, you body is now not equipped to deal with all of those calories. It has slowed your metablolism to deal with decreased calories, so when you begin eating normally, it all turns to excess weight.

    I hope this helps. If you want to know what your BMR, you can use this calculator You can also get a lot of good information from the Fat2Fit podcast at www.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i think on your diet, youre going to mess up your metabolism unfortunately. You dont eat breakfast and then you barely eat lunch a lot of days. Did you used to before you started this, or is it recent? I know a lot of people cant face food first thing, but if youre not going to, then you should try to improve your lunch

    I woul suggest at least putting some sugar/honey in your coffee instead of splenda in the morning if youre not going to eat, or try and train yourself to eat something small first thing. Maybe a fruit smoothie or a banana?

    I think youd do better long term if it wasnt so restrictive. A lot of the food is ok, but theres no need for the quantities to be so small. On saturday all you had was a tin of soup at lunchtime - thats your entire food for the day. I struggle to believe thats because you were so full from a tin of soup that you couldnt eat the rest of the day.
  • lisa4131
    lisa4131 Posts: 22 Member
    i was sick saturday i was lucky to keep anything down .
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    I did the same thing when I first started MFP, and I lost a lot of weight. Suddenly I just hit a plateau. I could never get to 1200 calories because I was eating basically the same things every day. A combination of the following foods: eggs, fruit, broccoli, corn, cucumbers, bell peppers, baked chicken, baked tilapia, stir fry chicken, and steamed tilapia. So I was full, the weight was falling off, and I was getting my nutrients (or so I thought). Now I have switched things up a little bit. Now I try to cook a variety of dishes by looking at the recipe section and different websites (this really helps me increase my dinner and lunch calories). I was eating a 4oz piece of baked chicken with about 1 cup of steamed broccoli for dinner at around 200 calories. Now I eat something like broccoli and cheddar cheese stuffed chicken for around 300 calories. Not only is it more appetizing but it boosts your caloric intake without damaging your weight loss goal! Since my diary is public I must warn you that this last week of fast food is not reflective of what I just told you. If you look you're going to have to go back a Either way GOOD LUCK!!!
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    After looking at your diary there are a couple of things you could do to help meet your calorie goals - choose a different bread, one that has more calories per slice. I buy Franz Whole Wheat bread, which is 80 calories a slice (only 1 g. of sugar!), but the slices are not huge, so they shouldn't fill you up too much. Another thing to try is more calorie dense vegetables. Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, snap peas, and bell peppers all have more nutrition (and more calories) then cucumbers which are mostly water. I keep a jar of olives in the fridge to help me get up to 1200 calories when I'm close and not very hungry - 2 are 15 calories, and even if I'm not all that hungry I can manage 4 or 5 olives. Since my overall salt intake is low i don't worry about the additional sodium.
  • lisa4131
    lisa4131 Posts: 22 Member
    i just made turkey tacos i put a bunch of veggies on the taco and it filled me right up i made 2 of them and i ate my calories for the day ..yes i still have some extra cals from working out today but looking up different recipes helped me and so did all of your comments i think this may be hard for me to do everyday but i do believe i can try to work on this especially if below 1200 is not good for you ...thanks everyone
  • cmstaley1
    cmstaley1 Posts: 32
    Try six 200 calorie "snacks/Meals" I find that like clockwork when I eat small meals every two hours I am hungry. The way it was explained to me once was eating a small meal is like throwing a couple sticks on a fire. It burns hot and very fast. If you eat a big meal its like throwing a log on the same fire it burns very slow. Essentially by eating small meals you are boosting your metabolisim. Good Luck! Hope that helps.
  • sdxicana
    sdxicana Posts: 3 Member
    Another suggestion, is instead of trying to find items that are classified as "non-fat" or "low calorie" just look for stuff that is more natural with possibly higher calories. Many times things that are "non-fat" and such, have a lot more other processed junk that makes it not very good for your body to begin with. So say for example, instead of trying to find low calorie peanut butter, get just regular organic peanut butter with no additives, which will have higher calories and will help you increase your calorie intake and also be better for your body. Or like for whole wheat breads, look for breads that might have higher calories, but less stuff like sugar and high fructose corn syrup. For yogurt, maybe go with a regular greek yogurt instead of a yoplait fat free. Also, add items that are naturally high in calories. Add some avocado to a meal, sprinkle some olive oil over a salad, eat a handful of walnuts as a snack. These are all natural foods, will add calories, but have good fats in them. Just find ways to be creative to increase your calories, but not necessarily the amounts of food you actually consume so you don't feel completely stuffed.
  • lisa4131
    lisa4131 Posts: 22 Member
    :happy: i like the above two post i think i can manage that esp the sticks and fire example i never looked at it that way but i do see your point and yes i know so of u may say duh how could she not see it that way in the first place but whatever ...thanks guys i really appreciate all the support it makes me wanna keep going
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Bump... to read through later on.
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    It's been said, but I agree. Aim for more natural food and skip the low-fat, diet, lite, etc. Eat whole-grain bread from a bakery. Add sour cream and olives to your tacos. Eat some cheese every now and then. Small changes like this will instantly up your intake, aid in weight-loss and give you more energy. Or drink a glass of wine. :)
  • sdxicana
    sdxicana Posts: 3 Member
    /\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Yes! What she said....wineeeeee =D!
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    If I eat 1200 calories on the days I don't exercise, and eat back all my calories on days I do I consistently don't lose weight. If I eat 1000 on days I don't exercise and about 200 under my exercise calories I consistently lose 1-2 lbs a week.

    My point is, everyones body is different and will react in different ways. You just need to find what works for you.
  • It's also possible you may be eating more calories than you think which is why you're fuller than expected. Try measuring everything for a day and see if you end up eating the same portion sizes you have been or less. I know I've had times when I thought I was eating the right amount of calories but was actually taking in 500 or more extra just from underestimating sizes! Good luck! :)
  • wannagetfit02
    wannagetfit02 Posts: 49 Member
  • cinfinrn
    cinfinrn Posts: 15 Member
    I think it was meant to be three 300 calorie meals...not 3300 calories. I read it wrong at first, too!
  • bidoda
    bidoda Posts: 1 Member
    I will often add peanut butter or a Greek yogurt to my morning protein shake to up the calorie content. I have the same problem of not taking in enough calories daily and have found ways to incorporate more healthy foods into my usual meals so I'm not eating all the time.
  • fond
    fond Posts: 13 Member
    Avocado has a fair amount of potassium which is not easy to get enough. Also healthy food for the heart. I suggest adding a few a week.
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