looking for serious mfp freinds

I am 27 and need to lose 25lbs, I have tried MFP before but this is the first time I am dead serious:indifferent: about loseing the weight. I have a few close friends who have joined to encourage me, but I need diehard serious people that log in everyday to help hold me accountable!!! please add mw if you think you could help me.
Thanks Candykay0605:smile:


  • mpaulfla
    mpaulfla Posts: 1 Member
    Good Morning Matt here in Tallahassee.. i am trying to loose 40 myself . . 6 down long way to go..
  • amrood0321
    I am looking to lose about 40 pounds by this summer. I have been counting and tring to be more active.
  • fab4forty
    Good morning from Illinois!! I joined MFP to loose the last 10lbs of my weight loss journey. I'm turning 40 this September. After 3kids i will finally get back to pre-pregnancy weight that i've held onto since 1998!:smooched:
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Hello candykay! :happy:

    I will send a request. I'm kinda hardcore about MFP :happy: I only say "kinda" because there will be days that I won't log in (this is rather rare), but mostly I'm 95%. I workout almost every day and I'm on this site daily via phone or computer. I'm totally obsessed. I am going on vacation in 2 months so that is my short term goal. My long term is to get as healthy and in shape as possible before we start trying for a family. I also am serious about having a healthy lifestyle for me, forever.

    I'm 31 years old and my goal weight is to lose 6-10 pounds, but more importantly to be a lean machine and be tough. I want muscles and be able to do cool activities. :blushing:

    I also really like to utilize the homepage and see what others are doing and be encouraging. :happy:

    Okay, that's my sales pitch! Let's be friends! :laugh: :laugh:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Good Morning...I have been logging in daily for almost a year! Please feel free to add me! I am in the home stretch of my last 10-15 pounds!!
  • emyback68
    Welcome back! I have logged on every day since I joined (I think I am close to 300 days in a row), and I workout just about every day. I have about 5-6 pounds left to lose, but it has been a real struggle to get these last pounds off. I've recommitted myself to really sticking to my meal plan this year, and lose the weight by April 1. Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • Yolanda_85
    Yolanda_85 Posts: 143 Member
    We have similar goals, I'm 26 looking to lose about the same. I'm not very active in the message boards and what not, but I will be on here at least once a day.
  • dianecardoza
    Today is my first day here I have always been in shape until 2 years ago I crashed at my local YMCA and was rushed to the ER. I tought I was going to die. Seriously. Over the course of two years I gained weight and I feel really bad about the way I look; SO I said to myself don't be afraid and head out and excercise, I joined today and I feel great about being your buddy. I want to have a consistency of friends that we can watch our progress. I don't really know what or how to eat. If any of you want to share recepies would be great. I don't eat alot of meat, but I am not a vegeterian either. I love dairy foods, and love vegetables, hate fruit, I don't know why I dislike fruit. Anyway--I hope I get to be in the line with you and your friends.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    I'll friend you..:) I'm 46 and looking to lose 20 lbs. I signed up with MFP about a year ago, but never did anything with it because I was in a real life competition and won 2nd place losing 20 lbs total. BUT, I've put 10 lbs back on over the past 6 months because I haven't been careful about what I eat. I'm a hard core dieter when I get in a program and will be logging every day. I like a push, so am looking for friends who will be logging daily and holding their friends accountable to do the same! ANYONE ON THIS THREAD FEEL FREE TO FRIEND ME if your serious about the plan!
  • Nicktemt
    What do you do for working out?
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    well I really just kinda wing it. I have a work out video that is very similar to p90x(which i have done in past) I also run up and down my stairs at home A LOT! and currently i am challenging myself with different work outs each day, such as yesterday i did 50 lunges today it is 50 chair dips.
  • niki23poet
    niki23poet Posts: 36 Member
    same here. i personally feel that the more friends i have here the more i will feel motivated to prove myself to them and it would give me a sense of responsibility...sort of like those in person weight watchers meetings. i sent a request to you. :)
  • Tamber1969
    Tamber1969 Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds like you are making a great start Candykay!!! I'll friend you too....I can def use the accountability myself. I have been yoyo dieting for years and have reached a point where I need to make this my new lifestyle and not a diet. Diets don't work!!!! I work out 4 mornings a week at a Bootcamp class and usually go with my fiance to the gym once or twice a week for a cardio workout too. You sound like you are making the most of your homelife and doing good things (stair climbing is great for the butt!!). Keep up the good work and I'll send you the request!