Dont know if you remember or not....



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Impressive! You rock!
  • grumpymoo
    grumpymoo Posts: 64
    Chin up, eh? Your kids are soooo lucky to have you. Never forget that!!!

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I remember that post. What a shocker for you! I don't understand how people can do something like that. I wish you all the luck in the world. Keep the positive attitude and congratulations on your weight loss. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    You really are an inspiration... and those kids are lucky to have a resilliant, positive mom!
    :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Erica92627
    Erica92627 Posts: 576
    A couple months ago I had posted a topic about how my BEST FRIEND had totally criticized my efforts to lose weight and I just didn't understand why! I know now that shes always been jealous of me and my life and just couldn't stand that I was happy...
    Here's the kicker.....On March 3, the day before my son's 7th birthday, my HUSBAND came home and told me that he and my BEST FRIEND have been having an affair since the middle of February!!!!
    A lot has changed since then...I threw him out, and he's living with her at her mother's house. I started a new job this week, a big adjustment since I've been a SAHM pretty much for 7 years. My 4 kids are in daycare, and I'm starting to get in the swing of being a single mom.
    And another big change....I have lost a total of 36 pounds!!!!! I decided that through all of this, I'm not gonna be depressed and down, I'm gonna keep up with my efforts and it's paying off! I'm only 29 years old, and I'm gonna take care of myself now...for me and for my kids. I'm not ready to move on right now obviously, but I don't wanna be alone forever, and I feel confident that when I'm ready, I'll find the perfect man for me and my kids.
    I was so excited when I jumped on the scales, I just HAD to share!!! Have a good day!!!

    I'm sorry that things went the way they did as for as your husband cheating on you. But look at the brighter side of things, you seem more happy, lossing 36 pounds.

    Men can be such dogs sometimes.
  • alaskagal
    alaskagal Posts: 326
    Way to pull it together!

    Sounds like you've got your head on straight and you're moving forward.....

    Great job on the weight loss!

  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    Wow, I'm sorry.
    Heck, you lost a lot more than 36 pounds. How much does your husband weigh?

    You keep it up; you're doing great!
  • Gorgeous
    Gorgeous Posts: 248
    Good job!
    well done!!!
    im glad your taking care of your kids and all is well
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I remember your post as being one of the first I read when I joined. Didn't that happen around Super Bowl Sunday or something?? I remember some of the things people said and I guess we knew what we were talking about because something else was going on for her and she wasn't a good friend after all. AH HA. I love that we're so smart. :wink:

    Anyway, YOU ROCK to take all that on so quickly and not only move forward but charge forward with all you have. Let us know how things go. Your experience and strength will definitely help someone on this site.
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Wow , you've been through a lot lately.........congrats on taking control of your life!!!! You deserve to be happy and healthy!
  • frazzelmama
    Hey! I just got home from work and church and was amazed at all the response on here! Thanks so much for all your kind words and support...
    Honestly, everyday I feel stronger, and I believe that it's because I have a positive mindset. I refuse to let them tear me down, because if I do, then they've won. They're NOT gonna win!!!
    I got up this morning, put on my new size **16** dress and looked great! I remember being a size 20-22!!! My husband came over to take our son to school, and he couldn't keep his eyes off of me, lol...To think he traded ALL THIS for nothing!!! His loss, I say...Thanks again, everyone!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Wow...your attitude is amazing and inspirational! You have to be one of the strongest people I've ever come across. Your progress is really great, and I just can't get over how well you take on these challenges. This is the first I've heard of it because I've been so busy lately, and I have to say I really admire you. :flowerforyou:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Some friend she turned out to be and I am Sorry to hear that your husband decided to be a boy and not a man, but you I am proud of! You have taken the right attitude, it will help you and your kids during this time and now you are going to get all sexy and find yourself in a better place in life and someday you will find a real man!

    You are on the right path to showing your kids what a strong woman you have always been and by taking care of yourself you are doing them a favor as well! Keep it up, you are doing awesome!

  • monicakelly21
    wow, that is definitely one those extremely touch challenges. You seem to be doing so well, and totaly picked up the pieces of your life.
    I am so proud of ya!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    You are an amazing person!:flowerforyou: His loss for not realizing that. Your attitude is very inspirational and I am so glad you are taking a bad situation and turning it around to better yourself. You are meant for a very special person someday..:love:
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I remember your post too. Good luck with moving forward, although it sounds like you have a great attitude. I can't believe you can keep going with the weight loss during this awful time. Way to go! You are so strong! What a great example you are to your son on how to handle someone else treating you bad, but moving on and being positive!
  • frazzelmama
    Im not sure if I said this before, but I actually have 4 kids, lol...They are amazing! I have 3 boys...7, 4, and 21 months...and a beautiful baby girl, 6 months...They are what keeps me going everyday. I was married for 10 years, and through all the crap, I know that I have the best part of him, and the rest doesnt matter to me anymore...
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Im not sure if I said this before, but I actually have 4 kids, lol...They are amazing! I have 3 boys...7, 4, and 21 months...and a beautiful baby girl, 6 months...They are what keeps me going everyday. I was married for 10 years, and through all the crap, I know that I have the best part of him, and the rest doesnt matter to me anymore...

    reminds me of what my mom said to me when I had my first baby. She said no matter what happens between my husband and me I am now a mother and will always be a mother from this day on. She was right, no matter what happens I have to be strong for my kids, you are remarkable, you are focusing on the positive that came out of a 10 year relationship with a bad ending instead of focusing on the bad ending! You make me and many other women proud!