Counting Fruits and Veggies?

So I've been wondering about how people are counting fruit and veggie calories. I've done Weight Watchers in the not-so-distant past and veggies (and more recently most fruits) are "free." Since starting MFP, I've been counting the calories, but having to do so almost discourages me from eating them instead of something potentially more filling but less healthy. Any thoughts?


  • wolfiefc
    all fruit and veg contain some calories
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Unlike WW, with MFP, you're counting calories and fruit and veggies have calories. Some of them have a lot of calories. A medium banana has over 100 and that's a lot to ignore.

    You need to log them, discouraging or not.
  • lradatz
    lradatz Posts: 61 Member
    I used to count calories back about 6yrs ago in a not so healthy way... I never logged them either, but because I never knew how many calories were in them.... Here on MFP, I do, just because I like to know how much I'm eating. Each their own, but either way you still need them. You can eat them 1st though so you don't fill up too much on anything else, that's what I do anyways.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I count them for sure. I like to have a record of whether or not I am doing good on eating them or not. Plus, it makes my good choices seem more real if I can see that I chose something with low calories
  • michelle225
    michelle225 Posts: 42 Member
    If you find counting them discouraging try focusing on the fiber, fat, protein in your foods rather than on calories. A cookie and a salad may have similar calories but the salad has overall beter stats and I find looking those in addition to calories helps me make better choices.