I need to lose from 100-200 soon, this is my first time tryi

I am obese and I am looking for a change in my life physically and need some support to push me and tell me the right exercises to perform.


  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Soon? Take your time and do it right with diet and exercise.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
  • birdinho
    birdinho Posts: 86 Member
    When is soon?? Dont do it too quick else you will rebound HARD
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    It won't happen soon, but it will happen. If you commit yourself to living a healthier lifestyle, being more kind to yourself and looking after your body, then within a month you'll start to feel the change, and in a couple of months you will be markedly healthier. It won't happen quickly. The weight will take a long time to go. But it won't take too long before you're feeling much better about and in yourself.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Honestly, my first suggestion to you is get rid of the "soon" mentality. Healthy weight loss is not fast. It will probably take you at least a year to lose 100 lbs if you do it right.

    Other than that, I'd recommend a trip to your doctor. Get a full work-up and make sure the you don't have any medical reason why a certain diet might or might not work for you. Then do some research. My favorite website on dieting these days is http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/weight-loss/NU00616. There are some great blogs, tips, and such on MFP too that could really help you. You should decide what life style you think you can live with the easiest. Maybe you want to just add in a walk every day and not worry that much about calories. Maybe you want to cut calories across the board. Maybe you want to do low carb. Maybe you want to do low fat. It's really up to you. All of these things can work. You've got to decide what will work for you.

    Welcome to MFP and good luck.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    I lost 128 pounds in a year. The way I started was to give myself 5 weeks of doing my own diet hardcore without cheating once and see what the results were, if they were good I'd continue..if not I could at least say I'd tried. I lost 7-8 pounds the first couple of weeks then 3-4 a week from then on. That spurred me on and I continued until I got to the point I realised I needed to exercise or I would be in trouble, I went to the gym for a couple of months, then I got asked to do a bike ride with 24 hours notice, 61 miles from Manchester to Blackpool on a girls bike way too small for me. I completed it and decided I wanted to do more charity events so recently I've done the Urbanathlon, a triathlon and the Manchester 100 mile bike ride. I also now bike 20 miles a day round trip to work to keep fit.

    Anyone add me if you like, I keep my diary open if you want to steal some ideas etc. I still eat healthily I just eat more to maintain so change it to suit your requirements :)
  • BrowneJen
    BrowneJen Posts: 42 Member
    You've come to the right place!! There is alot of good information on here...take it one day at a time!:flowerforyou:
  • Something I just learned from watching The Doctors TV show. In order to cut Sugar from your diet, don't eat a sugary breakfast. Eat a simple protein meal (scrambled eggs with some fruit). The other thing that I have always heard is eat as close to the garden as possible... eliminate the processed foods and get back to eating veggies! I am going to lose 50 pounds and I am going to start making small changes. When you make small changes, they don't seem so bad. When you try to make big changes, you feel overwhelmed. Pick a new thing to change every month and stick with it. Then reward your self when you accomplish a small goal. Good luck!!!!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I am obese and I am looking for a change in my life physically and need some support to push me and tell me the right exercises to perform.
    Forget losing anything "soon"

    Think 3 years.

    And start by seeing your doctor and having a complete physical. Visit some health clubs and hire a personal trainer.
    That's where you start.

    Sure, you'll pick up some things here, but if you're really serious, get to it. It's going to be a long, hard road.

    Start today!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Honestly, my first suggestion to you is get rid of the "soon" mentality. Healthy weight loss is not fast. It will probably take you at least a year to lose 100 lbs if you do it right.

    Other than that, I'd recommend a trip to your doctor. Get a full work-up and make sure the you don't have any medical reason why a certain diet might or might not work for you. Then do some research. My favorite website on dieting these days is http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/weight-loss/NU00616. There are some great blogs, tips, and such on MFP too that could really help you. You should decide what life style you think you can live with the easiest. Maybe you want to just add in a walk every day and not worry that much about calories. Maybe you want to cut calories across the board. Maybe you want to do low carb. Maybe you want to do low fat. It's really up to you. All of these things can work. You've got to decide what will work for you.

    Welcome to MFP and good luck.

    ^^ This exactly!! The 'soon' attitude will only lead to disappointment. Take your time, do it the healthy and smart way, the weight will come off and stay off then!! Best wishes and good luck on your healthy journey! You can do this!
  • ccadroz93
    ccadroz93 Posts: 136 Member
    Hey SweetToy!!
    Definitely remove "soon" from your vocabulary; you didn't gain the weight in a couple months so its not gonna come off in a couple months either. If you are obese, I would suggest going and having a complete physical and talking to your doc about it. There are a million gazillion diets out there-your doc will point you in a healthy starting direction.
    I haven't had to lose that much weight "this time" only 15 pounds, but I went from 186 down to 135 in a year just by making better food choices.
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Just check out the success stories on here!!

    God Bless,
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Soon? Like others have said it takes time. Just start off slow with exercise and change your eating habits to good ones and it will come off. Lifestyle change can't be done in a day.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Feel free to add me if you're looking for support. I have over 100 left to lose, so I'm in it for the long haul.
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hi and welcome, i agree with others don't do it too quick. I started end of january 2011 and after a few hiccups i managed to lose 82 pounds in just under the year - i feel i done it at a right pace as i worry about excess skin and losing it quick won't give your skin chance. I've still got at least 40 pounds to go. Good luck feel free to add me xx
  • Congrats on taking the first step.
    Clarity in knowing what you want is also important. My thoughts
    - Are you trying to lose 100 or 200...pick one
    - 2lbs/week is somewhat realistic and it puts you at 50 weeks or 100weeks depending your final goal
    - The thing i find that works for me is building on small sucesses (i.e.., no liquor, 2 liters of water, no snacks before sleep, etc) and looking at our life in general.
    - This is an amazing site and there are very supportive people on here. So take it seriously and you will be amazed the wealth of information and support that is out here.

    Have a great journey
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    You're in the right place! It will happen here, and it will happen fast!

    And by fast I mean by just staying in your calorie range you'll lose weight. The first few weeks you'll start MELTING AWAY!!

    Once you get comfy with that, start exercising a little. A little walking? A little dancing? Everything helps.

    Once that gets easier, try something new, more invigorating! ROLLERSKATING! (Or walking farther, HEE HEE.)

    Soon you'll be eating different and exchanging meal ideas and exercise plans and VOILA!! Before you know it, 50 lbs gone! 75 gone! 100 GONE!!

    It can happen, but you must remember one simple thing: Every day is Day One.

    Don't worry about the calendar date, or how long you've been at it, or how much farther you have to go. Today you just have to worry about today. Yesterday is GONE. Tomorrow will never get here.

    And every 5 lbs you lose, give yourself a little reward. Go to the movies, buy new shoes, cut your hair, go to the beach, whatever makes you happy (not food ;)).

    Good luck and feel free to friend me. :happy:

  • RubysMama23
    RubysMama23 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome! The tools are all her for you to use them! I'm in the same boat; I need to lose 100 lbs. too. Soon would be fantastic but as it happens, our bodies don't work that way. It is unfortunate but hey, there's a reason for it. But hey! At MFP, there's so much support and the people are (usually) friendly. Lol.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    You'll probably lose a chunk of 10-20lbs fast in the first few weeks but after that you'll probably need to settle into a gentle 1-2lb a week loss max. any more than that and your metabolism will switch into starvation mode and you'll plateau out.

    So if you need to lose 200lbs... expect a long steady haul. At 2lbs a week you're looking at two years to reach goal weight. The good news is that studies show when weight is lost steadily over a slow period of time like that, it tends to stay off permanently because your habits and lifestyle have changed during the journey.

    Good luck!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    My thoughts:

    1. This is NOT a diet - it is a life style change. Start eating the way that you are willing to live the rest of your life.
    2. Shop in the outside circle of the grocery store. Eat everything as whole and close to nature as possible. Processed foods pack in lots of sugars, fats, salts, preservatives and allergens you are not even aware of that can work to sabotage your efforts.
    3. Get/write your personal 'Mission statement': I want to weigh 200 pounds less because________ and post it everywhere.
    4. MOVE. Every day, in some way, move your body more than you did before. Put on a good CD and direct the music. Count the number of steps you can walk comfortably and add 10 steps every day, even if it is in the hallway or your living room. Whatever way works, MOVE.
    5. Find a gym, a trainer, someone who will show you what to do and help motivate you. At my gym there is a huge range of body sizes, so don't let fear of snobs put you off - they probably aren't there anyway!
    6. Get to a doctor and make sure there are no medical problems making you gain/keep weight or that need to be dealt with in order to lose safely. Worried the doc will say something obvious like 'You need to lose weight?' Practice sarcastic answers even if you aren't the type to actually use them.

    Stay on MFP. Log EVERYTHING every day. Just being accountable makes a big difference.

    Go YOU!!!
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    Great place to start. I have lost about 40 pounds in 3 months. It started fast and now has moved to 2 to 4 pounds a week. Don't get frustrated if you go over calories during this time one or two days here or there. If you do you can exercise more. Just remember this is not a diet it's lifestyle. It's not something you will do till you reach goal it's something you will want to do for the rest of the time. One of the best ways to cut calories is to drink lots of water. I use a camelbak groove. Love this item but drink tons of water and it's a big help. Good luck and feel free to add me I still have 150 pounds to lose as well.