Getting on scales feels like a pap smear in a crowded restau



  • lksammons27
    lksammons27 Posts: 10 Member
    Ha ha! I just blogged about how I hate my scales!!!
    I loved the feel it in your clothes/inches comment!

    Scales are evil!!!
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I'm still waiting for someone to invent a scale that says the following when you step on it "You look incredibly gorgeous and thin today!"
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    No, I have not felt like that! Stick to your goals and eventually you won't feel that way anymore!
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I actually can't wait for the scale, but I'm a very heavy woman [280lbs of woman] and losing is easy and drops in 3lbs-4lbs. Even at x-mas I managed to maintain. Once I've gotten past 200 lbs it'll be much harder too lose weight and I might think differently, but for now I'm pretty optimistic.

    The whole hide-the-scale thing is a wonderful idea for when that time comes.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    The title of this thread conjures up some seriously disturbing mental images.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    I have no clue what your post even says.

    I got stuck on the Wentworth Miller picture and couldn't & wouldn't move any further! :love: :love: :love:
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    Because of my holiday indulgences I am not weighing again until I "feel it" in my clothes. I just couldn't take the disappointment. My jeans are tight so I know I'm up a few lbs. When they are a better fit I'll start weighing again.

    I agree! I have covered my scale, out of sight, out of mind!
  • ramonasowner
    ramonasowner Posts: 136 Member
  • thompsoj05
    thompsoj05 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm still waiting for someone to invent a scale that says the following when you step on it "You look incredibly gorgeous and thin today!"

    Now that would be my kinda scale.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    but if you get on today, and then again next week having atoned for the holidays, you'll have a fabulous loss!
  • gilleyce
    That's usually my motivation to get on track and make up for the holidays.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    1 - that title is awesome and NO ONE needs to tell it to Fox, b/c we do not need that reality show.

    2- relax. if you're THAT worried, then don't weigh in if you think it will sabotage you. but, if you can look at the number and be motivated, then step on. otherwise, weigh in next month. i honestly don't weigh in often, i'm not worried about the number, i'm worried about the long term.