monettejb Posts: 19 Member
I like to make this chicken, very simple and easy.

Heat a pan on med to med-hi heat. I use just a tablespoon on unsalted butter(reduced fat if you want)
pat the chicken dry(i use portion size breast)
sprinkle to your liking.... SALT, PEPPER, AND CHILI POWDER
Once butter is melted put the chicken breast in season side down(you can season other side in pan)
Resist the urge to turn the chicken. Let it cook side down for approx. 5 minutes!
then flip over and cook another 4-5 minutes! Walla!

I love this stuff!


  • peanut_parker2
    peanut_parker2 Posts: 27 Member
    Wow that is easy! I'm gonna try it today, Thanks!
  • nurse_christieyne
    Sounds great and easy.
  • Txifonly
    Txifonly Posts: 43 Member
    I have done this with spray oil instead of butter and garlic salt instead of chili powder. and have done it with the really think pork cutlets too. I will have to try the chili powder next time. Sounds great!
  • ccbloom1
    ccbloom1 Posts: 82 Member
    Yum! I do this with chicken all the time, varying the spices. I did it the other night with chopped garlic and rosemary. Then splash a good bit of lemon juice on top. Makes a great sauce, quick, easy and nutritious!
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Nice, I was just going to find a recipe to make for tonight with chicken-thanks!!
  • monettejb
    monettejb Posts: 19 Member
    no problemo! Yall enjoy. Probably would be really good with some wild rice to.