Ovarian Cysts Questions

SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
I just came back from a check up, I had not been feeling too good. The Dr said I have a Cyst on my left ovary and a lot of tiny ones on my right. I don't know much about this . She said it's common in women of all ages and gave me a prescription for birth control pills.
I'm a little scared since I have no kids ,

I could easily google some info ..but I would like to hear from women that have had this happended .

Thanks in advance


  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Do a search on here for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. (Also goes by the acronym PCOS.)

    I have it and still managed to bear children, though I did suffer through years of infertility. PCOS is related to/caused by insulin resistance. (No, you do not have to have full fledged diabetes to have blood sugar issues.)

    If you want an easy breakdown of insulin resistance, check out this youtube clip of Fathead.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Did she diagnose you with PCOS??

    I have PCOS and have cysts on my ovaries. I am NOT insulin resistant though. I was on metformin for a while (that's what they usually give PCOSers) but it didn't really help me. Granted, this was when I was trying to get pregnant many ages ago.

    The pill is prescribed to sort of hush our hormones.

    I would push for more info. If you're not trying to get pregnant then the pill will just help you be more regular and like I said, calm the hormones.

    What were your symptoms or how were you not feeling good?
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Thank you , Glad you are okay. I have never been diagnosed with anything therefore knowing that this is something that just wont go away bugs me . but will do my best to get this hormones regulated. :smile:
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I've had cysts since I was 13 and had to be on birth control because of it. I am not a fan of taking meds but each time I tried to get off the pills, they always came back. I had no problems getting pregnant when I decided the time was right. I've been off the pill for a total of 4 years (pregnancy + 3 years post) and have had to get back on them for this exact reason. It really is common and, IN MY CASE, not a big deal at all.
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Did she diagnose you with PCOS??

    I have PCOS and have cysts on my ovaries. I am NOT insulin resistant though. I was on metformin for a while (that's what they usually give PCOSers) but it didn't really help me. Granted, this was when I was trying to get pregnant many ages ago.

    The pill is prescribed to sort of hush our hormones.

    I would push for more info. If you're not trying to get pregnant then the pill will just help you be more regular and like I said, calm the hormones.

    What were your symptoms or how were you not feeling good?

    She said the left Ovary is Polycystic since it has a well formed cyst on it . the right ovary just has a lot of tiny ones.
    My periods have always been pretty regular , till last month that I got it way sooner than expected and the flow was just not normal . For the last 12 days , I have had a heavy flow//then light //then nothing..then it comes back again . My period only last 5 days the most. Yesterday there was no flow ..and no pain , I thought I was ok until this morning Back pain /Heavy flow with pain.
    My pelvin area feels sensitive.
    Dr. Said its not normal then send me to do an ultrasound. That's when she saw the cysts..She said it's commom but did not mention anything about diebetis or anything too serious. I'm not trying to get pregnant just yet..I will in about a year , I'm glad that I find this out now than later.

    I now wonder how long I have had this and just didn't know :/
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    I've had cysts since I was 13 and had to be on birth control because of it. I am not a fan of taking meds but each time I tried to get off the pills, they always came back. I had no problems getting pregnant when I decided the time was right. I've been off the pill for a total of 4 years (pregnancy + 3 years post) and have had to get back on them for this exact reason. It really is common and, IN MY CASE, not a big deal at all.

    That's good to hear that you had no problems getting pregnant. I'm not looking forward to taking pills either. Thanks for sharing !
  • brainmulch
    brainmulch Posts: 1 Member
    I have had PCOS for about 20 years though only being diagnosed about 10 years ago. I was prescribed birth control pills but never took them and instead decided to take control of it through lifestyle changes. The best thing you can do is change your diet to that being high in lean protein (mostly vegetarian, but fish and chicken is ok) and low carbs (NO sugar and only high fiber carbs that have a low GI) and to exercise regularly. Even if you decide to take the prescription, the best thing you can do for yourself is to make these changes.... it has changed my life. Even though your symptoms are of cysts, the root cause is insulin resistance and controlling your blood sugar will make all the difference. Also - I take LOTS of supplements. Evening Primrose Oil has been especially helpful, but I would talk to a naturopath first before going on any supplements.
  • pinkchrome
    pinkchrome Posts: 14 Member
    I get/have cysts on my ovaries. The doctors don't think I have PCOS because the cysts are the only symptom I have (I don't think so either). My husband could breath on me and I'd get pregnant. :) My doctor was alarmed when she saw one of my cysts during a c-section and removed it (along with part of my ovary) for a biopsy. I believe they called it a serous cyst. I don't take birth control pills for them (my body just doesn't like the pills.)

    I know how scary it is when you get told news like this. You need to make sure you write all of your questions down and take them in to your doctor. Good luck with everything! :)
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    That´s what I´m wondering now , since my periods have always been regular, Pain has been considerable . I don´t know if PCOS is what I have. I am to go back to the Dr in 10 weeks .

    Does PCOS mean that ALL eggs don´t mature and become cyst..or some eggs do mature and ovulate how they should?
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Thank you for your feeback on this matter .:flowerforyou:
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I have PCOS, and a 9 month old daughter. Don't worry. When the time comes, your doctor will help you through the necessary steps. For me, it was just fertility pills.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    That´s what I´m wondering now , since my periods have always been regular, Pain has been considerable . I don´t know if PCOS is what I have. I am to go back to the Dr in 10 weeks .

    Does PCOS mean that ALL eggs don´t mature and become cyst..or some eggs do mature and ovulate how they should?

  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    I have PCOS, and a 9 month old daughter. Don't worry. When the time comes, your doctor will help you through the necessary steps. For me, it was just fertility pills.

    Thank you for your kind words , it gives me hope :flowerforyou:
  • Demwitted
    Demwitted Posts: 163
    PCOS is a frequent diagnosis in women. There are many levels.

    I was diagnosed with it, but I am not convinced I have it. I went to a new GYN and wanted to talk about what I should do to prepare to conceive. He didn't want to help really (If he did, he would have suggested I get a Rubella booster or he would have written me a prescription for free pre-natal vitamins). He just wanted to sell me medicine. We had only been off BC pills for 2 weeks and he was ready to put me on fertility drugs for PCOS so that I would conceive. He told me I had it based on looking at me before even ordering any tests. Heaven forbid a heavy girl have bad skin and body hair like every other woman in her family.... she must have PCOS. He ordered a vaginal ultrasound (without telling me that it was not an external ultrasound... that was a nasty surprise) and he ordered a blood sugar test (without telling me that I was required to wait around the office for 2 hours for the second blood draw.. another surprise).

    I'm pretty bitter about having given this charlatan money. I also feel really stupid for doing his tests. I was pregnant 2 months later without any sort of medical intervention.

    Bottom line: PCOS doesn't always mean trouble conceiving. Take the BC pills. Stop them a few months before you want to start trying. If you are told you need expensive medicine for it without having tried for at least 6 months, get a second opinion.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    That´s what I´m wondering now , since my periods have always been regular, Pain has been considerable . I don´t know if PCOS is what I have. I am to go back to the Dr in 10 weeks .

    Does PCOS mean that ALL eggs don´t mature and become cyst..or some eggs do mature and ovulate how they should?

    in my case, I was completely annovulatory unless i took meds. periods were never to be seen. even metformin didn't help me in that dept. i did manage to get pregnant twice- once with IVF and once naturally (miracle!) but both resulted in losses.

    as of recently (i give props to new lifestyle) i'm ovulating almost regularly. of course, i'm no longer trying to get pregnant nor married... story of my life! haha

    i'd be interested to get another PCOS check up (u/s and hormone blood panel) to see whats going on in there...
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    PCOS is a frequent diagnosis in women. There are many levels.

    I was diagnosed with it, but I am not convinced I have it. I went to a new GYN and wanted to talk about what I should do to prepare to conceive. He didn't want to help really (If he did, he would have suggested I get a Rubella booster or he would have written me a prescription for free pre-natal vitamins). He just wanted to sell me medicine. We had only been off BC pills for 2 weeks and he was ready to put me on fertility drugs for PCOS so that I would conceive. He told me I had it based on looking at me before even ordering any tests. Heaven forbid a heavy girl have bad skin and body hair like every other woman in her family.... she must have PCOS. He ordered a vaginal ultrasound (without telling me that it was not an external ultrasound... that was a nasty surprise) and he ordered a blood sugar test (without telling me that I was required to wait around the office for 2 hours for the second blood draw.. another surprise).

    I'm pretty bitter about having given this charlatan money. I also feel really stupid for doing his tests. I was pregnant 2 months later without any sort of medical intervention.

    Bottom line: PCOS doesn't always mean trouble conceiving. Take the BC pills. Stop them a few months before you want to start trying. If you are told you need expensive medicine for it without having tried for at least 6 months, get a second opinion.

    Thanks , Glad things turned out ok for you ..unfortunate that you had to deal with that kind of Doc.
    I will keep being optimistic. thanks again for your feedback
  • After haing a very difficult few years of extremely painful and irregular periods, extreme mood swings and terrible acne, I igot to the age of 22 and nsisted that my doctor would no longer use the cop-out line of "don't worry, you'll grow out of it" and demanded blood tests. Eventually it was proven I had a hormone imbalance, then ultrasound scans proved I had PCOS. I'd known since starting my periods at 14 something wasn't right but no doctor would take it seriously because I was in my teens and "still growing up".

    After the diagnosis I was offered no help and was simply told "it won't affect your daily life theres no need to be upset", despite the fact the doc had just told me I may never have children. In my region it appears doctors know so little about this condition that they are not prepared to do anything to help and I was told to just get on with it!

    I discovered off my own back that the contraceptive pill Dianette is good for PCOS sufferers as it balances the hormones better and helps with acne. After a battle with my GP to get Dianette, I ventually got it and it made such a difference - regular non-painful periods, balanced hormones making the mood swings far less frequent and severe, and the acne all but disappeared. However my GP insisted Dianette shouldn't be used for more than 9 months and I'd refused to come off it for 9 years, so he would no longer let me hae it anymore. I was devestated when all the old symptoms returned and another battle to get a medical professional to take my PCOS seriously ensued. It took me another 2 years to finally get a doctor to test me on different contraceptive pills - eventually I found one that worked (Marvelon) and I felt back to normal again.

    My only options to control my PCOS hae been contraceptive pills.
    I've just come off my pill at 30 years old to now attempt to try for a baby. Not sure if anything is gonna happen but got my fingers crossed. My sister also discovered she has PCOS too last year, but she has a 4 year old son so Im hopeful...

    Hope things work out for you and that your medical professionals are more helpful and sympathetic to your condition
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    After haing a very difficult few years of extremely painful and irregular periods, extreme mood swings and terrible acne, I igot to the age of 22 and nsisted that my doctor would no longer use the cop-out line of "don't worry, you'll grow out of it" and demanded blood tests. Eventually it was proven I had a hormone imbalance, then ultrasound scans proved I had PCOS. I'd known since starting my periods at 14 something wasn't right but no doctor would take it seriously because I was in my teens and "still growing up".

    After the diagnosis I was offered no help and was simply told "it won't affect your daily life theres no need to be upset", despite the fact the doc had just told me I may never have children. In my region it appears doctors know so little about this condition that they are not prepared to do anything to help and I was told to just get on with it!

    I discovered off my own back that the contraceptive pill Dianette is good for PCOS sufferers as it balances the hormones better and helps with acne. After a battle with my GP to get Dianette, I ventually got it and it made such a difference - regular non-painful periods, balanced hormones making the mood swings far less frequent and severe, and the acne all but disappeared. However my GP insisted Dianette shouldn't be used for more than 9 months and I'd refused to come off it for 9 years, so he would no longer let me hae it anymore. I was devestated when all the old symptoms returned and another battle to get a medical professional to take my PCOS seriously ensued. It took me another 2 years to finally get a doctor to test me on different contraceptive pills - eventually I found one that worked (Marvelon) and I felt back to normal again.

    My only options to control my PCOS hae been contraceptive pills.
    I've just come off my pill at 30 years old to now attempt to try for a baby. Not sure if anything is gonna happen but got my fingers crossed. My sister also discovered she has PCOS too last year, but she has a 4 year old son so Im hopeful...

    Hope things work out for you and that your medical professionals are more helpful and sympathetic to your condition

    You have been through a lot , I admire the fact that you stepped up to the doctor and done your own research.
    My cousin was dianosed with PCOS when she was 15 and she at 31 she had no intencion of trying for a baby as she was in a complicated relationship yet she felt pregnant and has a 3 yrs son. Hope the best for you too, :flowerforyou: