I'm a 51 yr single mom and grandmother that needs to lose 40



  • Mamoms
    Mamoms Posts: 2
    I'm 51 years old and need to lose 40 lbs for my upcoming daughters wedding in May 2012. I've lost it before and gained it back and do not want this to happen again. Any advice I can recieve is welcomed. I need to do this for health reasons also.
  • Domjr
    Domjr Posts: 7
    I have tried all of the diets, fads, and pills. If you put the best of them all together, the main ingrediant is maintaining an accurate log. This application is great. I have only used it since Jan 1st, but have lost 3 lbs, I have walked only once this week but it is more than i have done in 6 months. If you combine this application with a pedometer, {apple has a free app}, and use the scan function when you add foods, we can only loose.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    1. MAKE A REAL COMMITMENT to lose weight for yourself...not to just look good in a smaller size outfit but to give yourself a new life style.

    2. LOG FIRST AND EAT LATER. I like to plan my day ahead, when it comes to the food. I log my food in the morning, and that way I know exactly what I am going to eat. There is no guess work later that can lead to binging and overeating. That also means posting your food diary for others to see and making a commitment to your MFP friends to stick with what you post. If something changes during the day, don't use that as an excuse to add extra calories. Work within your calorie limit.

    3. LOG EVERY DAY and BE HONEST...no exceptions, unless you can't get to a computer due to flood, tornado or other disaster. Be honest about your food log. If you lie about what you are eating, you will start to feel like a failure and quit posting all together.

    4. EXERCISE EVERY DAY for at least 30 to 60 minutes. Do it, because you will feel better and look better later. Find an exercise that you like, or you won't stick to it. House cleaning is NOT my idea of fun or exercise. It is just work.

    5. SET SMALL WEIGHT LOSS GOALS to reach on the way to your final goal.

    6. DON'T CELEBRATE WITH FOOD. Don't celebrate 'anything' with food, least of all reaching a weight loss goal. That's like smoking a cigarette to celebrate being a non-smoker for a month...or having a beer to celebrate the anniversary of your sobriety. Learn to reward yourself with something other than food.

    7. MAKE LOTS OF MFP FRIENDS. Those are the folks who will keep you motivated to keep coming back and logging everyday, until you make it to your goals and beyond.