Over 40--Can I Lose Weight?



  • kimber89
    kimber89 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you for your messages! It's encouraging to hear your success stories. Thank for taking the time to reply. Best of luck to all of you!
  • county
    county Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Kimber, I'm 48 and joined up last year. I hope to do better with it this year. I let life's problems get in the way. But i know it can be done. My daughter -in law and sister joined last year and they are doing great. You can add me as a friend / member. I've learned it helps alot when you have others to help you along.
  • WOW!!! That is fantastic!!! Any secrets you'd like to share??

  • I am right there with you girl! I am sure that we can do this thing! Started this life change on monday with some friends from work. We are doing "The Biggest Loser". A little healthy competition! You are already ahead of the game with the working out! Don't get discouraged. I am joining Weight Watchers tonite because I believe it is the most nutritionally sound and easy to maintain program. Good luck!
  • Sure you can!!!! This site is great for keeping track of your calories but try to get some exercise in. I just took up Zumba a few weeks ago and am having a blast. I've lost five pounds in two weeks. It's a great work but fun at the same time. Anyone can do it --- Have a couple of 70 year old women in there that don't miss a beat! Good luck to you. Add me if you'd like.
  • Rutht17
    Rutht17 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes you can I'm 44 and I have lost 20.5 pounds. I'm going for a total of 35, it isn't easy but honestly diet is the key thing for me. I do treat myself to something now and than but I watch what goes into my mouth as well as log every bite. Stay focused!!!
  • I was wondering the same thing! I just had a baby three months ago and I'm 41. I am the heaviest I've ever been and I've been afraid I'm not going to "get my body back" at this point. I made it my New Year's resolution, though. I think having "friends" who are going through the same thing will help with my motivation. Add me? :)

    I need to lose 63 pounds. :(:(:(
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Keep in mind that 80% of weight loss is due to diet. The biggest secrets for me were to weigh and measure everything (I'm not so good at portion sizes, apparently), log everything and only eat 1/2 of my exercise calories. Oh and no cheating.

    Keep at it, be patient and it WILL happen.

    Takes my body about 2 weeks to start losing after I begin eating at a deficit.

    Good luck!
  • slimgal613
    slimgal613 Posts: 52 Member
    Oh yes it is very possible. Takes alot of hard work and determination. What I have found is exercise and eating right have to go side by side. You can't do one without the other. You can certainly do it. You will do it!!

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    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    if you want it bad enough, you can lose weight at any age. I started this journey last January at the age of 39. When I hit 40 last August, I continued to lose weight. I have no doubt I will continue to lose weight now....if I stay focused and still want it bad enough ;)

    Now, you say that you've been working out for 6 months without any progress. This raises some questions/statements:

    1. Losing weight is 80-90% what you eat/drink. You can't out train bad eating. soooo...if your nutrition isn't right, that's why you aren't losing weight.

    2. IF your nutrition is spot on, and you are working at a caloric deficit, then one of these things might be going on:

    a. you are not eating enough. One of my good friends is a workout fiend and she doesn't eat a whole lot. know what? she hasn't lost a dang thing (or at least anything meaningful) in more than a year. I keep trying to offer hints, but she "knows best".

    b. you are exercising too often. your body needs time for rest and recovery. embrace those days (twice a week).

    3. Its possible that you aren't exerting enough effort doing the exercise that you are doing. for however long you are exercising, are you going hard or just going through the motions? its a complete myth that you have to work out for a long time. truth is that you can get excellent results by going hard over a relatively short period of time. if you don't believe me, try some bodyrock.tv routines for 2 weeks and see if that makes a difference.

    here are some other ideas: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/H_Factor/view/breaking-a-plateau-170648
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Hi! Today is my first day on My Fitness Pal. I'm 41 and would like to lose at least 25 pounds. I've been working out regularly for several months and haven't lost a pound. I'm so frustrated and want to get past the discouragement I'm feeling. And I need to get past the idea that losing weight after turning 40 is impossible. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the idea of counting calories--it seems like a lot of work. But I suppose it will take some work to undue the damage I've done! I'm excited about the supportive community on this site. I can use all the advice and encouragement I can get! Best of luck to everyone!

    Tomorrow is my 44th birthday. I plan to stay slim and fit forever.

    If you're not losing, make sure you're not starving. I'm not kidding. READ THIS:


  • I am 45 and I am loosing an average of 2 lbs a week...dont worry about the numbers on the scale for a while because you are turning fat into lean muscle...its like a trade out going on in your body...keep watching your measurments and you will see a difference as long as you are eating healthy! Good luck!!
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm 53 and even so my ticker doesn't show it :blushing: I know I will lose weight! Good luck and add me if you would like!

  • Stay encouraged! You can do it! Also try Herbalife if you need to add simple nutritious meals to your diet.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,356 Member
    OH YES! I'm 56 and doing it! MFP has been a great help as has Curves.:bigsmile:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I'm 41 years young and have lost 293 lbs. soon to be breaking that 300 lb. lost mark!! I average 1-2 lbs. lost a week and have for the last 30 months ( minus the occasional Plateau here and there) Logging becomes second nature once you start doing it, you won't even think twice about it after awhile... Just remember this is a marathon not a sprint.... You'll get there just stay positive and keep putting one foot in front of the other.... Best of Luck!!!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Stay encouraged! You can do it! Also try Herbalife if you need to add simple nutritious meals to your diet.

  • My grandma is 90 years old and been about 25 pounds overweight for about 15 years... Last summer she decided to do it. Today she is down 21 pounds and feels better than when she was 50! Those are her words..... It was slow and steady and she swears by eating half a grapefruit every morning... Stay positive!! and anyone is free to add me!
  • Welcome! And, yes, losing weight after 40 is most assuredly possible. I am 55 and have lost 42 pounds in 15 months through working out and MFP. Most of the credit goes to MFP because once I started MFP in July and began keeping track of my calories, losing the weight was almost easy. At first, it probably does seem as if counting calories is a lot of work, but MFP makes it easy. You can do this! I look forward to seeing your progress.