Walk for your Lunch

For over ten years I have worked for the same company, in the same basement office, in the same cubicle at the same desk. I think I'm getting that secretary butt :) I've decided to do something different this year - Walk for my lunch! I actually started this after Thanksgiving and love it.

I have it worked out that I can walk on my lunch hour. Then wait another hour and eat on a break. Works out wonderfully and it helps me feel energized!

So... if anyone of you also feels stuck at a desk with Rigamortise setting in - walk for your lunch!


  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I walk on my lunch hour too sometimes! Only when the weather is acceptable though - I hate being sweaty in my work clothes :). I go for morning and afternoon walks too sometimes!
  • janette130
    janette130 Posts: 66 Member
    Yeah - I get a little sweaty too, but I to do this all in the late afternoon so sitting a little sweaty before going home is so worth it. :)
  • TaraMPatel
    I am going to start this too, I am quite active in my job as I work with kids but if i dont have as long to sit and graze at lunchtime then that would be what'd help! And I work right next to a great park, so it makes sense! :)
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I always walked on my lunch - I love being outside instead of cramped up inside an office bldg. Since it's been cold now I've been doing the gym at lunch instead. Right behind my work and I have an hour, but if I didn't have that time I would dress warmer and still walk. Sometimes I walk my breaks or do the stairs on break.