Anyone besides me Starving?



  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm hungry too!!! I try to eat 1-2 eggs for breakfast on toast or something but it's eating so many calories I am going to limit myself to 1 eggo and a piece of fruit.

    I still don't understand the whole "Net Calories" thing on this program. I am allotted 1325 calories a day ( something like that) but when I exercise it tells me I can eat more. I thought the point was to stay at or under my calorie intake?

    UH! I'm also GAINING weight. I have gained 1.5 lbs the first week doing this program!! HELLO! My pants dont fit!
    <--- Norma and frustrated !

    I highly recommend eating your exercise calories back. I had the same problem and was reluctant to eat more but when I finally did I start losing again!
  • I am set at 1200 calories. I'm rarely hungry. When I am I drink a huge glass of water or green tea and than If I am still hungry I eat. I dont think feeling "starved" will help you. Eat if you want to eat. But just make the right choice. Veggies, Almonds, yogurt, all things that arent high in calorie. (among other things)
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Yes, I am hungry all the time. MFP has me on 1200 but when I consulted 2 of my endo doctors they said based on my age, metabolism, and inability to do strenuous exercise, I can eat no more then 1000 calories. I closed my diary due to much criticism. I would consult with a professional or a dietician.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Thanks everyone! Excellent advice! I'm embarrassed to make my diary public ;). I am weening myself off of Regular Dr. Pepper at the rate of 2 cans per day vs. the previous 4 per day. If I go cold turkey, I have severe headaches and withdrawal. I'm not looking to lose weight fast. I figure I gradually put it on and if it takes me a year to lose 30 pounds, that is okay. I'll just keep inching along.

    This morning I had Special K (1 cup with 2/3 cup milk) and was still hungry afterwards. I need to start tracking my exercise.

    your headaches are from the caffeine. I am caffeine free and once you make it past the first week, the headaches will stop. I rarely get headaches now at all. If you are "starving" you are not eating enough protein and fiber. I eat 1061 per day and do not eat burned calories back and I am never hungry.
  • You just need to eat more low calorie food. Try not to focus on the calorie intake, but rather on the healthy intake. eat more fruits and veggies. Stock up on it. High protein, chicken and eggs. Ditch the breads, they turn to sugar and that's bad. Snack on nuts. Drink lots of water. It helps to make you feel full too. Good luck!
  • nhhartmann
    nhhartmann Posts: 30 Member
    I, too, felt that way at first. I took a serious look at what I was eating. I just plain gave up some foods that their calories were not worth it for me. I replaced others for versions with lower calories. And I work out at least 30 minutes everyday to help me stay under calorie. I feel much more confident now.

    This is great advice.

    In addition to this, I think it takes at least two weeks to adjust to a lower calorie eating plan. I was doing this religiously last year up until August - I've counted in my head since then and logged on here and there. Of course now I'm up a few lbs and I'm going strict again and I'm back at the initial two week time frame where I have to retrain my stomach to be full with four 300 calorie meals.

    Also - the 300 calories you are using with soda would basically eliminate an entire meal which is substantial when you are counting. Use the previous posters advice on the soda as well - but when you are able to eliminate those, you will free up some food calories which will be a relief.
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks everyone! Excellent advice! I'm embarrassed to make my diary public ;). I am weening myself off of Regular Dr. Pepper at the rate of 2 cans per day vs. the previous 4 per day. If I go cold turkey, I have severe headaches and withdrawal. I'm not looking to lose weight fast. I figure I gradually put it on and if it takes me a year to lose 30 pounds, that is okay. I'll just keep inching along.

    This morning I had Special K (1 cup with 2/3 cup milk) and was still hungry afterwards. I need to start tracking my exercise.

    Have you tried the Dr Pepper 10? It only has 10 calories per can but it tastes like the regular! And eating more than 2/3 cup of cereal for breakfast is perfectly ok. Most experts recommend a bigger breakfast anyway, you just have to make adjustments throughout the rest of the day. Also, don't be afraid to eat at your BMR or higher. You're not in a rush you might as well make smaller, more long term adjustments. :)
  • Hey Good luck!

    I struggled with pop addiction when I was in my teens and now I only drink water and wine. Anyhow, I enjoyed the fizz of pop and didn't really care for the sweetness. So I swapped out Pellegrino and Perrier (Sparkling Water) for Dr. Pepper/Coke etc. This really helped me and today I don't get cravings for pop EVER. EVER. So if you like the "fizz" in pop, try swapping out 1 dr. pepper for a sparkling water (it's calorie freeee)
  • I'm allowed 1200 a day and I feel good. I do the small snack throughout the day (pack of 6 lance peanut crackers 180 cal for example) those are pretty filling. I do fruit too, It's all about feeling full without eating the bad stuff...hoped that helped a little
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    The MFP calorie goal is designed to make you lose weight EVEN IF YOU DON'T EXERCISE. If you DO exercise, you need to eat more on top of that 1330 goal. Other sites tend to give you a calorie goal and then tell you to exercise to create your deficit. MFP builds in the deficit for you. Think of it this way, when you put your info in on MFP, even if you tell it you plan to exercise 3, 4, 5 times a week, MFP says 'yeah right, I'll believe that when I see it. How about you just eat 1330 calories and then let me know if you actually get off your butt today'. So then when you do get off your butt, you need to log that exercise in the exercise section, and MFP will be like 'dang, are you serious? You REALLY exercised? Wow, I didn't see that coming. Okay, well since I told you to eat 1330 b/c I thought you weren't going to exercise, now that you DID exercise, you have earned a snack'. MFP will give you an estimate of the calories you may have burned during your activity and it will add those calories onto your 1330 goal for the day. So if you burned about 500 calories during your activity, your new goal for the day will be 1830. A lot more like those other sites, huh? That's b/c those other sites take exercise into account BEFORE you do it. MFP doesn't take it into account until AFTER you have proved that you got off your butt today. LOL

    My goal without exercise is 1390, but I routinely burn 400-600 per day through exercise so I get to actually eat closer to 1800-2000 and still consistently lose weight. If I'm not able to exercise on a given day, I stick closer to that 1390 'lazy' goal that MFP gives, but when I do my workouts I add back those exercise calories and eat more.

    Best explanation of how it all works ever.
  • skinniwoman
    skinniwoman Posts: 29 Member
    I'm sorry your answer just made me chuckle. I'm so bad at dieting. I started eating egg whites with veggies and low-fat choc milk. That fills me up until noon. I always eat at work, so I just buy something and eat only 1/2 and save the rest for the next day. For snack I eat piece of fruit. I've been taking at least a 20 min walk a day. Today I actually did 40 min and I'm going to do my areobics when I get home. It helps that I'm doing this with my daughter. Boy does she ride me. I feel like I'm on the biggest loser show. My body hurts and yes I'm hungry too. I have the headaches too. I drink at least 6 glasses a water. Trying to move that up. I always start out real good, but end up failing because I get tired of watching what I eat. Be strong.