2012 Brides

Hi all! My name is Trista. I am 33 and getting married 9/8/12. My starting weight is 245 and I am aiming to loose 80 pounds before my wedding and ultimately 100 pounds by the end of 2012. I'm looking for other 2012 brides who want to loose weight before the wedding to form a group and support and encourage each other. If you want to join, reply to the post with the following:

Wedding Date:
Starting Weight:



  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    Name: Alex
    Age: 22 (23 in a few weeks)
    Wedding Date: November 3
    Starting Weight: 160
    Goal(s): I want to loose 25 pounds, not be a plus sized bride. I'm borderline and I'd rather be on the smaller side :)
  • teenio7
    teenio7 Posts: 104 Member
    Wedding Date:6/30/12
    Starting Weight:143
    Goal(s): Lose 28 lbs before my wedding. Started P90x on Jan 1 so we will see how it goes.
  • Name: Chrystal
    Age: 32
    Wedding Date: 3/31/12
    Starting Weight: 206
    Goal(s): Lose 30 lbs prior to wedding and tone up arms!

    Congrats ladies and best wishes!
  • Hi all! My name is Trista. I am 33 and getting married 9/8/12. My starting weight is 245 and I am aiming to loose 80 pounds before my wedding and ultimately 100 pounds by the end of 2012. I'm looking for other 2012 brides who want to loose weight before the wedding to form a group and support and encourage each other. If you want to join, reply to the post with the following:

    Wedding Date:
    Starting Weight:

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • Name: Bre
    Age: 21
    Wedding: 05/12/12
    Start Weight: 166
    Goal: 140

    Good luck everyone!! We got this!
  • Contrats everyone on your upcoming weddings and thanks for joining the group. Sorry I have been MIA the last couple days, we have been battling the stomach flu at my house since New Years Eve..not fun!!

    I will be weighing in every Wednesday, so I thought we could all post our results once a week whichever day you choose to weigh in. I am down 5 pounds today, but I have to give all the credit to the flu because I havent been able to eat or workout =(.

    Hope you all have a great week!!
  • missgillen
    missgillen Posts: 5 Member
    Name: Lana
    Age: 20
    Wedding Date: Still unknown
    Starting Weight: 180 lbs
    Goal(s): -50 lbs

    My fiance and I knew we were going to get married since we met but back in in December of 2010 I was in a motor vehicle accident that broke 20+ bones in my my legs and my right arm. The accident left me bed ridden and immobile. Since then my weight has gone up and down.I would like it to go down and stay down so that on my wedding day I feel as beautiful as he thinks I am.

    The hardest part is how little I am actually able to exercise and it all is going soooo slow
  • Count me in! I need all the help I can get!

    Name: Jessica
    Age: 24
    Wedding Date: 10/6/12
    Starting Weight: 186
    Goals: 50 lbs by wedding date, and at least 25 by dress shopping (totally freaks me out!!!!). Knowing that I may be a plus size bride was definitely a reality check!

    Congratulations, everyone!
  • annanoel21
    annanoel21 Posts: 87 Member
    there already is a group for 2012 brides. Just do a search for 2012 brides and it should pop up!
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Congrats Ladies!!! If your interested in a challenge go to ; http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/429818-jan-challenge-for-brides-to-be-2012

    Feel free to friend me!!!!

    Name: Sarah
    Age: 32
    Wedding Date: 5/19/12
    Starting Weight: before MFP 307, on MFP: 298
    Goals:I would LOVE to be 230lbs by My wedding date but overall I want to be at a healthy weight which for me would be 145lbs.
  • CuppycakeKaren
    CuppycakeKaren Posts: 31 Member
    name: Karen
    age: 46
    wedding date: May 20/2012
    start weight:162
    goal weight: 130

    Marrying my soul mate and best friend...want to look FABULOUS on that day!!
  • CrystalCrossan
    CrystalCrossan Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in! I SO need motivation! I work 3 jobs and am a single mom, so going the gym is virtually impossible, but I am working out from home with The Firm videos (not the program, just a DVD I picked up) My diet is the hardest thing for me, because sticking to 1200 calories a day is hard when you're a carb addict like I am. I need someone to remind me that apples are better than apple fritters. :)

    Name: Crystal
    Age: 33
    Wedding date: July 6th, 2012
    Start weight: 140
    Goal weight: 120

    Just read this great article that might be useful to anyone else who has issues with uncontrollable cravings for sweets. http://www.alt-healthsearch.com/articles/view/how_to_beet_sugar_cravings/
  • darcy1982
    darcy1982 Posts: 52 Member
    Please count me in.....

    Name: Darcy
    Age: 29
    Wedding Date: September 14th 2012
    Start weight: 236
    Goal weight: 160-165 range

    I have a love/hate relationship with food. I always have had a problem with my weight, I guess I just love food! hahaha... anyways I know I will really need some inspiration! and I will def give it back...Thanks Ladies!!!!!
  • Count me in! I SO need motivation! I work 3 jobs and am a single mom, so going the gym is virtually impossible, but I am working out from home with The Firm videos (not the program, just a DVD I picked up) My diet is the hardest thing for me, because sticking to 1200 calories a day is hard when you're a carb addict like I am. I need someone to remind me that apples are better than apple fritters. :)

    Name: Crystal
    Age: 33
    Wedding date: July 6th, 2012
    Start weight: 140
    Goal weight: 120

    Just read this great article that might be useful to anyone else who has issues with uncontrollable cravings for sweets. http://www.alt-healthsearch.com/articles/view/how_to_beet_sugar_cravings/

    I'm right there with you, I LOVE CARBS!!! Thanks for the great article!
  • Please count me in.....

    Name: Darcy
    Age: 29
    Wedding Date: September 14th 2012
    Start weight: 236
    Goal weight: 160-165 range

    I have a love/hate relationship with food. I always have had a problem with my weight, I guess I just love food! hahaha... anyways I know I will really need some inspiration! and I will def give it back...Thanks Ladies!!!!!

    Thanks for joining the group. You and have have close starting weights and goals and wedding dates too!!!
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    Name: Anne Marie
    Age: 35
    Wedding Date: September 7, 2012
    Starting Weight: 195
    Goal(s): 160 or less
  • Count me in, ladies :)

    Name: Leanne
    Age: 24
    Wedding Date: June 2, 2012
    Starting Weight: 157
    Goal(s): 145
  • Name: Sarah
    Age: 24 (as of Jan. 26)
    Wedding Date: June 2, 2012
    Starting Weight: 152
    Current Weight: 136.5
    Goal(s): 125 or less

    I'm completely lacking motivation, but am feeling guilty over not being motivated - it's a vicious cycle!
    Hopefully, this message board will help...

  • Check In:

    How's everyone doing so far this week???

    I've done great with my eating so far, but haven't been as motivated about exercise. Part of the problem is that I am still fatigued from the flu I had last week. :ohwell:

    What is your weekly exercise plan?
    5 days cardio -30 minutes minimum
    3 days of strength training
    I am planning to use a combo of treadmill and workout dvds and will be making myself an exercise schedule today
  • Name: Caroline
    Age: 25
    Wedding Date: August 18, 2012
    Starting Weight: 264.2
    Goal(s): 180

    This sounds fun!

    SW: 264.2
    CW: 259.2
    GW: 180