muscle spasms

I started the New Rules of Lifting for Women workouts this week. I got confused the first day (Monday) and did twice as many sets as I should have; my body paid for it the next day! I was SO SORE. I ran C25K Tuesday, then did the second day of NROL yesterday (right number of sets this time!).

Last night, I'm sitting in choir practice at church, and all of a sudden, I started having a muscle spasm in my right buttcheek! It was awful! There's wasn't anything I could do but breathe my way through it...kind of sounded like Lamaze breathing! The lady next to me was looking at me funny...I told her what was happening, and I thought she was going to cry she was laughing so hard! It's funny now, but it sure hurt at the time!



  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    That happens to me all the time... it's so irritating! Potassium really helps to reduce them; next time have a banana :D
  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAA I'm sorry but I have to laugh even though it's not funny at all.. I've sooo been there. lol it hurts like hell.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    That happens to me all the time... it's so irritating! Potassium really helps to reduce them; next time have a banana :D

    That would have been a good idea if I'd been home at the time. At least at home I could have had a banana and maybe walked it off, but instead I'm stuck sitting in the choir room, in the middle of the row where I'd have to crawl over people to get out and walk around! All I could do was shift around in my seat until it passed.