The need for toast

Toasted bagels and baguette to be exact.

I'm back on and with a new goal - lose weight but not by a certain date... just a goal weight.

I've realized I absolutely need toasted wheat bread products in my life and I get so much out of even a small portion that it is worth it even if low carb would allow me to eat more grams of actual food.

So I've taken to buying baguettes and cutting them into fist size piece and keeping them in my freezer. I pull one out in the morning, toast and butter, and walk to work. Once I;ve got my coffee and I'm sitting down, I unwrap and enjoy. It takes me all the way through to lunch where I look forward to my salad with protein and very little dressing OR bagel with cream cheese :)

I think throughout my twenties I was so concerned with being low carb that when I gave into my carb cravings I'd go way overboard.

Change this completely.

PASTA and TOAST are back in my life just with far greater frquency and far smaller portions.

Any other tips for portion controlling with carbs is welcome.

Also has anyone tried "mashed cauliflower? not sure it is worth trying.



  • RealMattHopkins
    RealMattHopkins Posts: 75 Member
    I don't think cutting out your fave foods is a recipe for success. So have at it!

    Even if I have an event to attend in the evening, I plug in how many drinks I will have in the morning and work my day around that. I make sure that is a day I go to the gym to offset the calories I would consume if need be but usually I am able to make it work. Same deal with the bread. Just have to make it part of your overall plan.

    And mashed cauliflower sounds revolting... I don't understand why anyone would cook it. It's awesome raw but cooked cauliflower is like a torture to me. Sick.
  • chanken47
    chanken47 Posts: 3 Member
    Mashed cauliflower is yummy! Steam it until it is soft - although I like it with some texture. Mash it and add a little salt, pepper, garlic.... maybe a bit of parmesan cheese.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I eat the Sara Lee 45 & Delightful, Joseph's Flax Pita Bread, Flatout light or LaTortilla Factory low carb tortillas. All are quite good. The pita is amazing, great sammies and also great chips if you toast. I'm addicted to those at the moment and only 60 cals and 4 carbs each! makes 16 yummy chips if you cut into wedges, mist and bake for just a few minutes.