Help! I need sneaky ways to get my veggies.

I've finally worked up to eating three different pieces of fruit a day but I have a problem with veggies.

Actually it's more than a problem... I can't freakin, stand them. Never have. I think I was possibly birthed with a genetic aversion to them. :-)

Lettuce I can stomach... if it's on a sandwich covered in enough other things to mask that it's there.

Tomatoes - fuhggedaboutit - except in some kind of processed juice form in a curry or chilli recipe.

All coliforms (broccoli, cabbage etc.) - utter spawn of satan. Would honestly rather eat doggy poop.

Vegetable fusion type drinks - bleurghhhhhhhh!

I could go on but you get the jist...

but I am very aware that by not eating enough veggies I am not only stopping myself from reaching optimum health, but quite possibly putting myself at risk for all manner of cancers and other health conditions.

I need someone to school me in secret ways to add veggies to my daily foods. Or, and this is a long shot, to actually give me veggie recipes that I will like.

Please help! :-)


  • lohitverma
    lohitverma Posts: 161 Member
    would suggest trying veggie stir fry (low oil) mixed with some meats that you enjoy
    works for my daughter :)
  • cariliz
    cariliz Posts: 82
    What about if you dipped your veggies in hummus or a light ranch dressing????? Such as carrots, red peppers, broccoli(maybe you could stomach it this way), cucumbers(I like them in vinegar).....just a thought.
  • Demwitted
    Demwitted Posts: 163
    Have you tried Naked Juice Green Machine? If you have learned to like fruit, you should like it. I think pineapple is the most prevalent flavor and there's lots of veggie in it.

    Also, if you like to cook:
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I've finally worked up to eating three different pieces of fruit a day but I have a problem with veggies.

    Actually it's more than a problem... I can't freakin, stand them. Never have. I think I was possibly birthed with a genetic aversion to them. :-)

    Lettuce I can stomach... if it's on a sandwich covered in enough other things to mask that it's there.

    Tomatoes - fuhggedaboutit - except in some kind of processed juice form in a curry or chilli recipe.

    All coliforms (broccoli, cabbage etc.) - utter spawn of satan. Would honestly rather eat doggy poop.

    Vegetable fusion type drinks - bleurghhhhhhhh!

    I could go on but you get the jist...

    but I am very aware that by not eating enough veggies I am not only stopping myself from reaching optimum health, but quite possibly putting myself at risk for all manner of cancers and other health conditions.

    I need someone to school me in secret ways to add veggies to my daily foods. Or, and this is a long shot, to actually give me veggie recipes that I will like.

    Please help! :-)

    To be honest with you here, you really need to consider learning how to cook vegetables in different ways, in different dishes... and just work at it.

    Why be so convinced you 'have to' sneak them in? Youre only fooling yourself thus making yourself also part of the problem.

    First things first - make a list of the vegetables YOU WILL eat. Pair that with a vegetable that you dont like but is commonly served with it...... so for example, if you like onions, try mushrooms or peppers....

    Its really going to require you to put forth 150% effort.... if my husband can eat all of the vegetables I prepare (he just had some Jewish Chicken Soup w/matzoh balls with me for dinner and its LOADED with vegetables), YOU can eat them too....
  • Loudmom01
    Loudmom01 Posts: 131 Member
    I use to shred veggies, zucchini and squash for example, to put in recipes for my kids. You cant see it or taste it. Great idea for meatloaf for example.
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    How 'bout what I do for my kids: The Sneaky Chef route: Basically you add different veggie purees to things, and they are hidden when you cook them. For example: mix pureed pumpkin, or squash into pancake or waffle batter, or even mac-n-cheese. Mix pureed carrots, spinach, beans, etc. into your meat mixes (meatloaf, meatballs).
  • calana
    calana Posts: 88 Member
    A few handfulls of spinach in a fruit smoothie in the morning totally hides the taste but you're still getting all the vitamins :)
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    Sometimes our tastes change. I'm an example: most of my life, broccoli was Satan-spawn to me, too. But when I tried some properly cooked (meaning not excessively, still halfway crisp) I actually got to liking it. Now I chow happily on the stuff. Asparagus? My mother always cooked hell out of it, and it was horrible; but try just rinsing it off and eating it raw -- it's actually quite good!

    Just try some vegetables in some really DIFFERENT ways. I bet you'll find some that you like.
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    I am in the same boat...there are a few veggies I like, but most of the ones you should really be eating I can't stand. I also don't think "buck up and discipline yourself" type responses help much..I tried that..I forced myself to eat raw carrots no..that doesn't work.

    Cooking them different ways may help...I seriously hate carrots but I found that if they are cooked in a soup, I can eat them. Also try cutting them up into itty bitty bits and cooking them with other things.....stir fry is great for this as is soups and eggs and whatever. I know that raw is better because vitamins get cooked out of it..but for those who seriously barf trying to eat raw, eating cooked is better than nothing...just take a multivitamin to help supplement (again I know not the best rout but still better than nothing)
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i am an impulse eater so sometimes i put veggies like mini carrotts, cut up celery sticks or blanched broccoli pieces in the car with me and eat while im driving or watching a movie ...because those are the dear moments when i eat and dont pay attention to what i eat ...i just eat.. i love vegetables now though . lettuce i dont eat at all because i tend to like fresh baby spinach and or spring greens -- way more nutritious ..lettuce to me is a total waste .. i dont eat sauces,butters ,dips or salt with vegetables any more .its been a battle that i won if i can win the battle of sweets id be really going places!!!!!
  • Speaking from a fellow person that hateeeees veggies lol The one veggie I would recommend to start with is red peppers..they just taste a little sweet and not like a typical veggie...make a stir fry like others suggested first with meat you like and throw small chopped up pieces of red pepper in....put on rice and try it out :) Also have you tried V8 juices they have now with servings of veggies and fruit?
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    I so feel your pain! Thanks to those who've chimed in with helpful tips!
  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 208 Member
    Just experiment. A lot of times its a major texture thing. I hate goopy tasting vegetables. if I can crisp them in some way they're awesome.

    either that or there's a sauce involved
  • mammafrog
    mammafrog Posts: 176
    I am not a veggie eater either BUT I do puree carrots to put in any red pasta sauce and you don't know their there. Also has a crockpot past sauce made from tomatoes that is YUMMY
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    Man up and eat them. They're good for you and low in calories.
  • I like sour cream so I dip my carrots in fat free sour cream.

    Try edamame, you might like it.

    You can also cook spinach and add some fat free feta cheese on top
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I like to finely chop veggies or puree them and add them to dishes to mask them (my kids have the same aversion to veggies that you do). For example, when I make meatloaf, I puree mushrooms, peppers and onions and sautee them before adding them the meat mixture.... it is awesome! You can also replace your pasta with spaghetti squash and put sauce on it just like spaghetti.
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    I shred or chop veggies and put them in my eggs in the morning. Top with 1/4c of reduced fat shredded cheddar, and 2T ketchup. You can't even tell they're there. I also put spinach or kale into a protein shake and can't even taste it. I also shred carrots and put them into meatloaf. I put spinach and carrots and onions and other things into pasta sauce. I also tried preparing vegetables in different ways so that they tasted better to me.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    All coliforms (broccoli, cabbage etc.) - utter spawn of satan. Would honestly rather eat doggy poop.

    Actually, I do have two pieces of constructive advice:
    1) There are people in poorer countries that ARE literally DYING for food like the ones you're complaining about. Get some perspective of the overall picture.
    2) If you would honestly rather eat 'doggy poop' instead of coliforms, I suggest you go ahead and do so. It will serve to positively reinforce the difference between the two and my guess would be you will come out LOVING coliforms.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Broccoli: roast with bacon/olive oil/garlic or just steam and sprinkle with a teeny bit of Parmesan
    Asparagus: roast with lemon or grill with balsamic vinegar
    Carrots: I eat them raw. Can't stand them cooked. I buy the precut carrot chips because at least that way it feels more fun.
    Kale: drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake into chips!
    Corn: grill, steam, boil, etc
    Bell peppers, celery, cucumber: slice up raw and dip in hummus! Or, make your own dip by mixing powdered Ranch mix into Greek yogurt for an extra protein kick.
    Spinach, mushrooms: chop up and add to omelettes

    If you're not a veggie juice person, V8 also makes some pretty delicious low cal veggie soups. Just be careful - they have quite a bit of sodium.