anyone want to lose alot of weight or have n want to share i

hi im kate ive tried this weight loss thing before n lost 18 lbs then gave up n gained 8 back i want to get down to 160 and then maybe 150 im currently at 235 yikes i know but i want to change that so if u have same goals n want to you can add me n we can share ideas n motivate each other whos with me??:happy:


  • I'm a little over 200lbs as well. I am trying to get to 150, but most importantly I want to work on my stomach (hardest fat to lose). I'm going to try to keep up with logging in and sharing tips! I'm here to motivate as well.
  • Have around 100 pounds I am gonna lose.... i was gonna say i was gonna try to lose but im going im gonna say that instead..need some supporters and friends to cheer each other on so please add me..
  • hi im kristin and need to loss a some weight , have my wedding coming up and need to loss some weight before my first dress fitting in two months , hoping this fitness plan will work
  • it will! just stay on track no cheating and exercise ull do well
  • Hey Kate, I am doing this again also, I am counting my ww points and posting my food on here so I can keep track, my downfall is ice cream and right now I need to start excercising more, but with work on second shift and having three small grandchildren living with me it is hard to find the time, I know I gotta quit making excuses and find the time, but lately I have been exhausted!! Good luck to you!! Angie
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I started at 215, last April. Here's the secret: You have to be READY to commit to a different lifestyle, to different eating habits, better ones, and keep your goals, short and long term at the front of your mind, and NEVER EVER lose sight of them.

    Before I found MFP, last winter, I had pretty much resigned myself to feeling like crap and looking the way I did for the rest of my life, and I had almost accepted it, until I saw an MFP progress post on FB and came in to check it out. I looked around and realized that the 5 minutes of logging each meal a day, and sacrificing 30 minutes of couch time to work up a sweat would be worth it, and I have not lost sight of that one single time, even when I feel like I'm in a rut and starting to like the way I look, there is still more work to be done, I am not at the end, and I won't let my body, or the mirror convince me otherwise. There will always be snacks and crap to eat, but if I kept eating it like I was, there also wouldn't always be a ME for my kids to come home to, and my husband to kiss goodnight.
  • This looks like the place I need to be, I too need to loose about 90-95 lbs. It is a very hard struggle, but one that I am committed to and I think if we all can talk to each other and motivate each other it will make it easier. My biggest problem is that I have gotten so lazy over the past couple of years I don't even want to get up and walk, but I dug out my pedometer and put a new battery in it today and promised myself to walk at least 10 mins 3 times tomorrow. Baby steps.
    Thanks for starting this thread
  • thanks :)
  • I am losing a lot of weight. Currently I have lost 88 lbs and want to lose a total if 150. I have been doing this since April of 2011. I have to admit that this app on my Iphone has helped me a lot and if it wasnt from my friends on this site, I dont know if I would have stuck to the diet. I cannot tell you how great I feel. I still have a lot to lose and hope by the time I hit my year mark, I will be under 200lbs. Just keep it in your mind that you can do it, and you will. Good luck everyone. :tongue:
  • thesarahsundae
    thesarahsundae Posts: 240 Member
    I lost most of mine by eating clean and CARDIO!! Now I'm trying to tone up and lost the last 25 pounds. I've been stuck at the same weight for a couple months but it could be worse. I am following the Weight Watchers program as well.
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member

    I am with you! I am 243 lbs and my ultimate goal is 145. So we have about the same amount to lose!!!! Although, I have lost 81 lbs over the last 2.5 years!!! Look forward to taking this journey with you!!!

  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    i started in may at 240 and i am now can do it!! determination, exercise and tons of water!!
  • Hi all! I agree with a lot of people. It's a change of lifestyle. And the small changes make the biggest differences. Like parking your car further away, walking 2 flights of stairs a day, or even in the office, walking to get water twice as often.

    I have been here about 5 months and I have lost 19 pounds. It's not a great amount but it's a start.

    And to everyone out there, you can do it! Do it for your health and family. (^^)
  • Pynkklady
    Pynkklady Posts: 51 Member
    In Oct 2010, I reached my heaviest, 274. From Oct to June, I lost 8 lbs. Then I found MFP and to date, lost another 52 lbs. I have shared this site with others, who log on once or twice and are never seen again. You have to be ready...if you're not, you won't succeed. If you're not ready now, doesn't mean you never will be.

    Anyone who wants to add me, may do so. Most of the time, I'm logging on via my phone, so I don't comment a lot, but support is support...just knowing there are others out there, fighting the good fight, really helps.

    We can do this!
  • welcome be sure you eat enough calories in a day and if you you work out that how much more calories you need to eat. my point is you have to eat to loss weight and gain lean musle . I was at 190 in feb 2011 and in 10 months only lost 5 pounds and once i stated this site and started eating right and enough calories i lost the rest of the 18 pounds in a month you can do it to.:-) you are welcome to add me as a friend
  • Aerialanew
    Aerialanew Posts: 15 Member
    I lost most of mine by eating clean and CARDIO!! Now I'm trying to tone up and lost the last 25 pounds. I've been stuck at the same weight for a couple months but it could be worse. I am following the Weight Watchers program as well.

    I just want to say that i think it pretty friggin awesome that you have lost 121 pounds that is absolutely amazing. you have motivated me.
  • uzmaa1
    uzmaa1 Posts: 1
    I am Uzma anad have lost 24 lb since i've started to use MFP and would like to lose another 50 lb. currently I am 205lb. i have to agree with most of you that it has to be lifestyle change. It's really hard for me to go to gym so I need a lot of encouragement that I hope to find here ...
  • what kind of exercises did u do
  • I have over 75 to go. Please add me :)