Buddies who lift heavy

Hey everyone. I'm starting to really get excited about lifting heavy. It's so much fun!

So now I'm trying to find some pals that like to lift heavy too.

Is there anyone out there? :happy:


  • Luckydrd
    Luckydrd Posts: 56 Member
    Hey, you got me :) starting strength and 5/3/1 program.
    My squats at 250lbs, deadlifts 310lbs, bench 220lbs, and overhead press 135lbs
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    I've been lifting heavy for 4 months and I love it!
    Currently trying to cut to <10% bf but progress has been slow :(
  • EIEIannone
    EIEIannone Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks guys! :)
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE heavy weight! 1RM Squats is 225lbs deadlifts 205lbs..i'm weak here! my deadlift should be heavier then my squat..recent hernia repairs have set me back! boo! Bench with barbell 155lbs..again weak..working on it, bench with DB's 65lbs..more then most men at my gym!! I like that!!
  • jwalker30
    jwalker30 Posts: 282
    I try to lift heavy, it seems to get me a lot more motivated in the gym when I hit a new high
  • EIEIannone
    EIEIannone Posts: 59 Member
    Haha from the stats you all have given me, I have a LOT more work to do.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    So long as your form is good, push your muscles to their limits of failure or fatigue. Break em down to build em up!
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    I LOVE it too!!! Just started in October--from the looks of it, I have some work to do too!!! Sheesh, and here I thought I was SO strong! LOL! Now I can't wait to go the gym tomorrow!!!

  • So long as your form is good, push your muscles to their limits of failure or fatigue. Break em down to build em up!

    Exactly right, I have been lifting for a long time now and often with pro athletes too often the focus is on going heavy rather that form.

    Bench 352lbs, Squat 462lbs unsure of deadlift as we dont get tested on that one