Ideas for healthy lunch for Me (Picky Eaters)**

This may be a strange question..but i need help eating healthy but am very picky...i like grilled chicken but not very many veggis. any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  • bcraig26
    bcraig26 Posts: 14 Member
    bean burgers
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    Grilled chicken pita with lettuce, tomatos, cucumbers with either hummus or tzatziki sauce (cucumber sauce).

    Chicken salad

    Not sure what veggies you like but some items to try for sides/fillers:
    Veggies with hummus-I like cucumbers and carrots

    colored peppers-raw, not a fan of the green ones

    also try veggies prepared in different ways-raw, steamed, sauteed with sweet onions, cooked with some seasoning. I love vegetables but I have noticed that I like some only prepared a certain way.