I'm new here...started to get fit 1/1/12

I just found this website and hope it will help me to stay on track and get some good ideas and support with like-minded people! I'm middle-aged and want to get fit and healthy to live the rest of my life in the best physical/mental shape possible. I joined a new fitness center and am going three times each week. Since December 26th I'm down 4 pounds so I'm headed in the right direction. On the 26th I started eating better but on January 1st went cold turkey on fast food, junk food and highly processed food. I don't want to "diet" but just want to find a new way to look at food and make better decisions at the table.


  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Good luck..... this web site has given many people great success.... if you stick with it, great things can happen. Its a slow process, but there's no reason to rush, right?
  • Babbella10
    Hi Happy New Year . This site is amazing. It isn't about dieting........it is about knowing what you are eating........prior to........I started here the end of Aug and have lost almost 26 lbs so far...I have about 9 left to go. If you are true to it and follow it.....it will happen for you. Great you are working out. I wish I could get motivated for that.

    Good luck!
  • JodyZiebart
    Hi Amy,

    You sound exactly not me, I am not 'dieting' I just started this January 1st (but was good through Christmas). I have a long way to go, but I'm looking at mini goals right now. I find this site amazing, just writing down what I eat and watching the calories brings such a great awareness ... and makes this so much easier than anything I've tried before.

    Good Luck to you!

  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight. You've made a great decision to be here and that will help you out a lot. I am in the process of a lifestyle change myself. Feel free to add me.
  • Amyknits2
    Hi Babbella10, I hate working out but have had two foot surgeries in 2011 and put on about 20 pounds from inactivity. Luckily, a new fitness center opened about 10 min from my home and I joined. I can only do recumbant bike or upper body work but it's something. I'm not "dieting" but hoping to lose weight just by cutting out the added sugars, fast food, and bad snacks. I need to not only lose some weight but get in better physical condition. I have "dieted" in the past and it doesn't work for me...I have to make this a lifestyle change. It looks like you are doing great!
  • Treesah77
    I just joined as well and am trying to get some weight off by eating healthier and exercising. In the past I've lost weight and the accountability and being aware of what I ate was key. This is the same concept. Hang in there and take it one day at a time!
  • Amyknits2
    Thanks for the post Treesah77! Support does help! This looks like a great website! Lots of friendly, helpful people here!
  • Amyknits2
    Well, I did good today. I went out at 8:30 to my fitness center and did the recumbant bike for 6 miles then met with a trainer to get a fitness program designed for me to work around my bad foot. After meeting with the trainer, I decided to treat myself to the water massage bed, red light therapy booth and massage chair! I was there for about 2.5 hours! I won't be there nearly that long in the future but the meeting with the trainer was an hour long. I came home and had a greek yogurt with a little Kashi Go Lean cereal in it. I also had a cup of coffee this morning and 24 oz. of water so far.

    I hope you all are doing well today with staying on track! I look forward to hearing how you all are doing!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • ShrinkingSusan
    ShrinkingSusan Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck with your journey to healthier living!

    P.S. I love the penguin picture!
  • Rhondaj46
    Hi, I joined a few days ago and the food and exercise diary is a great tool. I didn't do so good on my calorie intake yesterday, but keeping track of it helped me realize i can make better choice. I joined a gym for the first time ever and really enjoying it. Good luck on your jouney.
  • tattooedtealady
    tattooedtealady Posts: 81 Member
    Hi there,

    I started this on January 3rd myself, so also new. Hoping to lose a total of 83lbs, 28lbs of which I hope to lose by mid-April! I'm finding this site doesn't really feel like a 'diet' as such. Because there's nothing you can't eat, so long as you account for the calories. It's great that you can input any exercise into here and it tells you what you've burned calorie wise, which you can then either eat or not, up to you! I am also a member of a gym but haven't managed to get there in a while (something I hope to change and get back into the routine of) Good luck on your journey, and feel free to add me as a friend if you like :) My food diary is public so that people can see the kind of things I am eating and where I am spending my calories!