I'm a new mom, I live in a new place, and I'm new here!

Hi Everyone!

I'm Julia.

My goal is to lose 50lbs by Jan 1, 2013. My ultimate goal is to lose 80. I feel like those numbers are so large that they are almost out of my reach. I'm hoping that they will soon become more of a reality instead of just a daydream the further I get into my lifestyle change.

I have a 4 month old daughter. I only gained 23lbs while pregnant and it was all gone by the time she was 2 weeks old. I wish I could say all of my extra weight was from her but I can't. However, I will blame pregnancy for making my hips wider.

My family and I just moved to Okinawa, Japan. We moved here from Alaska so a tropical island is a nice change! I hated the snow but being able to hide under a sweatshirt or jacket beats swimsuits for most of the year. I'm hoping to at least feel comfortable on the beach by early this summer to really enjoy our new home. I know I shouldn't let my weight keep me from enjoying something ..but I'm sure someone can relate.

I'm keeping a blog about my journey. I write every day. It really keeps me moving and I highly suggest keeping some form of journal, it's a great motivation! You are more than welcome to read it: www.livingpinterest.blogspot.com. Yes, I use the site Pinterest as my motivation. Turning my "boards" into reality.

I wish everyone here a successful journey and a lifetime of health! I look forward to getting to know everyone!


  • Junepal
    Junepal Posts: 148 Member
    Hi Julia,
    Welcome and congrats on your decision to become healthier. You have a very realistic goal and you can do this!!!
    Feel free to ad me as I am always looking to give and receive support. MFP is an amazing tool and the people on it are even better.
  • mander1
    Hi Julia! Wow! What an exciting time of change for you! Congratulations on your new addition. What an interesting change to your living situation! Japan, wow! I will definitely be checking out your blog. I, too, am new to MFP. I tried the calorie counter once for a brief time and was actually successful. Obviously that didn't last long because here I am again.
    This year I am focusing on finding myself again. I have 2 girls ages 8 and 2 and have kind of let me interests an hobbies be put on hold for way to long. I have started a blog (last night!) to help me be accountable in a way for these goals. I thought meeting some people on MFP would help me be accountable for my weight goals as well as gain some support!
    I wish you luck in all you are setting out to accomplish and look forward to following/chatting with you.

  • chayse392
    Hi Julia,

    Congrats on your new addition. I have just recently moved to Germany from Canada so I know what a difference a big move can make. I also find the bakery's don't help! haha! I will definately be checking ut your blog and think a daily journal is a great idea! Your goal sounds very acheivable to me, especially living in a climate you enjoy! Good luck and I look forward to chatteing with you again.
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I am a 32yr old mom of 2 and I need to lose about 45lbs. Maybe we can help each other on our journey! lots of luck!
  • jpbenjamin
    jpbenjamin Posts: 116 Member
    Hi Julia!

    I'm Jessica and I'm a mom to a 5month old boy. I too lost all the baby weight right after delivering...i actually weight almost 10lbs less than I did before I got pregnant...but still have ways to go to get to my ideal and healthy weight! We could do this together! I'll friend you :-)! Welcome!
  • jkp2012
    jkp2012 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks! I sent (or approved) everyone a friend request! I might just like MFP more than facebook! :p My husband is in the Air Force so we tend to bounce around every 3 to 4 years. For once I feel like I can do this!

    And if you have a weight loss blog or even just a family based one, let me know what it is! I would love to follow your adventure :)
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    This place is amazing and I know you will fall in love with it.
    I know I did when I first joined!
  • chellelynn30
    Congrats on everything!! I have 2 boys, 5 and 1 and have about 20-30 pounds to lose. I've been doing MFP for about a week now and it has been amazing! The people you meet on here and all the support you get is fantastic.

    Stick with it and stay strong
  • dabombmom23
    dabombmom23 Posts: 10 Member
    HI Julia !!

    I am a mom of a 19 year old and use to say that it was the "babyfat" that i could not shake.. had nothing to do with the cheesecake.. lol.. I am also a newer user and would love to be friends to give and get support. You goAL, like my goal is obtainable we just need to stay focus.. add me in !!
  • amandak555
    Hi! I have 60 pounds but I would love to push myself to 80 pounds of weight loss! I am also a new mom, my son is 13 weeks and we actually live in Alaska now!
  • ByootifulMe
    Hi Julia!

    I am a new mom as well! I had my little girl 2 months ago. I also need support and motivation to lose 78 pounds. Before my pregnancy I lost 35 pounds, I only gained 4 pounds my whole pregnancy and I lost 3.5 after having her so I am back on track!

    Feel free to add me and anyone else, please feel free to add me as well!

    Congrats to you and your little one!