Please help me. I'm 18 and MUCH over my calorie goal :(

So i ate 1600 calories and should only be eating 1200 :(
I cant be bothered to do exercise either.

This is my first day on MFP and im trying to lose 10kg.
I feel horrible.
I want to exercise but im too fat and lazy.
I hate myself right now :(
Please help.
I keep saying "ill just eat 2 chocolate cookies and a sausage, ill burn it off anyways"
Then i log that im going to eat 2 cookies and a sausage and then log 3 hours of exercise as well.. i eat it and then i delete the exercise off because i cant be bothered exercising

Please help me everyone.

Thank you for your support :(


  • stronglikebull
    get up and do some exercise or don't eat as much tomorrow. those are your two options. if you can't be bothered to exercise or eat less, you're not going to lose any weight.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    You're never too fat to exercise. Laziness is something you have to get over. I am the laziest person... can't be bothered doing anything. But you know how I've lost my weight? Just by getting up, putting my shoes on and going for a walk. Just go around the block. Tomorrow, go a bit further. Once you get started, believe me, you won't stop.

    You can do it.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    If you refuse to exercise today, then stop worrying about the fact you went over.
    It's just 1 day, make yourself do better tomorrow.
    You can't beat yourself up every time you go over when you won't do the exercise to make it better. It's too negative to do anything positive.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    i agree with stronglikebul, you either have to eat less, or eat healthier, or exercise..
    Its not going to just happen..

    I know how hard it can be some days to get motivated, and i know how hard it is not to eat things like chocolate..
    But if you really want to loose weight bad enough than you can do something, even if its only 10 minutes exercise...
    Its better than nothing.
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    even simple walking is exercise. and just go a little further every day. when u go to the stores park in the back of the parking lot and take stairs instead of elavators.

    also planning your food a day ahead of time help eliminate going over. that way you are not at 1200 cals by dinner time. then u just have to stick to your pre planned food. that allows you to move things around and take out food before you eat it. rember you can always eat something another day when it fits in better.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    You can't beat yourself up for not being perfect on your first day. I went over my goal for many weeks before getting the hang of this. Don't worry and make tomorrow a better day.
  • ljcatch22
    ljcatch22 Posts: 42 Member
    Not only that, but it takes a little bit to learn what to eat. Losing weight isn't some magic thing that will just happen if you want it to. It took me a little while to learn what calories were in what. I was used to eating crap with high calories counts, and was struggling not to feel hungry. It takes time to find filling low calorie things that you like to eat.

    Also, getting up and walking for thirty minutes or so would have made that extra 400 calories only an extra 200 calories over. "Working out" doesn't have to be anything more than a walk.
  • _xoxok
    _xoxok Posts: 152 Member
    I'm 19 & I used to be the same way. You are TOO young to feel that way. If you want something to change, YOU have to change it. Get up & move.. You'll begin to love exercising. You deserve to be happy AND healthy. Make a change!!
  • Tomorrow is a new day.

    Throw the cookies and sausages in the trash and empty your house of anything that will stop you from reaching your goal.

    You do NOT have the willpower to keep a box of cookies in the house and just have one...I know I don't...that's why I don't buy them.

    But, you really need to want to lose the weight. It's not going to come off on it's own. It takes a lot of work and dedication. I lost 20lbs and gained it right back because I took shortcuts ate too little...didn't work out...etc.

    We all make mistakes. Just pick yourself up and try again.
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    You can change your goal to be less aggressive to get more calories, ie. 1lb a week instead of 2. If you look at your settings and what they calculate you burn on average with daily long as you are eating below that, you will still lose weight, it just may take a little longer. You just started, so just logging is a good habit. You can actually see what you eat so you know where you've gone wrong and what to do better. Exercise will help a lot since 1200 is hard for a lot of us to eat that low, so I exercise more to eat a bit more. Don't get discouraged. One day at a time, change a couple habits until you are comfortable and naturally inching toward a healthy lifestyle. You will start to want better food that happens to be lower calorie and you can eat more volume when you do choose that instead.

    *Edit, your daily activity is under your "goals" tab. It says I burn over 2000 calories a day, so eating less than that will help me lose weight even if I'm over the 1200 that MFP designated for me in order to lose about 2 per week. It will just add up in smaller increments.
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    get your mp3 player and go. its so easy to keep going once youve started. I used to feel how you feel all the time.
  • _xoxok
    _xoxok Posts: 152 Member
    Feel free to add me if you need some extra support. :flowerforyou:
  • devnulldude
    devnulldude Posts: 26 Member
    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In those choices lie our growth and our happiness." - Stephen Covey
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I know how hard it can be to get started. You get into that attitude of "I'm fat, I hate myself, what's the point of even trying."

    The fact is, you can ignore it for as long as you want but eventually you have to realize that YOUR choices are the only thing that can change your body.

    You say you can't be bothered to exercise? Try. Try to find something you like. I personally HATE exercising, but I love video games and started out by playing Dance Dance Revolution for 30 minutes each day (it burns a surprising amount of calories). I love that game and it made working out so easy. Just try a lot of things. Do you like to swim? Bike? Dance? Play tennis? It does take some effort but eventually you'll find a form of exercise you don't hate. Exercising is great, because the more calories you burn, the more you can eat! :D

    As far as trying to eat fewer calories... it sucks. It's something I still struggle with. But it WILL pay off. You just have to really think about your choices. For example tonight I was planning on having a healthy snack of celery and ranch, then my boyfriend called and offered to bring me food because he was stopping to get some. I came SO close to saying yes, but I really thought about it and realized that accepting his offer would cause me to go over my calorie goal, which would mean more weight for me to worry about, which would mean lower-self esteem and slower results. So I told him no and stuck with the celery. Would I have rather had fast food? Of course! But I'm proud of myself for making a healthy choice. You'll get there, too. This is your first day; don't sweat it! Just try to make small healthy choices every day and soon, you'll start being within your calorie goal.

    I know it's discouraging at first, but it's SO awesome when you start seeing results. You'll be proud of yourself and wonder why you didn't start sooner. MFP is awesome and the community here is so nice. If you have any questions, hang around the forums. And good luck!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Gosh, if you only have 10kg to lose, you are NOT FAT! And people who are truly obese exercise all the time. Many posters here are doing that as they work on their weight so there's no reason you can't.

    Lazy is a state of mind. If you tell yourself you're lazy, then you'll be lazy. As others have said, just get up and do something. Believe me, the more you do it, the easier it will get and you will even get to the point where you like it and your body craves it.

    It's also possible that you might need to make your lifestyle changes slowly. Maybe you need to start with the exercise and then, after it becomes a habit, start with changing your eating habits. Maybe doing both at the same time is overwhelming to you. There's nothing wrong with baby steps.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    If you were hungry and you ate over, maybe 1200 is too low and you need to eat more. Don't panic about going over or you are gonna be done with this whole thing really soon.

    I say increase the calories and eat, but that's just me.
  • courtgosvener
    courtgosvener Posts: 66 Member
    Depends how much do you have to lose and how big are you? I am in America not sure what kilos are? Is it 10, 20,30 pounds? I would say take it a little at a time, I lost the first 5 pounds without even exercising I just restricted my calories. You could always change your goal to lose it slowly and that way you can eat more and not have to exercise and still lose 1 lb a week.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Also, if you think 400cals is MUCH over, you would freak seeing my diary. I've been 2000 over before. Loved every delicious minute of it.
  • devilsangel2
    devilsangel2 Posts: 123 Member
    10kg is not a huge amount to lose but it is going to take time and effort. Changing your lifestyle also takes time, don't try to change all your bad habits at once, just concentrate on one thing for today (or a couple of days) then add in something else.
    E.G. Would you normally have had 2 cookies or 6? If the answer is 6 then you have already made an improvement by cutting back. Tomorrow take a walk around the block. The day after cut back a little more and walk around the block. The next day walk two blocks and so on and so on.

    If you try to do it all at once you will overwhelm yourself and give up. Take baby steps and soon it will be so easy you will wonder why you were worried :smile:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    So, today wasn't a great day - although you are probably still in a calorie deficit and should still lose weight even with 400 cals over today, it's not the end of the world.

    The way I see it, at this point you have two choices -

    1. to tell yourself: "see, this proves it is too hard and I will never succeed at losing weight. I may as well stay on the couch and eat the rest of that chocolate"

    2. to tell yourself: "well, that wasn't a great day. BUT, today I know how much I ate. That's a victory. Tomorrow I'm going to be closer to my calorie goal" then walk out that door for 10 minutes, turn around and come back. That's exercising, I bet you can do that!

    No one says you have to be perfect everyday and expecting that you will be is the quickest route to failure. Just try every day, make small changes (1 sausage tomorrow not 2), exercise a bit (a 10 minute walk is a good start) and you'll find that it falls into place in time.