Saying hello!

I just wanted to say hi to all of you. I just joined (today is Day 4). I am 41, homeschool mom of 2 boys, and am as fat as I've ever been 9-months pregnant with either of them! Yes, I am TIRED of being fat and unhealthy. So, I started working with a trainer (2 workouts down), am doing cardio along with watching my food intake and doing the strength training. I am REALLY trying - did I mention I was TIRED of having a huge closet of beautiful clothes and MAD that I can only wear a few of them?

After being 118 lbs all 4 years of high school, where I played softball, worked full-time, etc., and now I have about 45 lbs to lose.

My biggest problem - getting to my 1200 calories by supper time, but still be VERY hungry right now (this time of night). I succumbed to a few Wheat Thins this evening, but I would rather find a way to STOP the cravings! Please suggest anything that works for you! I am unfortunately a little of a night owl, so I can't go to sleep early (tried but can't). So, please tell me how to get over this!

As for water, I am up to about 15 cups a day (more than myfitnesspal with accept! LOL!), so I know it's not dehydration.

Please give me any tips and suggestions you may have for how to keep from being SOOO hungry about 10 pm.
God bless you all!


  • jojobean70
    jojobean70 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! I just joined yesterday and it looks as though we have a lot in common! I am the same age, I have 2 children and I too weigh more then I ever have even when I was pregnant with my 2 and am tired of the way I look. I have a lot of weight I want to loose and hope by using this tool and finding support systems that can share their experiences with me I will be succesful! I would like to lose at least 65 lbs if not more! I started getting serious about losing the pounds and am working out with some good friends (that are of course skinny, in shape and where I would love to be right now!). They are acting as my personal trainers and I love having the company and the push to get me out there to the gym. I have been focusing on Cardio as well and we also do the weight training for toning.

    When do you work out usually??? I found that now that I work out at night with them, I don't have the appetite or cravings like I did at night when I would be sitting around watching TV. I usually get home from my work out at 9 p.m. then wind down (by coming on here to log my exercise) once I am done winding down I take a hot shower and am ready for bed. It really curved my appetite at night vs. when I would work out during the day. The other thing that is proven in the research is breaking your meals down to 6 times a day vs. 2-3 big ones so your metabloism increases to assist in losing the wieght and you are less likely to get the "munchies" because you are spacing your food up in to more frequent intervals.

    Anyway, it is a pleasure to meet you! Good luck on your weight loss journey and feel free to keep in touch and keep me updated;).
  • chellelynn30
    I find that when I am having a craving for anything, I drink tea. It could be all in my head, but that is what seems to help me.

    Good luck to you in your journey and stay strong
  • jtingle2
    jtingle2 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks, jojbean70! I work out about 3 pm. I don't have a choice, since I have to schedule that with my trainer. Then I come home, fix supper for the family (and sometimes adjust something lighter for me), then it's off to someone's practice, church, etc., then I get home and get on the computer. I try and keep my mind off of hunger by the computer or TV (switched from watching the Food Network, no more, to watch Discovery Fit and Health Network), but I am still HUNGRY! I guess because for so many years of my life that's the time I've eaten, it's so hard to retrain my brain! I have done 5 meals - b-fast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, but since we as a family have to eat early (to go to so many activities at night), maybe I should wait and have my afternoon snack after dinner, since it might still be 8 pm when I was eating it.

    Chellelynn, I will go and have a cup of herbal tea, right now. Thanks to both of you for your tips! Keep 'em coming! I got a long way to go!

    Best of luck/work to both of you!