how do you calculate the duration of your workout?

I usually get a 2 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down during my treadmill run (at a relatively lower speed than the rest of my run ofcourse). So my question is, when I log in my run of 45 mins at an average 3.5mph (speed) in my exercise, can I include warm up and cool down time (the total 45 mins), or should i just ignore that bit and log in for 38 mins instead?


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Your heart rate will still be elevated for a while after your workout, so it would be OK to go for the 45.

    Or else, don't over-estimate and go with 38.

    Remember, the calories burned is only an estimate anyway.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    oops, double post!
  • I had the same dillema when walking. The walk I go on is up and down hills so I cannot put in one single time so I estimate the time I spend walking up hill and similarly estimate how much on the flat and then subsequently make two entries with different splits. So in your case I would put in 38 mins at av 3.5mph and 7 mins at another setting (not sure what you can choose). Usually on a treadmill there is a calorie indicator based on the stats you put in like age, weight etc. So check this against the myfitnesspal. Also if you are using an iphone you can download a bit of software called endomondo which can be used for walking,cycling running giving you more stats (not treadmill)

    Hope that helps