A Poem about Calories...

A poem my friend wrote for me :-)

It's funny how those little things
Make you gain or lose the weight
Sometimes I wondered if it was me
If being this size was fate
But if I count these little things
And don’t go overboard
I lose the pounds and inches
And that is my reward
Unfortunately the nice stuff
Contains more of the beasties
So I have to cut out the cakes
And the midnight feasties
They sound so innocent – calories
But count them and combine with the gym
I can end up healthy
And looking nice and slim
So armed with MyFitnessPal I work them out
For all that passes my lips
Cos if I don’t and eat too many
It all ends up on my hips
I feel that I am destined
Forever I will count those cals
But if I do I will lose weight
And be the envy of my pals
Rhiannan is an expert
She has led the way
Its just that after xmas
She needs to get back one day

Brill or what!
