Disappointing weigh ins

Here is my problem with every weight loss endeavor I have had since giving birth to my daughter in 2008.

I do awesome in terms of weight lost for the first few weeks and then I stall out, get discouraged and say "well wtf! I'm working my *kitten* off and eating right 90% of the time, why am I not losing anything!?"

And it appears I have hit this plateau already! I started P90X2 on Dec. 27 and lost 5.2 lbs almost instantly (within the first week). Ive lost two extra since then. These first five lbs I lost were my "Chistmas binge weight." I have not lost a single ounce in four days now despite eating right and working my *kitten* off! It's frustrating!

I know that if I look at the bigger picture, its awesome that I lost 7.2 lbs since Dec 27 but, at the same time, I want to see more changes on the scale! How do you deal with disappointing weigh ins? How often do you weigh-in?


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Scales are evil. Use it sparingly, you'll be happier that way.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    Scales are evil. Use it sparingly, you'll be happier that way.

    if only it were THAT easy...and i wish people would STOP giving this answer cause while one person may not care about teh scale others do - SO with that being said, respect the people who use the scale and offer some other advice...if you have none, dont answer.
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    Scales are evil. Use it sparingly, you'll be happier that way.

    This is true. Trust me, I know this one lol. I have spent the better part of my life scaling my self-worth by what that number on the scale says. Unfortunately. Tis sad.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Scales are evil. Use it sparingly, you'll be happier that way.

    weighing in once a month was the best decision i made.
  • JannineOwen
    JannineOwen Posts: 92 Member
    its only been 10 days since Dec 27th and you say you've lost 7.2lbs, that is a fantastic loss, sometimes the scales show no or very little change, i'm a daily weigher, can't seem to help myself so i know all too well the frustrations and disappointments when the number isn't going down. I wouldn't say you've hit a plateu yet though its been too soon, give it more time and keep working hard, dont give up, take measurements too and good luck :)
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    Scales are evil. Use it sparingly, you'll be happier that way.

    weighing in once a month was the best decision i made.

    I couldn't do that simply because I like seeing the changes on the scale as it keeps me motivated to do better the next day! If I lose, great! If I have a gain on the scale, it's usually because I went over my calories and didn't realize. The worst part now is that I'm not over my calories and im exercising hard but still not seeing changes!
  • mroger801
    Its important to look at the big picture. I was recently reviewing my weight loss and realized that of the 7 months I have been working to loose weight, I lost nearly 75% of it in the first 4 months. Your weight loss will slow down and/or plateau at points, but look at where you started from. For example, when I first started with my weight loss program, I lost 3# the first week, nothing the second, and 5# the third week. Thats 8# over 3 weeks, which is above average. I got a little discouraged that 2nd week, but my doctor told me it was normal since I was still logging my food and good on my calorie count.

    Sometimes, its also important to change things up. Make sure you vary your calorie count from day to day and change the foods you're eating.
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Remember it takes a long time to put the weight on, because people (including myself) get shocked at seeing themselves in video's or photo's but we expect quick results when we want to lose them.

    The reason being; it's easy to sit there, do nothing and eat = gain weight
    it's hard to get up exercise, even when you don't want to and try and eat healthy most of the time = lose weight

    Don't you want to stay healthy for ever?? Don't worry if you haven't seen a change for a while, if you do all the right things it will come. I have had weeks where I wasn't losing anything but kept telling myself that this is for the long run. Stayed on it kept seeing results. I'm definitely not at my goal weight but this time I'm determined to get there and stay there.

    7.2lbs is great!!!! imagine how long it took to actually gain it, you might say not much but really it is a while
  • ChunkyMag
    ChunkyMag Posts: 4 Member
    I do not think scales are evil at all, they are very useful tools in weight control. I get on the scale daily, so I know how frustrating it can be when the numbers do not go down or heaven forbid go up. You have done fantastic since Dec 27th, keep up the good work and please don't give in. We did not gain the weight overnight so it will take time to lose it as well. Hang in there you can do it, sometimes there is delayed reaction for all the hard work - be patient. Have a great day.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    How do you deal with disappointing weigh ins? How often do you weigh-in?

    You answered your own question when you said this:
    I know that if I look at the bigger picture

    Your body, it seems, reacts just fine. It is your mindset and expectations that need the real work.

    Let go of instant gratification and short term thinking. Replace it with a long term plan (a lifestyle change of you will) consistency and patience. The irony is people with the latter mindset tend to achieve their goals far sooner than people who bounce along from diet to diet, routine to routine and end up spending years going round in circles...
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for all the responses everyone. I do know that losing 7 lbs in 10 days is a lot! I just get easily frustrated. I've lost 40-50ish lbs since having my daughter and I've been stuck in this weight range for so long (2 yrs or so) that when I start losing weight again (like since I started p90x2 on dec 27) I get so amped ad expect a miracle to happen and to just continue losing as fast as I did those first few days. I know it's a lifestyle change =] I just want to reach my goal already dammit lol. Two years at this weight, unhappy, is too long lol.
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    After 4 days of not losing a pound, my scale says I lost 2.2 today. Not sure how that happens but I won't complain!