Could it be the broccoli?

I steamed broccoli and califlower on Tuesday to eat at lunch time, I noticed my gut making so many strange noises afterwards and the next day I showed a "gain". However the following day I didn't eat broccoli or califlower and scales showed 3 pounds lost, in one day- I KNOW THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN- I know it was just water retention and all that. So I fixed the rest of my broccoli and califlower yesterday day and once again had some issues digesting it AND the scales showed me at 2.5 pounds higher this morining then yesterday morning. Mind you I DRANK PLENTY of water both days. I have eaten just califlower by itself on other days so the new thing here is the broccoli. So I am wondering if the broccoli is A) the food that is giving me digestive fits and B) really causing me to retain 2-3 pounds of water? Anyone else have this issue or have any "words of wisdom" for me? Other then DON'T EAT BROCCOLI anymore more... THAT much I have figured out. Thanks!


  • davistd1
    davistd1 Posts: 11 Member
    I would be surprised if it was the broccoli....
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    increasing your fiber quickly can do this. Instead of Not eating broccoli can you slowly increase the amount you eat. Was the brocoli/califlower all you were having for lunch? if so, maybe half that and see how your belly reacts and then go on from there? Good luck (from a fellow belly reactive MFPer) :tongue:
  • increasing your fiber quickly can do this. Instead of Not eating broccoli can you slowly increase the amount you eat. Was the brocoli/califlower all you were having for lunch? if so, maybe half that and see how your belly reacts and then go on from there? Good luck (from a fellow belly reactive MFPer) :tongue:

    I agree. Slowly increase how much you are eating. Broccoli is high in fiber along with other benefits. If your body isn't use to eating so much fiber than your stomach will have some strange side effects. Fiber is really good for you though and I try to get as much as possible. It not only keeps you full longer but helps you digest better. Plus if you are weighing everyday you are bound to see that fluctuation on the scale. Try only weighing in once a week, even if you feel bloated.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Keep eating broccoli and don't weigh yourself the next day. :)

    If you like broccoli, then keep eating it. If it doesn't like you, then kick it to the curb.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    Was the brocoli/califlower all you were having for lunch?

    No it was not the only thing I had to eat. One day I had salmon and the other day I had a honey ham sandwich- both of which I have eaten before w/o the broc/cali mix and not had any issues. I may try to eat JUST A SMIDGE the next time and see what happens. Thanks!