2010.... My Goal Year

:I MEANT 2012!!! OMG, I'm so stupid sometimes.

Hello everyone... This was me:


Back in Feb 2010... 364lbs! Yeah, massive right?
I've been fighting with my weight for all my life - I pretty much gained 14lbs every 3 months or so up until I was 24. 24 was the age everything for me changed. At that time I was 462lbs!

I lived with a man who was a feeder from the age of 19 - 24 and just ballooned. It's a sort of tragic story but with a half happy ending. We'd been together 4 years and because he made me feel good I felt no need to change, up until 25th August 2007. He died of a heart attack. Now this was a shock to say the least. He'd never been diagnosed with a problem and because he was a big fella, everyone blamed his weight. "He was so fat - that's probably why" (It WASN'T for reference, but we idn't find that out until later on!). Now, being over 200lbs heavier than him I thought "I'm next... definately next" - I HAD to do something.

I joined a gym and STOPPED all rubbish intake. I walked to work etc... I made positive changes as of the January 2008 when I was ready to face the World again. I lost a total of 98lbs to get myself down to 364lbs. (Hence the pic)... This took me 7 months, after those 7 months of really hard work - it stopped working for me. I just couldn't shift anymore weight.

It scared me.

In the January of 2009, I went to see my GP who said pretty much the only option I had was to have surgery - when I begged for it in the end he got the ball rolling - within a few months they all agreed I should have the bypass. I was scared and excite at the same time. I'd worked so hard on my own - I didn't want to take what people saw as the easy way out. But I didn't have much choice. In Feb 2010 I started my WLS journey... It hasn't been an easy one, and I did die 3 times on the table while they we're doing it. I also ended up with a Sleeve Gastrectomy, because the fat in my stomach was too concentrated in my belly.

It's been nearly two years now and I'm down to 252lbs... but that's pregnancy weight, because 15 months out I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I am excited that he's nearly here and I'll have a family to look after and also get back to my goals. I want to weigh 200lbs.

I hope that by joining this website, I can have the motivation to log every day and get to where I want to be.

If you read this far, thankyou... I wish you all luck on your journey... And here's a pic of my progress so far :)

