Office Temptations - the dreaded snack area

Hi, I'm new here so I wasn't exactly sure where to post this topic.

My question/dilemma is how to deal with the temptation of eating snacks that co-workers bring it turns out the snacks are 4 feet from my desk. I literally walk by them everytime I go to or leave my desk and it's very hard not to reach for one or two...or three. There is no way of asking to relocate the snacks because there is no other place for our mini fridge and the snacks are usually placed on top of it. I wish there was a no-snack rule in place... Oh where is my fairy godmother when I need her lol I have thought about wearing a rubber band on my wrist and snapping it every time I think about reaching for a snack but perhaps there are other tips that have helped others. Please share what you have done or said to yourself that helped you avoid the dreaded snack area.

Thank you!


  • mrogus
    mrogus Posts: 94
    We have that happen all the time at my office as well, and like you, its only a few feet away. We had a "Pie Social" where all these different pies were brought in and we all stood around and talked and ate pie. I think I was the only one not eating and when asked, I was just honest and said I am watching what I eat. Everyone understood and they were supportive and we just continued to socialize. Now at work they call me the "healthy eater". Never thought I would have this much will power :)

    Its really HARD especially in the afternoons when I want something sweet, but I try my best to resist. I have been on MFP for a year and have seen results and those results keep me going and that's why when I see treats, etc. its not worth it. Especially when I see how many calories are in them!!!!

    I do keep some healthier snacks in my office drawer which helps. You can try chewing gum too :)

    Hope that helps. Good Luck!!!
  • TGIBriday83
    TGIBriday83 Posts: 68 Member
    chew gum or bring a toothbrush and toothpaste to work and brush your teeth if you get a craving. the minty flavor of the gum or toothpaste will make anything you eat taste like crap and i know i'm less likely to eat after I brush because i just cleaned my teeth...that would be a waste. sounds stupid, i know, but it works for me.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Honestly? Suck it up. Deal with it.

    My office brings around movie theatre popcorn on every Thursday. Every 3rd Friday of the months we get free Otis spunkenmeyer cookies. We have potlucks once a month by department. Every holiday they provide food. (even today for the playoffs!)

    I just deal with it. I want this. And this is more important to me than any "pleasure" I might get from consuming calorie rich-nutrition lacking food.

    Think about it like that. Are you going to feel sorry for yourself because you care about your overall health?
  • smittenmikish
    I calculate the calories and remind myself everytime I walk by the cookies... that's 130 calories for that tiny cookie!!!!

    It normally helps me avoid it knowing exactly what I would be consuming and how many calories I'd be losing on my dinner... :laugh:
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I agree with PP, you're just gonna have to suck it up. Be honest with yourself, and if once in a while, you feel that a treat is worth the extra calories, then go ahead and have it. But otherwise you'll just have to hold yourself accountable. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to eat it.
  • Eb126
    Eb126 Posts: 21 Member
    Ahhhh! I do not miss this AT ALL!
    I used to have to deal with this all the time! I work in a bar now, and, although I get discount on food (BAD!!) I am always on my feet and noone brings in treats/biscuits like they used to in the office!

    I either used to say no straight away, or take one and say I'd save it for later... the last of course can be harder if you actually like the food you're accepting :P

    Another thing I'd often do was to take in treats I didn't like (fruit and nut blergh!) and offer them around but obviously not have any myself.

    Good luck, keep at it! x