
I need to stop weighing myself multiple times a day, it's not the healthiest thing to do, I need to get to where I weigh myself one time a Week.

But here is my problem: In my mind when I stop weighing myself I feel as though I'm "giving" up on my weight loss, that weighing myself equates trying to lose weight. Even if I eat good, and exercise an hour or so most days, I still feel that way.

Any Ideas how to cut myself off from the scale for a week?


  • kmhallett
    kmhallett Posts: 98 Member
    Hide the scale from yourself. Out of sight out of mind. I had my scale by my fridge. Every time I walked into the Kitchen I weighed myself...I just took it out of there so it was not so tempting.
  • Kriszti29
    I completely understand the sentiment of trying to cut down on weigh ins... It is so much more reasonable to weigh yourself just once a week on the same day, every week. That is a very grown up and sensible approach. BUT...

    When I was on various weight management programmes/clubs and I had to report my weight once a week I used to put myself under terrible stress and worry every time the weigh-in day came around. How did a do all week? Did I do enough? Did I go to the loo? Shall I do something about that, so my weigh-in will show a better result? And so on and so forth... It was really killing me every Tuesday and Wednesday (Wednesday was my weigh in date, around midday) to the extent when I got hooked on laxatives and severely restricting my water intake just before the weigh-in... That was the cautionary tale.

    Now, I weigh myself every day. Sometimes twice (morning and evening). I'm a card carrying member of the Scale *kitten* Association. :glasses:

    I know that it does not make sense, as my weigh fluctuates very severely all week and all day. And I still only record my "official" weight once a week.

    However, what daily weighing did to me is make me familiar and friendly with the scale. It took away the scariness and high expectations once a week. As I know that my daily weight will depend on so many things (water intake, potty issues, food I've eaten, etc.) now if I see a gain or a higher figure than expected I do not get shattered or freaked out any longer. It made me accept the fact that losing weight is a long term challenge and commitment. I'm not scared of the scale any more. I've befriended the Scale Monster. It's ok that tomorrow I'll be 0.5lb more than I was today, because I ate half a chicken (just an example, I didn't - if you go checking on my food diary) but didn't do #2...
    Not to mention that it serves as a daily and constant reminder of what I'm supposed to do and why I'm doing it.

    It was just as scary for me getting used to the daily weigh ins as it is for you to try to get rid of the scale.

    Sorry about the long rant, I just feel really strongly about this as it helped me a very big anxiety problem. So if you think you might be prone to the same kind of behaviour - just keep in mind that getting rid of your scale might not help you that much.
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    Don't weigh so often girl you're going to worry yourself silly! When I was using a trainer last year I would weigh once a month at the gym. It is hard to do! But the reward is so worth it! To see a 6 or 7 or even 8 was exciting. It pushes you to stay on track because you know you're going to face the scales and I think it keeps you from cheating as much, at least it did for me.
    You're weight is going to change daily, don't go crazy over it. Focus on your goal. Maybe obsessing over the scales is something to work on too girl. Not just a physical goal but a mental goal too. Try just once a week to start with. :) I'm cheering you on the whole way!
  • Eb126
    Eb126 Posts: 21 Member
    I get my flat mate to hide mine :)
  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    thanks for all your imput :)

    i put them in my bathroom under my towel rack thingy. I normally weigh in my room, my scales work on carpet and on tile :) but I dont normally go out of my way for the other scale in my bathroom, a non digital scale so I figure that it is safe to put them there till Next week LOL
  • boomstick13s
    My 3 year old jumped up and down on my scale a few times and now it's never right, so I would say let my little monster destroy your scale and take weighing in out of the equation :) Or you could just put the scale on a shelf in the closet and pull it down once a week, out of sight, out of mind.
  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    My 3 year old jumped up and down on my scale a few times and now it's never right, so I would say let my little monster destroy your scale and take weighing in out of the equation :) Or you could just put the scale on a shelf in the closet and pull it down once a week, out of sight, out of mind.

    lol I'm sorry but that's sorta funny lol. So far putting it in the bathroom under my towel rack is working, usually I weigh a lot during the day too