Hey everyone

Looking for new people to help me with my journey! Thanks! I HAVE to get healthy! and can use all the help I can get. I am currently doing a green smoothies fast/detox and next week I will be incorporating healthy soups, and the following salads. Any help you guys can give me would be awesome! I am a great cheerleader of others but not so much for myself :)


  • Zodiacsmom
    Zodiacsmom Posts: 105 Member
    Still looking for some support...anyone out there??? :tongue:
  • Tianzi
    Tianzi Posts: 74 Member
    Hey, I'm Tina....you can add me, I need support as well...started on this site Tuesday :)
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    U can add me
  • sunnypenny
    sunnypenny Posts: 23 Member
    Hi,As my login indicates I am pretty upbeat and positive person. I would love to support you and need the support from you as well. . I am new at this program. My goal is to eat healthier and loose weight. I do really well for awhile and then I go back to my same-o same-o. I need to be active. I took my first leap with that last night. Pilates vidow work out. Wow kicked my butt. I am so out of shape.

    I need to do a detox too. I just have not gotten myself to the health food store to get one. Its on my list.

  • ellyallen
    Welcome! I would be glad to support you. I've appreciated the support of others many times myself. It is so easy to just give up; especially if you have a bad day or aren't feeling well. A message of "Hey, where are you?" is just the encouragement I've needed to get back on track. Feel free to add me.
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    add me as well! We can all use some support, right? We CAN do this!!!
  • DianeKathleen
    DianeKathleen Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, and welcome. I'm doing a 3-day veggie cleanse, too. Have lost 4 pounds, but that may be water weight. I'm also concentrating on eating mostly veggies like soups and salads and fruits. Here's to a healthy year - cheers! I'm new here, too. I guess "add me" means you add me as a friend?? Good luck :)