Fairly new to MFP - Looking for other mothers of multiples

I have MFP for a while but I have not consistently used it until this last week. It seems other mothers of multiples motivate me since they have been through similar situations and time constraints.

I need encouragement and support. I struggle with food the most and hate to cook. So I need ideas or recipes to help get me started living healthier.


  • kellymae04
    kellymae04 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't have twins, but had a 9lb 7oz baby so that was close :) I also have a 3 year old...no where near as challenging as twins but I understand being too busy to cook
  • sawynn82
    Just thought I'd post cause I'd love to have more moms of multiples friends too:) I have 17 month old twin boys. They were 5.11 and 6.5 at birth. I lost all of my pregnancy weight plus some, but I gained it all back because I didn't change my eating habits after I stopped pumping. Last spring, I tried to lose the weight, but I let myself slip back into my old habits. Now, I'm determined to get it all off plus some.
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    I don't have twins either, but I have a two year old and a 4 months old (almost!) and I understand about time constraints. My husband works night shift Thursday-Sunday and I work a full time job. I try to balance my family life, with my work life, with my own personal life. It gets hard sometimes, but I've been pretty strong about what I'm doing. I'm here to help anyone! I need some help too, to stay on this path!!!
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    i love meeting mothers of multiples!!! I have 13 year old twin girls...(yes, double the attitudes) and an 8 year old girl. My twins were 6 lb 11 oz & 5 lb 9 oz...went full term...I gained 65 pounds and since 2/11 I have finally lost the weight! LOL

    You can add me if you'd like.
  • alishuman
    I don't have twins, exactly... One of mine was a twin, but we lost her sibling in utero. That being said, we're a blended family, and right now our kids are aged 16, 14, 14, 12, 12, and 10!

    I hate cooking, too, kind of. I hate cooking after 3pm. That's when I am just worn out. I have started doing a pre-cook kind of deal:

    I first make a menu of all the meals we want for two weeks, and try to "use up" all the ingredients I'm going to purchase (like if I need 1/2 a green pepper for one meal, I make sure to incorporate that other half into another meal).

    Then, the next day, usually a Saturday, I start prepping. I make all my marinades, cut the chicken/beef the way it's supposed to be, and stick it in a freezer bag. Label with the date, recipe, and cooking method (bake @ 350 for 25 min). Toss it into the freezer. Casseroles can usually be mostly premade and frozen in a pan. And then move on to the next recipe. It sounds like a lot of work, but if I'm already chopping one onion, what's 2 more? Also, if I am going to do any baking, I use ziploc storage bags, and premix all my dry ingredients on this day, too.

    It usually takes a few hours to do 2 weeks worth of recipes this way, but during the week, it saves SO much time. I grab a meal from the freezer in the morning to thaw. At dinner, I generally just have to throw it in the oven, or reheat it in a pan on the stove, and add a veggie or two as sides.

    It also saves on clean-up time! Think, you only have to wash all your cutting boards, knives, mixing bowls, etc. once every two weeks... Because you don't need them this way.

    Also, we eat alot of Asian food, because it tends to be much healthier than traditional American fare. If you'd like a few recipes you can pre-prep, I'd be happy to share them. Just let me know!
  • lisaforrester13
    I would like to find more twin moms too....I have 5 mo old frat boys & a 2.5 yr old!!!....add me!!!:drinker: :drinker:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I have twins and a son... my twins are 2 years old and my son is 1, so it's actually like having triplets! And I too, hate to cook... although I'm trying to get used to doing it more often. Add me if you'd like! :happy:
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    I have twins, but my kids are older. I actually have 4 kids...15, 14, and my twins are almost 12. When they were first born I had 4 under 4. It was a crazy time! It does get easier, I promise! Feel free to add me!
  • Jennolli
    Jennolli Posts: 17 Member
    I have twin girls who will be 13 years old in February and a 10 year old son. the are all 1 1/2 years apart and I feel like I have triplets. I hate to cook and I am always running in 50 different directions at once.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    I have four boys aged 19, 16, 14 and 5. We lost Mr5's twin early on in the pregnancy.
    I also have three girls aged 18 and 14 (twins).
    The twin girls are not mine by birth but by marriage. Their dad had raised them on his own until we met. Their birth mother is barely in the picture. I'm their mum.
    Miss18 moved out last year. Touchy subject.
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    I have a 4 year old son by c-section and 21 month old boy/girl twins also by c-section. I was on bedrest for about 6 months with the twins. My weight at time of delivery was 172lbs and today it is 135-137lbs. I have about 20-25lbs left to lose and it is all in my loose sagging belly that hangs and is so gross.
  • saravecc
    saravecc Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I am also a twin mom. My identical girls are 15 months old. I went from 165 to 215 with their pregnancy. They were over 6 lbs each at birth and were 39.6 weeks. I was fortunate and able to have an unmedicated vaginal delivery :-) I also have a four year old and work full time so I understand time constraints. I was about 150 when I got pregnant with her and never lost the last 15 lbs. Then I got pregnant with the twins and well that was that. I am just starting with this journey of loosing weight. I'd love to get down to 145 which was a really good weight for me pre children. I am starting at 172 though am currently 167. I am also still nursing my twins so I need to balance weight loss with their needs. But, they are doing really well with table food now so I am okay if my supply drops some.
  • luvinmytwins
    I don't have twins, exactly... One of mine was a twin, but we lost her sibling in utero. That being said, we're a blended family, and right now our kids are aged 16, 14, 14, 12, 12, and 10!

    I hate cooking, too, kind of. I hate cooking after 3pm. That's when I am just worn out. I have started doing a pre-cook kind of deal:

    I first make a menu of all the meals we want for two weeks, and try to "use up" all the ingredients I'm going to purchase (like if I need 1/2 a green pepper for one meal, I make sure to incorporate that other half into another meal).

    Then, the next day, usually a Saturday, I start prepping. I make all my marinades, cut the chicken/beef the way it's supposed to be, and stick it in a freezer bag. Label with the date, recipe, and cooking method (bake @ 350 for 25 min). Toss it into the freezer. Casseroles can usually be mostly premade and frozen in a pan. And then move on to the next recipe. It sounds like a lot of work, but if I'm already chopping one onion, what's 2 more? Also, if I am going to do any baking, I use ziploc storage bags, and premix all my dry ingredients on this day, too.

    It usually takes a few hours to do 2 weeks worth of recipes this way, but during the week, it saves SO much time. I grab a meal from the freezer in the morning to thaw. At dinner, I generally just have to throw it in the oven, or reheat it in a pan on the stove, and add a veggie or two as sides.

    It also saves on clean-up time! Think, you only have to wash all your cutting boards, knives, mixing bowls, etc. once every two weeks... Because you don't need them this way.

    Also, we eat alot of Asian food, because it tends to be much healthier than traditional American fare. If you'd like a few recipes you can pre-prep, I'd be happy to share them. Just let me know!

    I would love some of the recipes.
  • hollin40
    hollin40 Posts: 120 Member
    Twin mom here! I have 3 year old boy/girl twins and a 7 year old as well. I have gained so much since having my twins....add me if you like. I'd love to have more people to support and get support from!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I have B/G almost 5 yr old twins.

    I was my smallest after I gave birth. Although I only gained 23 lbs when I was pregnant. I was the healthiest when I was pregnant too. But has been overweight since I had PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).

    Anyway, if anybody wants to add me, feel free just make mention MOM (mother of multiples) on your message.

    Good luck to us.
  • ChaoticMum
    ChaoticMum Posts: 115 Member
    Another twin mum here - my crew starts with a 9yr old girl and ends with four boys - 7yrs, 6yrs and 2yr old twins. (the 7yr old was a twin also, but we lost his womb-mate at 12wks).

    I tend to make a monthly menu and then grocery shop for that, using up what we have in the pantry. I try to make sure to take out what I need from the freezer the night before when I'm putting the kids water and milk containers in to freeze for school the next day.

    What kinds of foods does your family like? I can try to share some of my ideas with you.
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    I have an 8 year old daughter and 6 year old b/b fraternal twins, born at 38w5d @ 7 lb 13 oz and 6 lb 1 oz. I was in great shape before I had them and slimmed down quickly with nursing them. Now, I've gained back a lot of weight. I work full time too so I am super busy!

    My survival tool is the crockpot. I throw a bunch of stuff in it in the morning and voila, dinner will be ready later. I have a 6 quart one which is great for our family of 5 and also provides leftovers as well.

    Please feel free to add me!
  • Kidsrn23
    Kidsrn23 Posts: 45 Member
    I know this post is a but old but any moms of multiples who wour like to support each other feel frre to friend me. I have a 3 year old and 15 month BG twins. Would live to get support from other MOMs.
  • jktjcca
    jktjcca Posts: 62
    I have twins also! They will be 10 this year! Those first years were such a blur! Having 5 kids keeps my pretty busy!
  • saravecc
    saravecc Posts: 6 Member
    Bumping this up --- I'm back on the wagon and hoping to loose weight. Life got a little crazy but I'm here again. Hoping to loose the wonderful weight from my twin pregnancy... (and the left over weight from my older daughter) Ultimate goal is 36 lbs to loose. AHH!