What was your first Zumba class like?



  • Tianzi
    Tianzi Posts: 74 Member
    I love my Zumba class. My first class was like everyone else, I laughed at myself and stayed in the back....lol. It was fun though and I am really good friends with all the girls in class. The Zumba instructor is one of my best friends and I am now in the front :) It is fun, you will have a blast!!!!
  • Santa left it for me for the Wii. It took me a little bit to get the steps down but after that I love it
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    My first, second and third Zumba classes were torture. Decided it wasn't for me.
  • VParee
    VParee Posts: 26
    My First Zumba class i was totaly lost! but zumba instructor told me not to give up that most people start off like that, WELL its been 1 year and i really enjoy it! I'm alot better at it and move better and better "LOVE IT"
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    I went once... It was a lot of uncoordinated people flailing around lol.
    Since I have no natural rhythm I fit right in and just flailed along with them.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I went to class before buying the DVD's. I have to say, I got a spot in the back toward the left corner of the room, and while it took a beat or two to get each step, it was pretty cool. The instructor would continually welcome newbies and remind us to not worry about anyone else, just watch her, and keep moving. So, that's what I did. :smooched:
  • zybery
    zybery Posts: 4 Member
    I ABSOLUTELY love zumba. No practice, just went right in and had an amazing time. It's also a great workout. :smile:
  • larmourloser
    larmourloser Posts: 2 Member
    I started Zumba classes a year ago and it has been the best fun ever! I have tried ALL sorts of exercises, programs, gyms and never stuck to any of them. It's just as they say...every class is a party!
  • I have been doing zumba for a little over a year now and still love it. One thing I noticed is that the same songs can have different moves, depending on the instructor. So, I'm not sure that practicing the DVD more will help in that area.
    For me, the first time I went to a class (actually the first couple of times) I laughed at myself while trying to get the moves. It kept me relaxed and not too stressed about getting it right the first time. I kept i mind that any movement was good. I like that in zumba you repeat a lot of the same moves over and over. The instructor I go to now is great. She goes over the moves before adding music so it's a lot easier to pick up.
    Just remember to have fun and not take it too seriously and I think you'll really like it. Oh, and keep going! The more you do the dances, the easier it becomes...before you know it, you'll be a zumba dancing machine! LOL
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Oh you have to go. The instructors will probably do different moves anyway, they do vary them slightly. I started going last august and was very anxious upon my arrival to see 'skinny's! but it wasn't like that, there was all ages of people and of all sizes. some have more co-ordination that others. the best bit is you work your *kitten* off, literally! ha and it's SOOOOO much fun that once the music is pumping you don't even notice whether your doing it 'right' or not. I'm going tomorrow after not being for about a month (Christmas, New Year, family Baptism etc) and I can't wait. It's great - let me know how you get on. do it! x
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    When I did my first class, I lurked down the back, but found I couldn't actually see anything - so I moved up the front and cottoned on quicker to the moves and am now an instructor. I have to say that I have a small group of ladies that have been doing Zumba as long as I have and whenever we do one of our older routines, I look around the room and every one of them is doing something slightly different! BUT, they are having a ball and they keep coming back, and that is the main thing. Don't worry about being unco-ordinated, my dad even came to my classes before they moved and he definately wasn't doing the same moves as me, but he enjoyed it and kept coming back.
  • kashmyre
    kashmyre Posts: 105 Member
    I did my first Zumba class about a year and a half ago. I have never been good at following steps. It's why I never joined the cheerleading squad (that, and the 50lbs I needed to lose so I wouldn't get laughed at...but I digress :) ) I stood in the back so no one would notice. It was really hard at first and I looked like a doofus I am sure. But, I looked around and found that I wasn't the only one so It couldn't be that bad.

    Now I am in the front row and help all the newbies. I LOVE it! It is the reason along with MFP that I am 31lbs down and well on my to a healthier, happer me.

    Stick with it!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I have been dancing since I was three, but was still nervous. However, I ended up LOVING it! Most of the instructors make it fun, and it doesn't matter if you're amazing or not too good, because it's fun and you get a great workout!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    No way! nobody gets the steps right! That's what's fun about it! It's a good giggle! But the class gets better the more they do it. Go! You'll love it!
  • My first Zumba experience was in a group class at a gym.... I was INCREDIBLY intimidated.... I felt like a bit of a dweeb... I didn't actually care for it at first, but I kept going, because the instructor was just so great. After a few classes though, I started getting the hang of it and now I'm in love. I think that the instructor makes all the difference. I've taken Zumba classes from about 4 different instructors, and my experience is vastly different with each. I also have Zumba for the XBox Kinect.... I prefer the group atmosphere, but the kinect Zumba does the job when I can't make it to a class. I'm seriously considering buying the Zumba DVD set, so I can mix it up.

    O, by the way, I'm VERY uncoordinated.... after some time, I started developing better coordination and skills... It's like your body learns to move in different ways. After a while, it's even easier to learn new routines, because your body has learned how to move.... this is coming from someone who has no dancing experience at all :)

  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    I have been thinking of trying "curves for women Zumba" its a mix up between zumba and the curves curcuit. Anyone try this version?? I hear its somewhat easier than a regular class??!
  • Nicoleo1
    Nicoleo1 Posts: 159 Member
    This is the most fun I've had in ages. I started in October with a class. The biggest thing for me was that she said at the very beginning of the class... "It doesn't matter -just have fun with it!" I'm the most uncoordinated person in the world. I can trip on flat carpet... anyhow, the instructor was so much fun and such a hottie that I decided I wanted to be just like her! I am NOTHING like her, but for an hour a few times a week I can pretend. :laugh: I stay toward the back so my flailing arms are less likely to interrupt someone who is actually moving in the correct way.
    I like the classes more than the DVDs but when I can't get to my favorite class (accross a toll bridge and 30 minutes drive, I have to wait for DH to get home so I can have the car) the DVD does the trick.
    If you didn't like the class originally and you like to dance I'd say try a different class... all instructors seem to be so different. I've tried 3 and am stuck on one.
  • GravitysAngel
    GravitysAngel Posts: 6 Member
    I've been trying to practice with a few youtube videos, but I am having a terrible time getting my arms to work in unison with my feet! I'll have to find a class and give it a try in public. I love the music!
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Hi. It's such a shame you can't go to Zumba classes anymore. I love it. I have bought the wii game too and that is brilliant. After 1/2 an hour I'm sweating. Maybe because my house is smaller and not as airy as the gym hall! Enjoy. x
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    There are all ages, sizes, and coordination levels in every zumba class! Go for it! And someone else mentioned this I think, but I know if I got to a class that always has the same instructor, she will reuse a lot of moves and songs, so you're not always lost and having to learn new things.

    HAVE FUN!!