Can I do this??

I'm 32....and overweight most of my adult life. It's gotten worse since having kids, I just don't have the time to cook healthy or excercise. I have twin 2 1/2 year olds that I don't want to have the same eating habits as myself. I make them eat super healthy but then bring home McDonald's for myself. They are getting old enough now to see they are eating different foods than my husband and I, not fair is it??
I've tried so many diets, started off with a bang losing weight and then go back to my unhealthy ways. I feel I have no will power. It's going to be hard but for the sake of my kids I have to do this. I don't want to be the fat mom that can't keep up with my kids. I need to lose about 80 lbs. But I'm going to take it 1 lb at a time. I need to be around a long tome for my kids...and if they aren't incentive enough, nothing will be.


  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I know how you feel. :( Diets just don't work though, it's all about changing bad habits into good habits. The journey is never easy but when you reach the end there is a rainbow. :bigsmile:

    Please feel free to add me, I blog and always willing to lend support. :flowerforyou:
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    btw, you CAN do this :smile:
  • tattooedtealady
    tattooedtealady Posts: 81 Member
    Hi there!

    I think a great starting point would be when preparing and making food for your toddlers, which you have said is healthy, to make the same foods or with just slight alterations for you and your partner! I am aiming to lose around 83lbs in total! So we have a similar journey ahead of us! Good luck on your journey, and feel free to add me as a friend if you like :) My food diary is public so that people can see the kind of things I am eating and where I am spending my calories!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This is probably going to sound mean, but it's not meant to be. You are not eating McD because you don't have time to cook. You could easily prepare a healthy meal in the time it takes to procure the McD food, and for less money. Until you face why you are really eating it and stop making excuses it is unlikely that you will succeed.

    You seem to recognize that you are teaching your children bad habits and you seem to have the desire to change. That is good, but you are more likely to succeed if you fully commit and not make excuses.
  • HBBrown78
    HBBrown78 Posts: 55 Member
    I understand not having the time. I like this site because it forces you to look at your choices. If you have time to run into McDonalds you have the time to slice some tomatoe and put it on some whole wheat bread. Its hard I know. I have 3 little ones. Between school functions, church,scouts and my everyday things I have no time for myself but the best way to love your little ones is to be there for them. You cant do that if you have a heart attack at 35. I dont know you and I hope this doesnt offend- I dont mean to- just to help inspire so you can be the best you for them! God bless
  • krista010105
    krista010105 Posts: 149 Member
    im a mom of 4 kids and totally know how you feel. im not super over weight but really want to loose the lbs i put on with 4 pregnancies.

    it is very hard being a mom. and those that arent a mom dont understand. surround your self around other moms that understand and can help motivate you.

    eating food at fast food resturants inst totally bad its what you choose to eat there that is. if you get mcdonalds choose a grilled chicken salad. NO fried foods. so much better. or make subway a better option.

    my husband is a manager at Whataburger so we get unlimited burger at any time we want but im now choosing to not eat them. 750-1000+ calories for a burger then over 400 calories for fries and 300 or more for a soda just inst worth it.

    at mcdonalds if you really want a burger get a small kid size burger with lettuce tomato on it NO cheese and no mayo instead of a larger burger and get apples or the fruit and yogurt parfet or the fruit and walnut salad instead of fries. choose to drink water or lemonade instead of sodas.

    its all about your choices.

    if your going to be out of the house think about how long your going to be out and plan for the day. take gram cracker and peanut butter with you or a apple or banana with you so you have a healthy snack instead of stopping at a fast food place. if your going to be out for a meal figure out where you will be at when that meal time hits and find online where the nearest subway is before you leave the house so you will already know your going to subway or another sandwich shop on the way there.

    you can do this. i cant cook either. just learn the small changes that make a difference.

    i lost 10 lbs and my husband lost 15 in a month just from stopping sodas all togheter.
    you can do this.
  • Hi there, you can do it. I'm positive that you can. :happy:
  • HBBrown78
    HBBrown78 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi there!

    I think a great starting point would be when preparing and making food for your toddlers, which you have said is healthy, to make the same foods or with just slight alterations for you and your partner! I am aiming to lose around 83lbs in total! So we have a similar journey ahead of us! Good luck on your journey, and feel free to add me as a friend if you like :) My food diary is public so that people can see the kind of things I am eating and where I am spending my calories!

    I agree with this. The recipe app on here is great because you can put in the ingredients and see just how many calories you are serving, then make some changes to make it better for you. I have a Beef stew recipe that is so simple I thought it would have a TON of calories- NOPE! It is the lowest calorie meal I have on here- I can eat 3 bowls of it for dinner and not make much of a dent! (my bowls are small) We had it last night. It felt so good to fill me up and know I was still under my calorie count
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    This is not a diet, this is a lifestyle change. Take it one meal at a time, log your food. Put those little ones into a stroller and get out and walk. It is hard to make time for ourselves, as a mom, we put everyone else first. You need to learn to put yourself first, so you can be healthy and happy to take care of it all. If you can afford it, join a gym with a daycare, put them into daycare for an hour and take that time for yourself.

    I eat peanutbutter and jelly almost everyday for lunch. I measure the pb and jelly and have it on whole wheat bread with 8oz of skim milk. The reason I mention this is because I am eating what I serve my children, no special meals for me or for them. I watch my serving size. This way you can handle being in the kitchen, but just measure out your food.

    You can do this, it won't be easy at first but when you start feeling good and seeing results it will become easier....
    Being here on this site is a great start :smile:

    friend requst me...I am a busy mom of 6 ( no twins, they came one at a time!)
  • krista010105
    krista010105 Posts: 149 Member

    write that down on sticky notes and put them everywhre. on your fridge, front door. tape it in your car, on your bathroom mirror and above your stove.
  • You absolutely can! You deserve to take the time for yourself to exercise and eat right. If you are happier, your kids will be too. Trust me. Just take small steps.
    You are on here. Step 1 - check!
    Drink lots of water. Or green tea. Or Crystal Light. Keep a glass on the counter so it reminds you to do it.
    I have an exercise step (about 6 inches high) that was gathering dust in the basement. I put it in front of the tv and step while I watch the news. My boy is 10, so I don't have to watch Yo Gabba Gabba while I do it.
    Just do a little at a time, and you will feel better that you are even trying. Then you try harder. It's a beautiful, non-viscous cycle. YOU CAN DO THIS AND SO CAN I! :smile:
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    I can do this....and thank you all for your inspirational comments. You are right, it's total laziness, I need to get in the habit of preparing foods at night for the following day. Fast food etc is out of convenience. I'm not going to eat healthy every day, if I don't cheat once in awhile I won't stick to any plan.
    I work 10 hours a day, usually 6-7 days a week and run after toddlers the remaining hours....I need to figure out a time to fit in exercise. it's all about scheduling.
    I cleaned out the cabinets in my house last night and donated everything that was unhealthy. I kept a couple things and my husband and I are going to have our last tastes of some unhealthy cooking. i know, that's horrible...but I was curious on my first day of starting this site how many calories I really was eatting in 1 day. I'm sure I would be completely surprised. I look forward to joining this journey with all of you! And getting tons of tips and support when I'm feeling down.
  • Way to go on the 92lbs, CutieKimmie!