Looking for a new friend, need support

Hello. I am new to this. I am looking for support and meet new friends, maybe someone to talk to or workout with, etc. I am a single mother and have no real friends or family. I have been focused on my weight loss goals and trying to be strong going at it alone, but come to realize I would love to meet a friend who has something in common with me. Any and all support would be great. Thank you!!!


  • I only have 2 fitness pal friends and could use a few more. Its nice to see posts and positive notes. You can add me if you'd like. I'm trying to loose 30 lbs so I can start running again. Too over weight right now and I keep re injuring myself when trying to push myself to run. I have been cal counting on n off for the last year. I think I am pretty serious this time. I have been counting since 12.26.11 and have lost about 5 lbs. Good luck to you. Its hard to focus on yourself when your a single mom, but you can do it!
  • I'm definitely not new to this and I find myself in the same type of situation as you. My husband says he will work out with me and make good food choices with me then brings home frosties and French fries after he gets off work! LOL!
    So I have no one to work out with and I don't have any friends that are as committed as I would like to be in my area.
  • shellbelee
    shellbelee Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I am new here too. I have one friend so far. I tend to be leary of friending people because of bad experience on other social sites. Bit I would love to have some friends who didnt judge me and sent a positive message when I needed one. And I would love to do the same. I am trying to lose around 50 pounds. My biggest problem is I am a stay home mom. But when the kids are at school and I am alone, I believe I may eat out of boredom or lonliness. I am very bad at getting the exercise going too. I say I will go for walks but I cant seem to get motivated. Hope to talk to ya soon!!!
  • Hey Ya'll :) Friends= encouragement/accountability. Please add me as a friend so we all can help each other!! :)
  • Im not new here but ive had a bit of clearout of friends who no longer the site and havent been on in months. add me if you like. im always on every day or most of the time when im not in bed with a migraine. i always do my best to encourage offer advice or just be there for when you need a rant.
  • ilbcnuz
    ilbcnuz Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm looking to lose around 50 lbs. I'm an engaged stay at home mom looking for support wherever I can get it. The people around me say they support me, but can sometimes unknowingly sabotage me.
  • Hey there!
    New here too and looking for accountability buddies as well.
    The last time I dieted I tried a bulletin board system, which was great for the support and friendly atmosphere. Having people to talk to and share experiences and recipes with was wonderful, but I didn't really track my food intake very well, so I ended up failing. :(
    I love the idea of having tracking, journaling and the social aspect all in one place, so feel free to add me, if you'd like.
    Looking forward to a healthier life in 2012.
  • GoodbyeFatChick
    GoodbyeFatChick Posts: 32 Member
    I'm new to the site I'd like to meet people from the Evansville, IN area that are as committed as I am to losing weight and getting healthy, there just seems to be noone around here. Feel free to add me if you would like I can cheer you on and you can do the same for me!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Eb126
    Eb126 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi lovely,
    Although I'm not new to mfp, I've only been using the iphone app until now... so only just adding friends/posting etc.
    Would love to add you as a friend :) need all the motivation we can get, don't we! x
  • JDavid007
    JDavid007 Posts: 331 Member
    I am just getting started myself. Add me if you like. Good Luck!!!
  • I work but like so many other threads I saw here I do not have a huge support group. I too began this for myself but was supposed to be buddying with my spouse whom ducked out early realizing exercising may be involved. It would be great to have people to talk to that are going through similar experiences.
  • Hi , im kinda new as well ! add me as a friend and we can encourage each other ! its always nice to have friends that are goin through the same issues.
  • loves2tap
    loves2tap Posts: 36 Member
    hi there and welcome!
    this is a great place for support...lots of great people here..i started in sept...feel free to add me...we can support each other! i need to lose 80+ lbs. have a great day!
  • Spoomsister
    Spoomsister Posts: 7 Member
    Hello fellow newbies! I am new as well, looking for fitness "friends" for encouragement and motivation. I'm doing the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. On day two, today and sore as hell! Also dieting, loosely following the slim-fast 3-2-1 plan. Please add me. :o)
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    I'm new to this sight at well, and the way I see it is, the more friends, the more motivation, and being held accountable. Please, add me if you'll be supportive, and I'll do the same. I need MOTIVATION........and I think this is the place to find it. :) Good luck!
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    I've been using the site for a while now and it is great. I've lost 40 lbs total and 25 since starting MFP. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • PeggysDad
    PeggysDad Posts: 105
    Anybody can feel free to add me :)
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    Yeah for all of you! I am not exactly new to the site, but I have been procrastinating. Don't really know what was stopping me, but had a real "OH WOW" :noway: moment last week and realized nobody is going to do this for me! I would love to have some accountablility to others who are fighting the same demons. Please feel free to add me!
  • Betsiz17
    Betsiz17 Posts: 95 Member
    I am new, too. First week, not sure how to add or find friends, but I'll be your friend.
  • add me , im new to this