I wanna lose 80 pounds :)

Hi my name is ashley. i'm a mommy of a 19 month old. I'm wanting to lose 80 pounds and get fit :)


  • JDavid007
    JDavid007 Posts: 331 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I need to lose about 88lbs atm. Good Luck!
  • emgrove69
    emgrove69 Posts: 3 Member
    hey im Emma i want to lose around 30lbs to get my goal :)
  • thanks :D i wish you luck!!
  • mia63
    mia63 Posts: 29
    I need to lose 75 lbs. I lost half of that a few years ago, but somehow it found me. The biggest thing is changing our eating habits and Really sticking to it. I fell back into my old bad habits, but NO MORE...
  • VeronicaAlamri
    VeronicaAlamri Posts: 7 Member
    I want to lose 40 more! I refuse to have another fat summer! Good luck to you! You will be able to lose it!
  • Can add me as well.

    Background: Summer of 2011, I found out my blood sugar levels were through the roof....dangerously high. I had gone from being roughly 168 while in high school/college....to my heaviest weight ever at 270. So, I made a decision to get this under control once and for all. In the period of July - September, I lost 35 pounds. In October - December certain life events dropped me into depression, and gained 15 pounds back. Starting on Jan 1, I am recommitted to dropping the excess weight again...and so far have lost 6 pounds this week. Yeah..that's high for one week, and I anticipate the drop rate going back to 1-2 pounds a week soon. But I can tell you that you CAN do this. I can, and you can.

    What worked for me was eating 4-5 different colors of fruit/vegetables every day, eating 4-5 small meals per day, and avoiding the "evil 5 foods". The evil 5 are breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, and sugary foods and drinks. I get carbs from other foods and sugar naturally from fruits.

    Keep the faith in yourself. Be strong. Remember, you're a beautiful, strong person who will accomplish whatever you set your mind to do. Just keep focused. :)

  • Naesia121
    Naesia121 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm trying to loose my baby weight to! My daughterr just turned a year in Nov.
  • Hi my name is ashley. i'm a mommy of a 19 month old. I'm wanting to lose 80 pounds and get fit :)

    Hi Ashley,

    Feel free to add me as well... this is only my 4th day on the site but I am really liking what it has to offer! I am looking to lose 50 lbs so I can relate and am here if you need to talk, etc.

    GOOD LUCK!! :smile:

  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Hi. Feel free to add me. I'm hoping to lose 50-60lbs and most of it my May!!!! Ha. I will try (although so disappointed I went over my calorie count yesterday)! x
  • thank you :) i want to shed a lot by summer too
  • 150 lbs to my goal. GO ASHLEY GO!
  • carlita123
    carlita123 Posts: 29 Member
    Best wishes on your exciting journey! Feel free to add me as well. I'll be around for quite some time, looking to lose abt 50-55 pounds!
  • Marks281172
    Marks281172 Posts: 127 Member
    Feel free to add me, i want to lose about that also :)
  • lexoxoc
    lexoxoc Posts: 135 Member
    Hey All! I've lost 23.4 pounds so far and I'm looking to loose another 17 more! Feel free to add me, and best of luck to everyone (I swear MFP is the best thing to happen to me!)
  • amber_bamber09
    amber_bamber09 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey there- I have similar goal in mind. I am looking to lose about 83 pounds but right now I am taking baby steps to get the first 10 off :) Feel free to add me. I wish you all luck!
  • michelledyan
    michelledyan Posts: 98 Member
    Hello and welcome! Having friends is a very important part of this site! You can add me if you would like! :) I am looking to lose 60 pounds!
  • krstal02
    krstal02 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Luck I have set a goal to lose 25 pounds. :happy:
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi Ashley :)

    I'm a mommy of a 16, 14, and a 4 year old and I have 89 lbs to lose :) Feel free to add, and anyone else who would like to. Best of luck to everyone!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Take it slow and get yourself a food scale. It was the best thing I did for my weight loss. Welcome and good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Good luck. You can do it.