protein shakes...enlighten me!

So i've been looking at people's diaries and noticed that a lot of people drink protein shakes thoughout the day. I feel like im not getting enough protein so I think this could work for me but don't really know how much or what kind to drink. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. In terms of exercise I am starting jillians 30DS on Monday and weight train twice a week.


  • I like muscle milk light, comes in many flavors, I am currently using one called cake batter. It has a lot of proten (16g p scoop), and is low in sugar and carbs. It's very filling, I use it as a meal instead of breakfast, and it's useful for rebuilding what you broke down after working out. If you are just starting out I would suggest getting a neutral flavor like vanilla, then you can mix in things like berries, bananas, peanut butter, oatmeal, pumpkin, whatever you like to reach the thickness and the calorie count that you want, last tip, I use unsweetened almond milk in mine, which has like NO carbs or sugar, more calcium than milk, and mixes up just the same tasting. Good luck!
  • I've always seen muscle milk in the stores but didnt know it came in powder form. you only take one in the morning? every morning? or in the morning AND after every workout?
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    I drink these almost everyday:

    I get them at Costco and really love them, Some days I will have one for breakfast if I dont feel like cooking. Other days I have it as a snack after a workout. Sometimes I just have one because I want one. They taste like chocolate milk to me, so I really like them.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I second the Premier Nutrition. They are the best tasting ones I have tried. Also good are EAS CarbVantage, Wonderslim (only by mail order) and SunWarrior has "decent" vegan but that is a bit soy tasting. Much easier to have for a quick breakfast than cooking.
  • I love Special K protein shakes. The milk chocolate ones are delicious! Try them, I bet you'd like them (especially if you love chocolate like me)!
  • Protein shakes are good to have with your breakfast and after a workout to up your protein intake. They are a supplement and its always better to get your source of protein from real foods rather then drinking these through out the day.
  • MaynardLD50
    MaynardLD50 Posts: 36 Member
    Remember there is something to consider when looking into taking protein shakes, trust me I've read 50+ articles/studies/reports. Not all protein tubs are created equal. For example, Ctro referenced Muscle Milk (I promise I'm not trying to poop on your protein Ctroxell :P) and Muscle Milk is considered a bad protein for shakes due to the high levels of metal found the in powder. (Reference: After about 2 weeks obsessing over this when I first started and knew I would need to supplement to hit my protein requirements I finally found one that fit and was highly recommended, Optimum Nutrition Whey Natural. 1 Scoop of the protein gives you 24g of protein, 5.5g of a really nice BCAA stack (Branch Chain Amino Acids(very important for muscles)), and best of all 0 artificial sweeteners like Splenda or Aspartame. Another thing to consider is the type of Protein you want to take. Do you want a slow digesting protein that will take hours to digest giving you benefits while you sleep? Do you want a fast absorbing protein that you take 30 minutes before workout giving your body the nutrients it will need while you burn the fat? :)

    Whoa, I'm getting too technical :P Bottom line: Protein supplements good, just be picky and look at what they have in them. Highly recommend anything Optimum Nutrition as they are the highest ranked for actually matching what they say they have on the ingredients list. :wink:

    Forgot to put in my receipe for a killer after workout shake!
    1 1/2 scoops of natural Whey
    4 OZ (1/2 cup) of liquid egg whites (you won't taste them, promise)
    1/2 cup of Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal
    12 OZ (Cup and 1/2) of Fat Free Milk or Unsweetened Almond Milk
    Use a blender or Hand Blender

    Calories 540
    Healthy Carbs: 57g
    Protein 65g
    Fat 5g
    (This would also count as a meal considering the slow digesting oatmeal and protein from the milk)
  • babyphat2012
    babyphat2012 Posts: 36 Member
    if u are going to weight train u definetely needprotein to feed your muscles. Try drinking a protein shake one to two times per week, that will help u reach yoour protein needs. Me personally I love to drink Shakeology, its much cleaner and healthier than most protein shakes on the market.
  • optimum nutrition Gold Standard Whey or casin protein before you go to bed its a slow release protein.