how often do your weigh-in?



  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    I'm weighing every day. I am strict with my diet. It can be mentally tough if I haven't lost anything.
    I'm learning about my body.
    The whole reason I am doing this is to become acquainted with how my body works so that I can make positive choices.

    This too. It's exactly the same reason I drive myself nuts weighing every day.
  • Every day as well. Same scale and at the same time in the morning just after waking up. I like recording it on Fridays but don't think too much about how often I weigh in.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Once a week, but sometimes I weigh Friday and Monday to keep myself accountable (or if, like today when I KNOW I'm holding water 'cause I'm super sore - I'll weigh Monday because I KNOW I lost weight and it's just not showing up yet).
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I weigh most days.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I weigh on Thursdays. That was the day I started and since weight can fluctuate daily I like the better overall picture of the whole week.
  • CP533
    CP533 Posts: 10
    I weigh every day so that, as others have said, I can see flunctuations. When my weight drops I wait a couple of days before recording it to confirm its a 'real' loss not just because I'm dehydrated or something. I'd worry if I weighed in once a week I could just hit a good day and think I've lost more than I actually have, or vice versa. It is amazing how much your weight can change from day to day.
  • I weigh in every day. I know my weight fluctuates, but to keep me motivated, I only record losses. It works for me!
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    And it's done.... and now I, arguably, have no life.

    But you got a pretty spreadsheet! ;)
    Haha, well I certainly appreciate your optimism =]
  • kellymae04
    kellymae04 Posts: 13 Member
    o I like this one, I wish I knew how to copy it!
  • kellymae04
    kellymae04 Posts: 13 Member

    I record everything in a spreadsheet. This way I can see how my decisions effect my endeavors. Here's a screen cap to show you what I'm doing:

    I only record the other physical attributes weekly. Sometimes every 2 weeks depending on how I feel. I've found that I'm much more pleased with the results if I take measurements bi-weekly instead. Pictures every 30-days (approximately). It helps you keep focus if you can physically see the changes. Looking at yourself everyday in the mirror doesn't help, but if you see the difference spread out by comparing month-by-month or week-by-week then you'll get addicted and push harder for greater results!

    That is so funny I do the same thing! It's not everyday though but I like to make it at least every week. :)

    Yours looks so much prettier than mine. I'm speechless.

    *Opens Excel and begins tinkering with design/layout*
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    whenever i feel brave enough :) lol
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    o I like this one, I wish I knew how to copy it!
    I can send you mine if you'd like =]
  • I weigh myself everyday but only record it once, maybe twice a week
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    Every morning, I like to see the fluctuations :) its also really interesting to see how my body works on a daily basis :)
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    On Friday mornings that way I keep my weekend patrol on high alert :laugh:
  • amiller7x7
    amiller7x7 Posts: 202 Member
    FYI Just saw this reference on the issues of daily weighing - - J Consult Clin Psychol. 2007 Aug;75(4):652-6. "STOP regain: are there negative effects of daily weighing?" - The abstract says: "The intervention groups reported increases in daily self-weighing, which were associated with successful weight loss maintenance. We found no evidence that increases in frequency of weighing or daily weighing per se had any adverse effects in this study population. Rather, increases in self-weighing were associated with increases in dietary restraint (p < .001), decreases in disinhibition (p < .003), and decreases in depressive symptoms (p < .002). Moreover, those who weighed daily at 18 months were less likely to report having >or=4 binge episodes per month (p = .03). Daily weighing appears to be an important aspect of weight loss maintenance and was not associated with adverse psychological effects."
  • Gyoza11
    Gyoza11 Posts: 143 Member
    This is kind of embarrassing but after I started to lose weight I got really interested in how my body weight fluctuates after certain events like eating, drinking, how much I lose after working out and how long it takes and so on. I don't stress over it at all, it just interests me.... Buuuut because of that I weigh myself several times throughout the day for fun.
    I log my weight only once a week though.
  • I'm in the daily camp but what I wanted to add was for any iPhone users out there I use TargetWeight for Adults which is free and I hasten to add I am not affiliated to in any way so whilst I record daily, graph shows trend over time.
  • missbis
    missbis Posts: 116 Member
    I weigh myself every morning after urinating, but I only record it once a week (after a month when I first started). My weight would vacillate between 197 - 202 throughout the day, so I only recorded my first loss when the scale finally budged to 196.