bored working out

OK sure this has been said time and time again but I HATE WORKING OUT! I have been going to the gym alot lately and im doing good with it but i just hateeee it so much. i get SO BORED. i will go on the arc trainer or the elliptical for bout 20-30 min and i will just be dying to get off. I wont even be s tired that i wanna get off im just soooooo bored....i wear my ipod and sometimes watch the tv's at the gym but i can not get into it...

Im sure their are people who used to hate working out and now love it so my question, how did you do it??? I want to want to go to the gym instead of 'forcing' myself to get up....i feel great after and everything but i just anna enjoy it more...any suggestions?? or is this just something that will happen over time? :grumble:


  • samantha64118
    I go as often as I can with a friend & it's nice to catch up with her before & after the workout. Working out with a friend makes it more bearable too. So instead of dreading the workout, I usually look forward to my "girl time" :)
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I think it's just something you have to learn to have a love/hate relationship with :) I don't love working out but I love how I feel afterwards. It's the only things that keeps me coming back to my workouts!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I bring a book or a magazine. I also have Netflix on my iPod. If you have internet at the gym, you can watch anything on watch instantly.
  • Take classes...they're fun and it forces you to stick with it until the class is over.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    I'm looking for a work-out buddy in my area.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    Take classes...they're fun and it forces you to stick with it until the class is over.

    concur. classes spice up the experience. try some new machines as well. will find new areas of your body that need attention.
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    Dont go.

    I also hate the gym and i cant really afford to join one right now anyway, i work out at home, dancing or aerobic dvd's till im exhausted and sweaty and some days i go walking.

    I dont think the gym is for everybody, so maybe try something riding, classes just whatever feels right for you.
  • tiffanyrose519
    tiffanyrose519 Posts: 107 Member
    I like to do HIIT workouts, they are short but very intense, just remember to REALLY push yourself! I keep a workout log and then every few months go back to workouts I've done and try to beat my personal best!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    In general I love working out with weights. But as a woman, I find I have "moments" in time where I freeze up and take a long break. Various reasons. I hate my new gym. It gets too crowded so I work at home. At home, motivation is tougher to achieve. My motivation comes in spurts and I tell myself it's normal. If there was a cool boxing gym around me, I'd be there in a heart beat. You should try that. It's fun and trust me, very UNboring. Plus, likely a lot of eye-candy while you learn how to kick some *kitten* while scorching the fat.
  • Jhulet
    Jhulet Posts: 32
    I think it takes time, but I do know that for me, once I am consistent awhile, I start to WANT to work out, as opposed to just knowing I should or have to.

    Also, VARIETY!!! Seriously, that is the one thing I could recommend, don't do the same thing all the time. And don't feel like you have to go to a gym all the time to do it. Like another poster said, walk, ride a bike...etc.

    How about a workout DVD at home for in between the gym times? Have you tried Zumba? It's so much fun! I know I look like a complete idiot doing it, but great calorie burn and fun if you can forget about looking perfect and just go with it :laugh:

    Hang in there though, at least in time, it will be a routine, so maybe it won't drag so much for you. :flowerforyou:
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    try different things until you find something that keeps you interested.

    I cant think of anything more boring than sitting on a machine for more than 20 mins and i love exercising but i do stuff that keeps me interested :)
  • scriehl
    scriehl Posts: 94 Member
    It's all about the classes baby! That is mostly what I do because I get easily bored too. Good luck! :)
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Buy INSANITY ... you work so hard and sweat so much, you don't have time to be bored!
  • kimoRUN
    kimoRUN Posts: 325 Member
    Do you wear a heart rate monitor? Cuz for me...that is a motivator every time I work out. I know that if I keep at a certain heart rate for a certain period of time on certain workouts...I'm going to burn X amount of calories. It's like a mini goal or challenge every time. I know if I stop and my HR goes down then I wont reach my goal. Just my $0.02
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    classes are what got me motivated. Zumba to be specific. It doesn matter if you cant dance. Its fun and youre moving. The more you go the more you learn the moves and then you are awesome!

    find something you enjoy. i hated being on the elliptical and treadmill. if i dont love it i wont do it. CLASSES all the way.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't be a slave to the machines!!! There are so many different ways to get your cardio in! Classes, running or walking outside!
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    life isn't always exciting. It's better than school or work, and for me, that's good enough.
  • HealthySwifty16
    Try listining to really entergetic songs on your ipod (if you have one)
  • patti2852
    Take it outside!! I can't stand the treadmill, but love walk out side, on a trail, country road or in town! There fresh air, pretty scenery and sunshine :flowerforyou:
  • NeshBeMe
    NeshBeMe Posts: 148 Member
    Sam, I can so relate! I joined MFP back in April and I just joined the gym December 3rd. I didn't want to sweat my hair out! Lol But something just clicked and I realized how badly I want to be healthy AND look good. Now, I don't feel right inside if I don't go all the time. I'm one of those people that don't mind working out alone but I enjoy it even more when my silly daughter goes too. Maybe you should find you a workout partner. Just don't give up hun.