Activity level

I'm a bit confused about this....I don't think i'm sedentary but i'm not on my feet all day....hmm? I just went with lightly active, should I switch to sedentary


  • You gotta play around with it, see what works for you. Technically if you're not on your feet all day, I think that would be lightly active if you aren't at a desk all day either. I'd wait a few days, see how your progress is going. If you feel you aren't getting enough calorie allowance, change it.
  • mnec2010
    mnec2010 Posts: 132 Member
    What is your job? I am a teacher and am on my feet most of the day. I teach music so I do spend some time teaching sitting down on my piano bench as the students sit around me on the floor, and I set my activity level to lightly active! I think sedentary is mostly for office jobs, students, people who basically sit all day long. But I'd like to hear other peoples' opinions