Discouraged by Nutritionists

I have now talked with a few nutritionists and I can’t seem to get through the initial talks.

I wanted to see where I was starting by not changing anything that I am doing for at least a week, so I can get a good reference from where I am starting. Using this calorie count site, I have noticed that on a weekly average my daily calorie intake is 1500, but according to this site I am burning much more per week than I actually am seeing on the scale.

They are all saying that I am doing the right things, eating the right foods and exercising a good amount but I might consider increasing my calories per day to about 1800 based on my activities. In a polite way, this is typically where the nutritionist tells me that I really don’t need their help and that I am leading a healthy lifestyle already.

I am feeling discouraged since I still see my friends who appear to have the same body style who weight at least ten pounds less than me.

Maybe this is all in my head anyway, people think that I fine. I know that many of you out there have serious problems and I feel silly and stupid for worrying about a few pounds.

Currently - 6’0” at 180lbs
Want to be - 6’0” 165-170lbs


  • healthierdsr
    I have now talked with a few nutritionists and I can’t seem to get through the initial talks.

    I wanted to see where I was starting by not changing anything that I am doing for at least a week, so I can get a good reference from where I am starting. Using this calorie count site, I have noticed that on a weekly average my daily calorie intake is 1500, but according to this site I am burning much more per week than I actually am seeing on the scale.

    They are all saying that I am doing the right things, eating the right foods and exercising a good amount but I might consider increasing my calories per day to about 1800 based on my activities. In a polite way, this is typically where the nutritionist tells me that I really don’t need their help and that I am leading a healthy lifestyle already.

    I am feeling discouraged since I still see my friends who appear to have the same body style who weight at least ten pounds less than me.

    Maybe this is all in my head anyway, people think that I fine. I know that many of you out there have serious problems and I feel silly and stupid for worrying about a few pounds.

    Currently - 6’0” at 180lbs
    Want to be - 6’0” 165-170lbs
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Your current weight is healthy for someone your height.

    Here's a few possible things:

    maybe you're dissatisfied with your muscle/fat percentage. Alternately, maybe your friends who weigh less than you have less muscle mass than you do. Have you had a body fat test? I'm two dress sizes smaller than a friend of mine, but weigh fifteen pounds more than she does.

    If you're not losing weight but "doing everything right" there are a few possibilities. Your body is happy where it is, and is healthy, or you're not eating enough.

    I don't know if that helps, but I hope it does.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I am curious about only one thing. You say that you workout quite often. You may be seeing that extra weight in muscle mass. You may consider having your body fat checked if you are that concerned with your weight. You are certainly not dumb you are just very body concious. Also take all the information the nutritionists have said and take what you are learning about nutrition and put it to use.

    Just my thought on it :).

  • neverbeenskinny
    neverbeenskinny Posts: 446 Member
    Hi healthierdsr, I think your problem is that you are not happy with your body composition, your weight seems fine. I have the same problem, I weight more than people think that I do due to the lean muscle mass that I carry. I work out a lot and use to be a competitive powerlifter, so I carry more muscles than most people, therefore I can't go by weight. If you work out a lot and carry lots of lean muscle, you really can't go by weight, you have to think of it differently, you just have to lose the fat that's covering your muscle. I have about 12 more pounds of bodyfat to lose now, but in the end after I shed those 12 pounds, I will still be heavier than most women my height by far, but I will be at 16% bodyfat, which is a good percentage for women. If I lose more than that, then I will be bordering unhealthy for women. I suggest that you have your bodyfat tested, then you will truly know where you are and where you need to go. Keep your proteins up and your fat and carbs down, and you will keep your lean muscle mass and lose the fat, but be sure to not cut too much carbs, you will need the energy for your workouts.