40 and overweight

:frown: starting a diet (again) afraid of failure. Want to exercise, just not motivated. I really want it to work this time. Each time i've tried in the past I loose 10#s with noproblem, then its down heel fast. All because I get too excited about 10#s. This time I need to get 40#s off. HELP:embarassed:


  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    As long as you log every day on MFP, the weight will come off. You just need to be patient and don't let yourself be discouraged if you plateau for a few weeks at some point.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    One day at a time, keep at it. :-) I'm 40 also.
  • Find what motivates you. Is it health, looking better, feeling sexy, your love life? Decide why you want to change and use that to motivate you. It's easy to get discouraged at our age because it's so much harder to lose now. But the only person who ever fails is the one who never even tries. You may have good weeks and bad. The key is setting a goal down the road and realizing that if there is a bad week, the next will be better. I also find things to reward myself with that are non-food based but make me feel great. Maybe a new hairstyle, color or outfit when I reach a certain goal. Set little goals along the way and you are sure to succeed. Best of luck to you! :happy:
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    You have to have a positive attitude! Take it day by day....meal by meal. Do not beat yourself up for failing in the past...just put one foot forward and go for it without looking back! Attitude and positive mind set are key at losing weight!! If you are saying "I am going to try..l," it will never happen. Say I am going to do this! You will be well on your way!! :-)
  • NMDH
    NMDH Posts: 2
    :flowerforyou: Thanks everyone for your kind and caring words. I feel better already. "I WILL DO THIS":happy:
  • I'm only 33 but I have the same problem. I am just not motivated at all. I lose the first ten and then slack and put some back on and then get depressed and psych myself out and tell myself I won't ever lose the weight. I have 49 lbs left and I have to keep setting little goals. Because the big goal looks so far away and so hard to achieve. Joining myfitnesspal.com has helped a lot. Its nice to go somewhere where everyone is going through the same thing you are.
  • clee68
    clee68 Posts: 1
    I'm also in my 40s and had a baby 18 months ago!!! Does anyone else out there feel my pain? Smile! Anyways, my 25 year high school reunion is coming up in 6 months. I'm determined to lose this baby fat....and could use a coupla fitness pal friends. I only joined fitness pal like 5 days ago so i don't know how to find or request friends yet. Good luck to ALL of you!