Any other Nurses or 12 hour work people?

Just wondering if any other nurses or 12 hour workers are out there. I am hoping to meet other people who are in the same situation and would want to share exercise ideas, recipes, or encouragement. I am determined to finally take this weight off and quit making excuses so the more, the merrier!


  • errn08
    errn08 Posts: 17

    I am a Nurse at our region's Trauma Center in the ED. I work 12hr shifts 3-3:30, which I hate. I have been on this particular shift since March and notice a huge difference in my stress/mood/weight. I joined today and have been nervous about friends, posts, etc. on this because when I'm within my work schedule it seems all I can do to get myself to/from work with some amount of sleep and normalcy. So if this sounds similar and you are interested in a friend that will always think good thoughts for you but may not be the best at responding, friend me. (ps when I was 12hr day shift, I loved it. Both my life and myself were normal but I had to change jobs due to commute times and locations and am at the bottom of the shift bid ladder at the new one).
  • KCherry
    KCherry Posts: 61 Member
    I am in my last semester of nursing school. I will be joining the grind pretty soon. lol. :) Hopefully I can keep up. It burns calories though right?
  • its_sania
    its_sania Posts: 93 Member
    I'm a nurse too. I work 10 hour shifts but occasionally have to stay back if I can't get out of surgery on time. It is pretty exhausting but I think a change of diet and change of mindset has really helped me have more energy once I get home. I don't just sit on the couch for the rest of the evening after work anymore, well, at least not until I workout for a bit first ;-) I used to work night shifts and all I did was work, sleep, eat, work, sleep, eat... i put on a bit of weight during that time and I was always so tired - that work was definitely not good for my health!! So glad I got out of it.

    Welcome to MFP, I hope you get inspiration from all the success stories here! Good luck :)
  • bghere
    bghere Posts: 42
    No A nurse bu my typical workday is 12-14 hours. And to make it worse they are night time hours. For me the hardest part of eating healthy is this schedule. I try to make bulk foods alot. soups, stews etc, and being home made they are not processed,and infinitely better for you. my weakness for a quick in my face food source are making a quick sandwich. two piecs of processed bread, and some fatty meat. NOT a good approach. But I am trying to get better about it. I love to cook, so lemme know what you like
  • trolkeeper
    trolkeeper Posts: 127 Member
    I am a nurse and work 8 hours, but after 25 years 8 hours is 8 too many lol I am exhausted when I get home and never feel like making anything healthy. I will need serious motivation, looking forward to interacting with lots of new people. :)
  • Cheermamasita
    Cheermamasita Posts: 40 Member
    I'm a nurse, I work 10 hours, usually start my day @ 0500, but I think nursing is a "health sabotage". I've noticed that most nurses eat anything, "when they can"... I lost 17 lbs doing this last summer, injured my knee and lost my way, so I'm back; just started this week! (I've gained 5 of the 17 lbs back)
    The most sucessful I have been is when I plan ahead. A nutritionist told me to plan my meals the day before; then pack the food for the day; the day or nite before. It really works, if I logged my food in the nite before, it was easy to "follow the plan". If for some reason I changed plans, I would just change my food log. I am starting to do this now too, it is helping so far. Just "projecting" what I will eat tomorrow is the first step in my plan. Also, you need to plan your meals/menu every week and have the food you need at home an avaliable. I use the internet to look up healthy and simple recipes. Lastly, I try to portion out what I will eat, eat it and get away from the "eating" area, otherwise I am tempted to eat more. It seems my brain is delayed in realizing my belly is full! After about 30 min. I realize I am full, so my challege is to "wait it out". Good Luck to you, don't give up, lots of stories to read on this site, and so many sucess stories to encourage you on the way!
  • errn08
    errn08 Posts: 17
    Welcome to Nursing!! Congratulations on being close to finishing school, it is a huge accomplishment!!
  • errn08
    errn08 Posts: 17
    I agree. I do better if I plan ahead and bring my meals. Being swing shift there are always treats that the day shift has brought in and then new ones for the night. Our hospital is notorious for not getting us breaks in our 12hr shift so we tend to grab whatever is on the not good!! When I'm stressed and hungry...will power is not on the top of my list. Hoping to change that!
  • errn08
    errn08 Posts: 17
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I'm a nurse as well 12 hour shifts 7pm-7am. Im trying to lose at least 50 lbs.
  • watch_me_lose
    watch_me_lose Posts: 1 Member
    I just graduated and am starting a new position at the end of Jan. I'm hoping that I will be able to make healthy food choices, and have enough time to exercise like I am planning.

  • its_sania
    its_sania Posts: 93 Member
    I don't know what it's like elsewhere, but at my work there's a pretty good social atmosphere too. We even have a bar at the hospital's social clubroom! Not to mention that we're right in the city and have severals bars and restaurants on our doorstep. So not only is it a challenge to eat healthy at work, we have a lot of social events that include eating out and having a few drinks - especially at this time of year with xmas + the doctors end of term goodbye parties. You'd think that being health professionals we'd know better but I kind of have the feeling we're the worst offenders?
  • pinksweaterchic
    I'm a nurse, I'm PRN but I work full time hours but I make my own schedule, I work 12's pretty often. I'm trying to lose about 29 pounds, it's definitely hard for me to eat right and not stress eat when working 12 hr shifts. I do nights. Welcome to MFP!
  • swan0309
    I am also a RN. I work 12 hours rotating from day and night shifts. I just think planning ahead is the most important thing to do. bring little snacks like almonds, celery, carrots and hummus, yogurt, fruit. stuff than you can sit down for five to ten mins and eat. I find that even on my hectic days, I can usually get in a couple of short snack times. and as for all the candy, donuts, bagels, etc. that always seem to be at work. STAY AWAY FROM IT! will power, it is tough but it really is mind over matter. a lot of the time we eat that stuff just because we are board or we didn't plan ahead. I am hoping to make a lifestyle change here. after all we should be setting the example of a healthy lifestyle for our patients. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    not a nurse, but i work 12-14 hr shifts at a hospital ER.

    count me in!
  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm not a nurse...but I'm a 911 dispatcher and work 12 hour night's rough but bringing my lunch and taking time here and there to use my walking video really helps me
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I'm a nurse. I work 12 hr nights. 7p-7a. I find it really hard to find the time to get my workouts done after working and having to go back in that same night? I have 3 kids that take a lot of energy too!
    I sleep when I get home and then I have to pick up my children right away and get ready to go back in again! It is a constant struggle to find the time to workout on these days. Right now I am just forcing myself to get it done but feel like I'm missing out on seeing the kids for the little while I have before going back into work. I have forced myself to do the work before, but I get burned out quickly!
    It is a lot less stressful when I don't have to try to cram the workout in on the days I work.....
    Ideas anyone???
  • coppers2002
    Also not a nurse, but work 12 hour shifts (911 dispatcher) rotating 7pm-7am, and 7am-7pm....
    New to this website, and slowly making LOTS of changes in my life. Want to get healthy this year!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i'm a nurse too, and my shifts range between 10 to 15 hours.

    i have learned that getting up at 0430hrs to get a run in before my early shift starts at 7am is totally doable sometimes. as is running home from work (10 miles) sometimes. i also know that if you're not up to it, that it's not the end of the world if you give it a miss.

    i have learned that doing a small food shop for work, and keeping healthy foods at work is helpful- makes sure that i eat regularly and that i eat right. i also ensure that i limit my coffee intake to about 3 cups a day, and try and drink a ton of water- if nothing else a full bladder means i stay awake!

    and the most important lesson i have learned is that i am my own worst enemy. i didn't prioritise working out, and instead convinced myself that i'd been working so hard and deserved a day off (usually watching movies and feeding my face). these days off rolled into each other, and before i knew it i was at work again and had achieved nothing. i can tell you that since i've been working out i have so much more energy than i had before, so i'm not as exhausted on my days off as i was. i sleep better (regardless of my shift), and i'm less grumpy to be around.

    the other thing is to make sure you take your breaks. smokers sneak off for 15 mins every few hours- you should make sure you all get the same fair amount of breaks too. don't work through lunch because you're too busy to eat- prioritise yourself and eat a meal. and don't eat it at the desk- go somewhere more peaceful where you actually get to get away.

    shifts suck. but i find that i look at my shifts at the beginning of the week and work out when i'm going to fit in my exercise. then i write it in like appointments, and i make sure that i do it.

    good luck. i hope you all find what works for you.

    ETA-i also have 3 kids under 5, and sometimes it does feel like i'm prioritising the wrong thing. it's a difficult balance to maintain. if i'm on lates or nights, i'll often just spend the morning giving quality time to the kids, then leave for work 1 1/2 hrs early and do my workout immediately prior to work. but we do have showers where i work, and my workouts are generally running.
  • christylynnrn
    christylynnrn Posts: 32 Member
    I'm an RN also. I work nights 7p-7a 4-5 nights a week in the ICU, ER, or Med-surg mostly. I agree one of the hardest things is eating properly. I usually take at least one of my days off to make meals and store them in individual serving size containers so I can easily take them to work. I also have trouble getting my workouts in. On weeks where I end up working 60(+) hours I am just sooo tired....but I usually just tell myself this is important, and no, that walking you did last night at work does not count as your workout :) Feel free to friend me :happy: