SGD - skinny girl diet



  • busterbluth
    busterbluth Posts: 115 Member
    I think all this thread is going to accomplish is publicizing this diet for people who haven't heard about it yet.
  • AriannaTiyen42
    AriannaTiyen42 Posts: 86 Member
    That would be an eating disorder.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I agree that this is very unhealthy.

    However, you can't gain weight eating at negative net calories. That would be a scientific impossibility. So I'm sure the person who gained wasn't tracking properly.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    This skinny girl eats around 2000 cals a day. *winning* :laugh:
  • Tkwild
    Tkwild Posts: 116 Member
    However, you can't gain weight eating at negative net calories. That would be a scientific impossibility. So I'm sure the person who gained wasn't tracking properly.

    Off-topic, but...

    I've heard the above for years, while gaining weight on about 800 cals per day and exercising. While it'd be nice to believe the simplistic energy in vs energy out, it just doesn't work for some of us. After gaining 50kg eating less than net calories, I finally was diagnosed with PCOS and coeliac, and by cutting gluten I am now finally starting to trend downwards.

    BTW I had a doctor who said "well you can't be tracking it properly or are just lying" - heartbreaking to get that from the person who I looked to for advice about why my body wouldn't work like it should.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    However, you can't gain weight eating at negative net calories. That would be a scientific impossibility. So I'm sure the person who gained wasn't tracking properly.

    Off-topic, but...

    I've heard the above for years, while gaining weight on about 800 cals per day and exercising. While it'd be nice to believe the simplistic energy in vs energy out, it just doesn't work for some of us. After gaining 50kg eating less than net calories, I finally was diagnosed with PCOS and coeliac, and by cutting gluten I am now finally starting to trend downwards.

    BTW I had a doctor who said "well you can't be tracking it properly or are just lying" - heartbreaking to get that from the person who I looked to for advice about why my body wouldn't work like it should.

    The reason people DO gain weight on negative net calories overall, is because when your body is used to consuming so few calories, but every once in a while you eat, say, a piece of pizza, (thus consuming 300 calories), your starving body gains weight bc of it.

    Read here:
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    This skinny girl eats around 2000 cals a day. *winning* :laugh:

    LOL sleepytexan!
  • I don't know how people aren't starving when eating below 1,000 it's awful really. Loosing weight shouldn't be about a quick fix it's a lifestyle change. U lost my weight slowly and have maintained 115 lbs for months now were as people who go on these mad crash diets loose the weight but often put it back on when going back to eating normally again. I hate to see people who have ridiculous weight targets to like one girl who is the exact same height as me has gone for a target of 98 lbs I mean really come on xx
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    I'm amazed that even my sensible family and friends think that 'stopping eating' is the only way to lose weight. I wish they'd listen to me because I'd be able to help them - I've lost over 60lbs and more than 30 of that is by tracking my calorie intake/output on MFP. This is truly the safest and easiest way to do things! We are losing weight in a sustainable way so that we're not yo-yo dieting and we are learning new, healthy habits for the rest of our lives. Those people who do drastic diets (and, IMHO, don't hate me!) slimming clubs are just setting themselves up to keep going on the same way forever until they learn that CALORIE counting, and not points or starvation, is the only way to lose weight and keep it gone.
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    I have had a few friends like that in the past and I actually deleted them.
    I tried talking to them, telling them what they were doing was so incredibly UNHEATHLY. Naturally, they were extremely offended, called me a ***** and crap.
    I tried it once.
    The first day I ate about 600 cals I lost 4 pounds and the next 2 days 2 pounds and then I ate 1,000 cals and gained a pound... I learned quickly that I had to eat 1,200-1,600. Not only that, I got tired of not eating and was really, really tired.
    They need to learn that what they are doing is extremely unhealthy.

    I did the same, just deleted them.
    When I was a teenager I tried to lose weight fast by starving myself although I wasn't overweight at all. Since then I had a REAL problem. I put on more weight than I had lost in a shorter period of time I needed to lose it. I was yo-yo ing since then plus: due to a lack of vital minerals like potassium I had problems with my heart for about 3 years. NEVER EVER starve your body. You want it to work: fuel it with proper food. You want it to look nice and toned? Move your tush.
  • "the dead person diet" really? personally i think that's insulting! most people i know who have done it or are on it now have reasons to be. did anyone ever stop to think that they know it's unhealthy? telling someone that it's bad for them isn't going to change anything. people usually do it because they feel desperate. they've been made fun of for their weight, they've tried several other solutions, or they just have a warped sense of beauty. it's not just about weight it's about confidence because they can't seem to find it anywhere else